Ten years ago, if someone told you that you'd be writing articles trying to explain WHY it's bad to chemically and physically mutilate children, would you have believed them?

Even now, can you believe anyone needs to be TOLD why it's a bad idea?

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Mind boggling! The 1 st ever trans surgery was done in Nazi Germany.

It went badly and the guy died of sepsis. I can’t help but wonder how many other people have died from trans surgeries gone bad. Haven’t seen those stats.

I worked in Wound care for over 20 years. Never had any come into our facility with bottom surgery gone bad. I don’t think any of our surgeons would have accepted them as patients due to the fact that their skill sets weren’t able to accommodate their needs. Not saying they couldn’t but... we did see our share of breast augmentations and fat transfers for that big booty look & got infected and didn’t heal. Most of those people had gone to places like Columbia to have surgery because it’s a lot cheaper.

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I was poisoned by Lupron, which they are telling parents is “safe & side effects are reversible” .. nope 👎 .. big lie

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My biggest question is, why are parents agreeing to this disgusting fad? Why are parents and grandparents taking their young children to vragqueen shows? I believe satan is at work and we just defeat him.

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Yes, they are bowing to evil, and doing satans work.

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A RINO neocon Republican said to me about Russia's new legislation "I've never been more proud to be an American that our values are the exact opposite of Russia's. We need to give the president bipartisan support for gender-affirming health care for our transgender children. There needs to be regime change in Russia. Putin will try to impose this Russian law on Ukraine. Trump must be defeated at any cost even if it means four more years of Biden."

The news report at the link below notes:

"Russia's State Duma adopted in the second reading a bill on July 13 that bans surgical operations 'aimed at changing the sex of a person' and the changing of the gender marker in documents. An exception is made for cases related to the treatment of 'congenital physiological anomalies of sex formation in children,' but such operations can be carried out only by decision of the medical commission and in public clinics. The bill also bans transgender people from adopting children or establishing guardianship over minors. The third and final reading is due to take place on July 14." 

Duma Adopts Bill Banning Sex Change, Adoption By Transgender People


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The conflicting attitudes represented by the RINO you've quoted and the Russian Duma's legislation make very clear whose values are closer to ours. It's NOT the RINO's.

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It's none of the politicians. And now NONE of them will matter at all once the global movement installs their, "non-state actors." It's on thr cr0 website.


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The RINO is insane.

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We have never made a habit of treating a nebulous, ill-defined, unquantifiable mental disorder with surgical intervention because the one time we tried it - by inserting the equivalent of a metal skewer up through the eye socket and wriggled it around in the brain, severing connections in the prefrontal cortex - it was an utter disaster we called Lobotomy.

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Sadly what happened to RFK, Jr’s aunt. Horrifying story.

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But, it makes "them" money, so that makes it ok and "they" will continue doing it.

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This is not the way to fix gender dysphoria. This is chemical poisoning & physical mutilation. This is child abuse. Nothing less.

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Result of jabs, I've seen it. They're mentally ill victims of pharma and thr government.

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This period in human history will go down as one of the most psychologically distorted times.

What's astounding is the psychiatry system not saying a goddam word.

This is a form of eugenics - psychologically re-arranging humans for the future.

Fuck'em boys.

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Psychiatrists are part of the bought and paid for medical community by big pharma. It’s financial suicide to speak out against it.

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Yes and it smells / feels like a deja vu (Third Reich Nazi ideology).

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Exactly, such perversions and decadence signal the end of every major culture. As the Bible notes- there’s nothing new under the sun.

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The fields of psychiatry and psychology have for decades been infiltrated by individuals hell bent upon "normalizing" their own pathologies. THESE travesties are the sickening outcome.

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Dare I say a majority of the psych community is on board with much of the insanity, especially in academia.

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In the past Psychiatry was never taken seriously by medical professionals because diagnoses couldn't be quantified, symptoms were vague and generalised, and there was no standardisation in treatments with proven beneficial outcomes. Enter Big Pharma and the idea in 1999 of the DSM-V Manual (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) where every human emotion now became a diagnostic illness requiring pharmacological treatment - and the quacks suddenly gained legitimacy (& Big Pharma profited enormously). It was a match made in heaven. The manual ballooned from an original 150 pages to now over 800, with new, made-up diseases being added every year. Psychiatrists aren't saying anything because this further legitimizes that their bogus, made-up diseases are "real" diagnoses requiring real surgery. It benefits them.

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Excellent points, Sez. May I add not only ADDING new "made up diseases" to the DSM but also REMOVING from recognition clear-cut "mental disorders" universally acknowledged for ages such as homosexuality and cross dressing.

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You just nailed it.

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Keep beating the drum! Eventually, the sleeze balls will not be able to ignore it.

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This is beyond bizzaire.

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“the anguish of regret “😢

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The only reason people do this is because of a mental illness. The only reason Dr.'s do this is to make a lot money off of mentally ill people.

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The amount of amount of dark energy and attention that is being directing towards promoting the transgender agenda is staggering.

A detransitioners experience:


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