McCullough's recent ecological study using cardiopulmonary arrests and survival rates taken from the King County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) annual reports for the years 2016 to 2022 (& 2023
modelled) is IMO robust enough to stand scientific scrutiny & raises AGAIN, serious questions about the harms & deaths from Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin, Weissman et al. mRNA vaccine; Joel Smalley
McCullough’s study title (happy to say I work with McCullough, Risch, Thorp, Pinsky, Victory etc. in support of The Wellness Company (TWC) and can be found at
‘Excess Cardiopulmonary Arrest and Mortality after COVID-19 Vaccination in King County, Washington’
Predominant finding:
Uncovered ‘a very strong ecological and temporal association between excess cardiopulmonary arrest mortality and the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, which resulted in high vaccination rates.
The biological plausibility of death from acute cardiac and pulmonary causes after COVID-19 vaccination has been previously demonstrated and is concerning given these real-world observations.’
I found this study that was shared and written by Joel Smalley and again he is on the money with his focus, a brilliant analyst and we benefitted from his work across 4 years. I am highlighting McCullough’s (and Hulscher’s) fine work here (see his scholarship in Courageous Discourse substack) yet embedding Smalley’s stack (support Joel).
Joel’s question on why the researchers would extrapolate 2023 data by linear regression from 2021 and 2022 is a potent one, but on balance, the ecological analysis (yes plagued with confounding) must be taken very seriously and adds to the accumulated body of evidence that the Malone Bourla Bancel et al. mRNA technology vaccine was deadly to populations, especially in highly vaccinated nations.
The key is to present the ecological study limitations up front for the reader (McCullough et al. showed superb scholarship and methodological purity doing this) should understand this is not a classic RCT or comparative effective research study yet the methods at statistical controls and modelling IMO are enough and nicely robust and adds to the troubling picture of harms post the mRNA vaccine:
The ‘limitations of ecological data where individual case level information is not available. There are multiple potential, unaccounted confounding variables, such as changes in healthcare access, variations in public health interventions, socioeconomic factors, drug use, and COVID-19 infection that could have influenced cardiopulmonary arrest outcomes. The sudden population drop in King County during the pandemic may have been influenced by migration or temporary relocations, which are not fully captured in the data. Our model relies on extrapolating pre-pandemic trends, assuming underlying conditions remained constant. The high R² values observed in our models, such as 0.9992 for the quadratic model relating vaccination rates to excess cardiopulmonary arrest mortality, suggest an excellent fit. However, our models may be unstable due to containing few data points. High R² values in small datasets can sometimes indicate overfitting, and these findings should be validated with larger, independent samples.’
The reader should bear this in mind as we review this robust excellent study, and I am thankful to the researchers McCullough and Huschler to have outlined the limitations.
Joel’s stack embedding McCullough’s paper abstract:
McCullough’s abstract:
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