It is shocking and demoralizing that this farce continues and is reported by the press but nothing of the opposing side is reported thus keeping people in their sleep about what they are being lured into doing - taking their own life through vaccination.

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This stack makes reference to some interesting ideas, probably endorsed by most people on this stack, as follows: The IFR from "Covid" was negligible. Nobody even got sick from it. Illness and death were entirely psychosomatic or iatrogenic. Claiming otherwise is fear porn or a psyop.

The Smoking Gun, with a confession note



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It's all about the ludicrous PCR test regime.....or whatever that shonky tool's current replacement is. So long as they have a trusty malleable "covid detection" device they can hoodwink the apparently unending supply of trusting wide eyed sheeple into believing they have a malady that only a Bill Gates approved super-shot of snake-oil can deal with. It's then good luck and pray for survival...

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exactly...PCR was used to drive a fraud pandemic

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Yep, that’s why they killed Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, in 2019, just before the Covid scamdemic. He was informing everyone that his PCR test does NOT diagnose anything! It merely measures how much dead cellular debris is present, but is not designed for diagnosis of any condition. They quickly “offed” him outta the picture. They also routinely use this same test for diagnosing strep throat, HIV, flu, & other things. So while Mr. Mullins clearly stated this test isn’t designed to be used for diagnostics, all the doctors use it for this very purpose. Unbelievable!

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kind of agree

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Does no one remember?Pre Covid... anything you had that defied diagnosis.. was given the same label.. which put the onus on the patients state of mind... which then told everyone who knew them that you were a hypochondriac... anxiety labels covered just about every known disease but was due to what you thought nothing to do with a physical cause.

Fast forward to day.. every sniffle cough aching limb dizziness etc is due to Covid 19.. NOT the actual vaccine...which is totally innocent of all all blame... thereby relinquishing all responsibility from the people you may seek help from... disease x is a non entity that provides no clue to patient or doctor.. how convenient ...umbrella labels are being used to avoid culpability.

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Here's a story to warm your heart:

Chinese lab crafts mutant COVID-19 strain with 100% kill rate in ‘humanized’ mice: ‘Surprisingly’ rapid death


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grateful for sharing

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Thank you. Here's the preprint:

Lethal Infection of Human ACE2-Transgenic Mice Caused by SARS-CoV-2-related Pangolin Coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR)


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So where's the reaction from the 'responsible authorities' to label such experimental science as extraordinarily dangerous to humanity, with an associated push to have such stupid science outlawed and its proponents jailed! No such strident reaction from the WHO, the supposed gatekeepers of humanity's health and well being? Too busy planning the next pandemic???? No pun intended, but it's a sick world!

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I'm suspicious of any Medical " Official,"u with a DR. in front of their name, still insisting on a PCR test, followed by a Covid " Vax". The Viral (or something more) shedding from Vaxxed to unvaxxed, has been observed.

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How am I to ever trust any doctor after the last 4 years? Besides, there is very little proof that doctors save lives except perhaps during emergencies. Certainly, prescribing drugs for life is extremely anti-health and anti-human.

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Jan 19, 2024
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I agree with this sentiment, however, I no longer trust the judgement of any doctor’s recommendations anymore. Our health freedom docs that we go to have recently disappointed me on a couple of occasions. One, it’s a husband & wife team in private practice, recommended I get a calcium score CT WITH contrast dye. I quickly & emphatically said I will do no such thing. The next time I went, the wife stated I really need that calcium score CT, & contrast dye was not needed. Just get the scan. I did eventually get it without the dye. In that same office visit, she also recommended & offered I get on Ozembic! This, after she went through my blood work results & said I need to take supplements for my thyroid. I abruptly said NO! And looked at her with a side eye look. I plan on having another conversation about this with this doc next time I see her. I know Ozembic is expensive & can bring in profits for the docs, but it’s harmful stuff! If they wouldn’t take it themselves, they shouldn’t offer it to anyone else. And they do IV infusions as part of their health and wellness angle. I truly wanted to trust these doctors, but feel if I just blindly go along with all their recommendations, I’d be half dead by now. Thank God He has gifted me with the value of discernment, & I know when to say no. But now, I have zero trust in doctors. They get paid to put people on new medications. And to vaccinate as many as they can. So this is very corruptive, even for the best docs.

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do not trust your doctor

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