what we need is to shut down all bio research bullshit and all their disease making "labs"

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Are they now going to release Marburg virus on us? I wish I knew who "they" are.

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Paul and all,

Astrid Stuckelberger, WHO whistleblower said their goals were…

1. Fear with continuing viruses/pandemics

2. Control of humans…Nanotechnology 101

Focus must be on stopping these psychopaths IF Freedom is your highest priority?

If so, the following message is 1 that needs to be repeated at this dangerous time in our history…

Unity AND funding a FREEDOM MOVEMENT is critical to winning this war for future generations!

Divided, we don't stand a chance! Only when we UNITE in working strategies on TOP PRIORITIES do we have a chance!

We must unite and fight with ALL we have…Satan cannot win!

Contact Lex if you are ready to FINALLY unite and fund serious strategic planners. Contact information at end of his pieces…



Personally…I have worked with Lex and the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years…America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!


Mother/Grandmother Lion of now 7 and counting

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The thing I noticed in Dr. McCullough's article is, as usual, it's all dependent on finding a doctor that will treat you with things you can't get/do on your own.

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There is extensive mining of minerals by multinational companies in Africa using poisonous and environment destroying methods. The sewage and water supply infrastructure is to say the least, substandard. Abysmal working conditions and tainted food supplies are the normal state of affairs in Africa. But the world’s health frauds blame most of the new emerging diseases on “viruses” ignoring all the other variables that are likely causing sickness and high mortality rates in this poor abused continent. I suspect that the Marburg virus is just a continuation of the BS.

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Most of the commenters on these stacks IMO share the hatred of commenters such as AntiCommunist, margie and JonesySmart for the Jews.

At least Anti Communist is honest about it. Other antisemites such as margie and JonesySmart are more disguised. However, they are sadists and sadists need scapegoats.

Malone, who is believed by some, and probably by many on this substack, to be Jewish, fulfills the scapegoat role.

When Malone attacked not only the Biden administration but also the German Nazi regime, they were outraged.

Further, he had the temerity to compare the US population who screamed for mandates and sacked their unjabbed employees or refused the unjabbed entry to their premises, to the German citizens who elected the Nazis to power.

This was called "blaming the victim" and absolving the global predators.

What a fucking joke!

Here's some of what Malone said:

"Our government is out of control on this and they are lawless,” the rogue scientist insisted. “They completely disregard bioethics, they completely disregard the federal common rule, they have broken all the rules that I know of that I’ve been trained on for years and years. These mandates of an experimental vaccine are explicitly illegal.”

“It was from, basically, European intellectual inquiry into what the heck happened in Germany in the ’20s and ’30s,” argued the 62-year-old physician, who claims he invented the mRNA technology widely used in the COVID-19 vaccines. “Very intelligent, highly educated population, and they went barking mad.”

Youtube scraps Joe Rogan podcast episode over Nazi comparison


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3 Years ago when the lockdowns started, this is all that came to mind :


Perhaps CV19 was just a trial run

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“Not mentioned is Hydroxychlorquine” so may we infer that Quercetin and Zinc might be effective if taken early in viral 5-day stage since HCQ is hard to have on hand due to the falsely besmirched history?

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Does Dr McCullough not understand that if the covid measures were FRAUD then hunting down and punishing the fraudsters and removing them from society by one means or other is the ONLY SOLUTION? Does he not understand that this is clearly another fraud perpetratd by the same fraudsters WHO WILL NOT STOP unless apprehended??

i might venture that if he is a liberal secular humanist at heart then he does not get it for those types still believe that Man is at heart good

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let me dare sugget the most effective, in fact probably the only necessary countermeasure:

all those responsible for covid are tried


all of them, Big Harma exec and operatives, the politicians who coerced in its name, all who performed the bogus counter measues for covid and all who enforced them

that would stop marburg in its tracks

and nothing less than execution will stop these genocidal maniacs

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Stop talking about future pandemics people. We had one major one in 100 years (Spanish Flu) and I think it was Igor who made a great case about that the high death rate was likely caused by Aspirin overdose. You all sound like fucking Bill Gates and Sam Harris. Stop fretting about viruses. They are not the problem. Just stay healthy and you are good. If yoy live like a pig, get fat and sick viruses get you. And rightly so. That's nature. Stop being played. You work for Gates if you even talj about virusrs. Forget them. j

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Screening and Identification of Marburg Virus Entry Inhibitors Using Approved Drugs


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Anyone who hates Yeadon is ridiculous. Compare Yeadon's passion and willingness to embrace new ideas despite his prior work with Malone who lifys his petticoat to hint at his Defence credentials. He has infiltrated the MFM and is not credible to me.

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Yes, the evil is/was there in both administrations. The difference is we now have a figurehead that's all good with it. That distinction needs to be made.

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I agree.

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

Ghebreyesus, Kaliko, Mike Yeadon, Schwab, Karen Kingston, Malone, Bourla, Bancel.

All in the Freedom Movement who were formerly, or maybe still are, working for Big Pharma, the WHO or the WEF, need to be put on the stand.

Go for a total fishing expedition, no lawyers to represent them, to ensure "fairness", let them be cross-examined aggressively. If there are lawyers who hate them, who have a collateral purpose, let them do the cross-examination

Total McCarthyist witch hunt is what's needed, apparently.

Malone is on record warning people early that the shots didn't stay in the deltoid and were distributed through the body.

What about the others?

What did Mike Yeadon know and Karen Kingston know and when did they know it?

Could they have done more?

None of this just going after Malone because people suspect he's a Jew, wrapped up in some noble pretext.

Malone's work made him a contender for the Nobel Prize and Nobel laureates are disproportionately of full or partial Ashkenazi descent.

So what if he's a Jew.

Ignore the racists and antisemites like the "margies" and "JonesySmarts", the "JAireds", the vile filth, of this world.

Treat them all equally.

Go after the lot.

Go after Malone and the rest too.

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