McCarthy is a huge disappointment in this matter. There is enough evidence to open an impeachment investigation. IMO there is a DUTY to do so.

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McCarthy is with the uniparty. We're only allowed to have controlled puppets as Speaker. The only people at risk for impeachment are those who are not under control of the central bankers who actually own and control the country. They impeached Trump twice because he refused to be their puppet (not saying he was perfect, but he was not their puppet- he was America first, wanted to close the border and wanted the US to be a nation state instead of a global empire).

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I might agree with him. They impeach and it dies in the senate. Get Biden tape recorded asking for bribe money as a VP and then impeach. If it dies in the Senate then Dems lose the Senate next election. This is a kill shot. You get one real chance to do it. Make it at the right time.

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Is that a real question?! Of course he sold his soul just as so many did on both sides. We have one party in the US. They only work to bring the US to its’ knees. We go down and the rest of the world fall like dominoes. Get it YET?!

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Because, they are all the same. One Big Happy Bunch of liars. They are for themselves NOT the


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Dr Paul: Can we impeach the entire federal government and start over from scratch ( I’ll throw my state government in there too for good measure)

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Currently all broadcasts (think MSN, most radio and newspapers) news and all tactics of the ENEMY FORCES is to DELAY, CONFUSE and provide lies under a guise of truth .

Meanwhile that same ENEMY (led by one world rule philosophy and satanic- thug sychopath billionaires in their stand to destroy all democracy, depopulate and implement permanent slavery to any remaining they view as worthless eaters, ) is ADVANCING THEIR AGENDA on multiple fronts.

Let's consider a fact . Nothing is more precious than a person's life. Of these most precious, are the chuldren, whom inherit and normally boldly lead into the future.

Outside of war, when the Rule of Law "normally existed" in the past , to kill someone was murder. If you killed many, you were a serial killer and a psychopath by definition.

To kill a multitude is flat out genocide. Thugs like Hitler, Stalin, Mao.and yes, even the Catholic church (deemed anti-religioud witches) all justified their conduct by fear, threats, totalitarian rule, and more killing.

This is exactly the "genocide world situation today" of entire countries including the USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Australia and many more under a guise that any challenger is anti-science, and a dangerous misinformation spreader .

Why and how long with this go on, before a single arrest, a single addnission from the thug-club leaders like Biden, Trudeau and their lying health authorities.

I hate to suggest this, but in my learned military experience, we the people are losing ground EVERY DAY and DAILY. Time is passing .

WE MUST FIGHT and we must take the fight to the front door of our enemy. Government , especially those that lessen or deny the rights and liberties of democracy and we the people, is indeed the enemy.

The USA Constitution no longer stands. Censorship and lies is everywhere . The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is also literally burnt and denied by mad man Trudeau .

Yet, the exact FIRST duty of any President or Prime Minister is protecting the freedoms and rights of the people they serve, who elected them.

Wake up and FIGHT .

YOU CANNOT restore or fix government that had become systemically corrupt for decades by merely electing a new leader .

The elections are being RIGGED anyway and that should be obvious .

Waiting for the next election while the thugs advance their ahenda?

It is like saying let's replace Hitler with Stalin .

Stand up, be brave, be courageous, demand accountability and FIGHT .

You life, your children and grandchildren, and all future generations will one day read about your decision now.

Some things are worth fighting for.

Ask a veteran .

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McCarthy is on that "payroll".

WEF page for him, here:


He's a traitor.

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So here’s the thing…..ANYONE and I mean ALL, involved with the WEF are Schwabs minions going about his business!! His agenda! Just as those were to Hitler! Kevin is no different. Everyone needs to research all on Schwab, what hasn’t been redacted anyway, and what the WEF is about. The evil appears as love, butterflies and rainbows and they’re gonna save the world! Right. Global takeover, depopulation, die if you do not conform! . That minion of satan has been training world leaders and many others since the 70’s, placing them in strategic positions to attain their goals! Sounds too diabolical, yet it’s happening. They’re counting on those of us doing homework to be deemed as conspiracy theorists and delusional. It works well. There’s roughly 20 true, God loving, truth seekers, that are Republicans as described It’s them against a one party system. The rest are under Furor Schwabs brainwashing. This IS the Fourth Reich coming into fruition.

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They have all gotten away with too much for too long! That’s the problem! And we need to hold McCarthy and all the rest accountable. We need to hold their feet to the fire!!

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You miss the point. McCarthy works for the same Puppetmaster Biden and the other demons work for:..The Crown, fostering Totalitarian Control for a Thousand Years.

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McCarthy is correct. He is very astute.

Need to first censure the FBI and remove the salary (essentially firing Christopher Wray).

We want to prove that the FBI is corrupt and working with the Dems.

If they relent and release the evidence, THEN impeach in the House.

There wouldn't be enough votes anyway without the hard evidence.

Also, Biden will be an easy opponent for DeSantis, who surely will be the nominee after wining Iowa Caucus and NH open primary.

But we don't want to force Biden to resign and let Kamala be VP. She could do damage even though she isn't popular, she might be tougher to run against.

We want the slow suffering on Biden to drag out closer to election.

Then Impeach Biden after its too late to get a replacement.

The Dems would like to insert the CA Governor in Biden's place. He would be tougher since he has an open slate.

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023

Unless your party has 67 votes in the Senate ready to convict a President on the charges laid out in your impeachment then making an impeachment in the House is a lot of empty theatrics and a waste of the resources of the US taxpayer. All it amounts to is a vulgar display of vindictive rhetorical masturbation.

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Of course, McCarthy Is being blackmailed! Don’t you all remember Matthew, the guy from North Carolina that tried to expose the “parties” and suddenly all sorts of nasty things came out so he lost? He stated that McCarthy was into the orgies there also! That he was living with another man in DC. THE N THAT DROPPED OUT OF NEWS! I said then and still believe it now, McCarthy is deep state! Remember after 2020 election, they (McCarthy) would not let certain people into see TRUMP, McCarthy was the one blocking them! I always thought he was no good, I did not want him as HOUSE SPEAKER.

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