Liars will be punished by God for eternity. We need to pray for all of them that some might repent and admit their lies.

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If I may be so bold and intolerably trite: "Follow the money" is not just a pithy saying.....it's a mission statement.

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Follilow the grant money. Just put the words "vaccination has saved millions of lives" or "evidence of anthropogenic climate change is incontrovertible" in your proposal and in the abstract and introduction of your paper and the odds that the grant application and publication of your paper will ve approved increase immeasurably. This is what happens in the US. In comparatively less corrupt countrues like Ukraine, Botswana and Nigeria it may be different.

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The Lancet demonstrated how corrupt it was when it had to withdraw the paper describing the (lack of) effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine that was easily proved to be completely false.

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So....Back to common sense and Gramas’s chicken soup before they started announcing every day a “ New study “ for this, “ New study “ for that . Now just tell them to go to hell with the studies and do your old fashioned thing!!

Grandparents were ....living to 80s 90 ies!


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CO2 saturation levels in blood have dropped over the last 50 years. Buteyko, a Russian scientist found a method to measure this called the control pause. You can do it in like under a minute. Look up his chart and the method.

Why the war on Carbon?

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Thank you for all you do. I would not be as well informed. God bless and keep you strong in your endeavors of revealing truth. Take care of yourself. Have a great Christmas with family- and rest🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Look up the Boaler controversy and R. James Milgram paper about it from a decade ago. Fakery has been going on in "evidence based" education research too. to promote destructive woke ideas. Data transparency would be nice (as long as data itself isn't fake). https://www.nonpartisaneducation.org/Review/Articles/v8n1.pdf

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Ironically, the author thinks that there are high standards in medical research, relative to math education research, but hey, that was ten years ago.

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No worries. Science has died, replaced by equitable and resilient 4D cult beliefs.

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One of my colleagues published a paper advocating for course coordination (i.e. having an el hefe comissar telling other instructors how to teach their courses) and claimed statistically significant improvement in outcomes if using 90% as the threshold for statistical significance. 😂😂

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Journals came under attack hard right after the Soviet infantile system collapsed. Now our ONLY link to solid understanding and research is through a handful of intellectuals writing books using their expertise to research all minor journals and past writers.

Libraries have been under attack for a few years. The final Bilderberg attack upon books will mirror Fahrenheit 451, by old timer Bradbury.

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If you trust modern stone age medicine, you deserve the horrible death they will grant you.

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It is very possible this could be the work of AI. AI is being trained to lie to humans by some nefarious people so it depends on who trains it. I don't like AI and have Not used AI. I think it is dangerous, and now new doctors may be deceived by this fraudulent information as they may not have developed the ability to discern true medical information from the false. Any publication putting out fake medical information must go on a list of publications to avoid.

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This is partly why I left academic research.

Because it produces mountains of pointless crap.

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I agree.

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The US punches below its weight in Science and Medicine just as in other areas of human endeavor. Since at least the days of the Soviet Union, the US has regularly rediscovered the wheel. Breakthroughs trumpeted by the US as being its own or 'new' were typically plagiarized from the Soviets. Even in the modern era, Russia and China figured out the downside of mRNA covid jabs long before the US and were too smart to embrace mass use of them. If you want to see good science go to Russian and Eastern European journals. If you want to see crap methodology, go to US journals. Most of the few contributions that the US has made to science have been made by American Ashkenazi Jews. They punch above their weight. Although Ashkrnazi Jews in Israel do not have high mean IQs, those in the UK in London and in the US in New York do. Non-Jewish Americans are far, far lower in IQ on average and many contribute little. A notable exception is those American scientists such as Dr. Alexander who have emigrated to the US from higher IQ countries such as Canada and from other countries.

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Canada is NOT a higher IQ country!

Evidence please?

It is famous for “ Brain drain to US for $$”

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Thare are several possible sources I could cite. The site "worldata.info" is one. It indicates that Canada is in the top ten countries in the world for mean IQ. Its people are ranked 9th highest for IQ. Obviously, many Americans, such as probably yourself, are smarter than the mean. However, the US is ranked 29th in the world for IQ, ahead of countries like Israel (39th), but behind Cambodia (a third world country). As Dems and RINOS stop aborting themselves, following the overturning of Roe v Wade, the genepool will include increasing numbers of Dems and RINOS, such as "Snap Factor" and "Freedom Lover" ( not you!) which may cause US mean IQ to change.


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Exactly, mean IQ of a country is bogus information. Show me one country where the entire population was tested!! What the hell? Where are you coming up with this crap?

Only those at the top 1/4 th of IQ that are driving things. HUGE disparity in intelligence, critical thinking and degree of informedness. Thus the present state of affairs where more than 1/2 the countries Pop can be fooled by the Evil Cabal.

Your sources are really bad and the degree to which you " rely " or try to prove your point with them is not acceptable to any academic standard. So not acceptable.

You need original sources ( if you know what this means - not newspaper/ internet site sourcing ( that is bought and paid for by some interested party ). You need Academia study sourcing and when siting the studies ( Psych for Intelligence ) you need to show the studies where independently funded, randomized subjects, control group and double blind and of course statistically significant difference in outcomes.

Start here and someone intelligent may pay attention to what you are trying to demonstrate.

Best, if you are a good person and well intended.

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If the entire population was tested that would be a census. Rather, most studies aim for a representative sample. If you are expecting every person in every nation on earth to be tested before the results are acceptable to you, which is what you imply, then you have an unreasonable and unrealistic, anankastic expectation. By the way, a study does not need to show " ... randomized subjects, control group and double blind and of course statistically significant difference in outcomes ..." unless it's using an experimental design. Experimental designs are great, especially for establishing causation, but they'renot always practical or appropriate. They're not much used in astronomy or in evolutionary biology and in numerous other disciplines. Observational designs are more often used. You don't seem to understand research design beyond high school level.. Differences in "outcomes" implies that there is an experimentally manipulated independent or predictor variable and a dependent or criterion variable. That's fine for vaxx and drug studies and many other studies but is entirely unsuited to many other topics studying cross-national differences in intelligence. Prove me wrong. Design an experiment to assess cross national differences in intelligence. Post your design here, if you're a good person and well intentioned. What is the independent variable that you are going to manipulate? How will you manipulate it? What groups are your subjects to be randomly assigned to and why? What is your dependent variable? Will you use nominal, ordinal rank or interval or ratio scaling to measure changes on the dependent variable? By what statistical method will you analyze your data? State your null and alternative hypotheses.

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Primary sources? Voila!

THE INTELLIGENCE OF NATIONS - Richard Lynn, David Becker (1).pdf https://adobeacrobat.app.link/Mhhs4GmNsxb 

" ...the book describes the current state-of-the-art calculations for national IQs, introduces the reader to the open data set of national IQs, shows their high replicability, and reviews their use by tens if not hundreds of other researchers. This last point bears noting because it shows that, despite criticism, the national IQ subfield has become a very productive research program (Rindermann, 2013b; Urbach, 1974a, 1974b). In fact, one might say that national IQs are getting quite popular because various other groups have begun publishing very similar national cognitive ability estimates (Angrist, Djankov, Goldberg, & Patrinos, 2019; Coutrot et al., 2018; Lim et al., 2018), even if they call it something other than intelligence and rarely cite the pioneering efforts of Richard Lynn and colleagues."

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