The administration has set us up for an attack.

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Kevin McCarthy needs to STFD and STFU. He's a swamp creature and part of the problem. Words, all empty words.

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Anyone STUPID enough to think either party gives a shit about them, deserves the complete annihilation coming. Anyone willing to fight, has my respect.

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The problem is they should never have been allowed to cross the border!

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Right, because he was such a great help when he had the actual power to secure the border. All talk, as usual from Republican ZOG scum.

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So McCarthy spoke good words? Who cares, I don't. He has proven himself to be a deep stater. I called my Congresswoman and told her to NOT allow McCarthy back in as Speaker. She supports Jim Jordan, and I'm good with that if Trump supports him.

Will McCarthy say who is really behind this Israel massacre? Will he say it was the GHW Bush regime that was behind 9/11, in collusion with Mossad?

Yes Dr. Paul, the Biden/Obama regime intentionally flooded our country with islamic jihadists who are programmed to do the same evil deeds here, sooner or later.

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Let's face it. None of the illegals are coming to the US under Biden for the lifestyle, culture or economic opportunities. The US ranks alongside third world countries for violent crime. If they wanted culture they'd go to one of the great cities of Europe or even Canada. Many other countries offer better job prospects, higher wages or salaries, more affordable health care and better opportunities for the vulnerable, while prospering economically.

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The ones coming here are being facilitated by the global regime under Soros with the intent to cause chaos and destabilize our country. They are given rides, plane trips, money, etc., to come here. It's a treasonous invasion.

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McCarthy must feel like a raggedy Anne the way his puppet masters are yanking him from one psyop directive (undermine and confuse GOP majority) to then push for WW3 with laser focus. Watch out If his lips are moving.

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While tag teamed with Linda Graham

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It is 2035. Only 14 Trump supporters remain alive, in ZOG Prison, run by Somalians they welcomed in. One of the Final 14 looks at his friend and says, "Trust the Plan."

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I believe it is to late.

The horse is out of the barn. They always warn us after it’s to late and the damage has already been done.

We are on our own and no one in the government is going to help us. Period !!!

Just from my simplistic perspective.

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“Taking sides” in this kabuki war is just what the deep state wants. They control both “sides”. Reject the entire premise.

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I loathe these public officials who talk about all the things they should have done when they were in office.... just pathetic and useless. Don't even bother listening to them. They should have done it when they were in the position to influence the decisions.

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Illegal is still illegal. The 100 billion dollar strain from illegals to the taxpayers is wrong. They all must go and use the proper legal steps to citizenship.

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Who cares what the Treasonous Traitor says about anything to do with securing our Border! He had his chance but CHOSE to crawl in Bed with Biden and FUND Iran so they can resume their JIHAD against Israel and America! McCarthy has a lot of Blood on his evil hands just like his criminal Commiecrat Traitor politicians!!!

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Read the page turner Day of Wrath by

William R. Forstchen

This novella by NewYork Times bestselling author William R. Forstchen imagines a horrifying scenario where, in the course of one day, the terrorist group ISIS carries out massacres in schools and on highways across the United States. With a surprisingly small but well-organized and ruthless force, the nightmarish devastation brings America to a state of near paralysis.

Bob Petersen arrives with his daughter at the middle school in Maine where he teaches, expecting another regular day but worried about what recent ominous news reports might portend.

Suddenly his school - along with many others across the United States - is under attack. Gunmen burst in, slaughtering children and adults alike.

From the ISIS leader in Syria to the murderous rampages throughout the States, Day of Wrath reveals with chilling effect how national panic and paralyzing terror can bring a mighty country to a near standstill. Petersen's fight to save lives and stop the merciless gunmen provides edge-of-your-seat drama.

This provocative work should stimulate an intense national debate.

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They need to pick a new speaker and move on. No more speaker McCarthy. And pick a conservative to cut the budget and stop funding foreign wars.

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