How is this not obvious? When my wife was pregnant with our now 9 year old, she was not to take any vaccines and most medications until after delivery. But suddenly, this shot is okay? Why would anyone believe this?
I say that all the time, that I knew, for instance when Dr. Kory and Steve Kirsch went on Dark Horse to talk about Ivm and I found that Dr Kory had gone into the hellish geyser of NYC to try to help and Dr. Varon in Texas had not had a day off in a year and a half, hugged his patients and staff, spoke ten languages and used ivm protocols to save his patients, it was obvious what the truth was. Things that are totally obvious to people with a heart, some common sense, just even some familiarity with mysteries (motive, means, opportunity) are now not obvious to so many people. It is surreal. As if people have not just lost the ability to think critically, but have lost any sense of themselves as thinking, feeling individuals who can use their common sense if not their education. So many things that are "issues" now seem utterly solveable with a little intuition, common sense, and feeling. It is as if we are in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Take this bivalent booster, though it doesn't prevent transmission, doesn't prevent you getting covid, though you probably had covid any way and have antibodies, the risk/benefit is all risk, but take it anyway, though cancers are turbocharging, the injured are devastated, people are falling dead from arrhythmias, myocarditis, but CNN says experts say to, and have an mrna flu shot too. It is as if they've all been hypnotized.
Very much like the Body Snatchers. One of my former coworkers told me early on into the panic that masks are bacteria incubators, which is true. He and I were the only two in the still crowded subway station unmasked. I ran into him later and he was wearing a mask. I immediately thought of the body snatchers.
The inability for most to think critically has long been apparent, long before covid. For a generation or more we have allowed our kids to be taught group think.
Most people don’t want to feel uncomfortable or fight for anything...that’s where we are now. I was a deputy for 23 years and I was used to confrontation-that was my job! I lost my job because I refused the jab.
So, I’m very used to confrontation-lol! I got berated, kicked out of stores, given dirty looks...I’m used to it! God prepared me well! Talk about irony!
Similar here. I have lost jobs over masking. Won’t do it. Certified in the use of respirators and know that all those who tell us they work against viruses are lying.
I know. And my wife and our 9 year old are mask fanatics. I have been burning with rage for these past two and 1/2 years as my kid wears a single mask 10 hours a day.
I saw this Asian woman who came into a crowded restaurant and was the only one in a mask. She quickly went to use the restroom where she no doubt got feces all over it. She likely contaminated the bathroom with her mask. She then returned to her seat and pulled the mask down under her chin where she wore it like a bib. These people are terrorists.
They were not meant to be worn ALL DAY, and to not allow your respiratory system to do its’ job! THIS IS COMMON SENSE. What does this say about some in society? I flunked math and science, and I GET IT.
It has been my experience that the higher one’s edjumacation (not a misspelling) is, the less able one is to think critically. Higher education now seems to preach conformity over all else.
Yes, masks are gross. And yes, they were never meant to be worn all day, every day.
In the US, the CDC recommends or claims it's fine to receive about a dozen different vaccines while pregnant. Medical providers pass this same info to their patients.
You mentioned later about living in Japan. Someone said only four countries still have strict measures in place: Japan, China, Tawain, and North Korea. Suggest following this account:
Allegedly, that person lives inside China. (S)he uses a VPN to repost what other Chinese upload on Weibo or TikTok before the CCP deletes it. Perhaps showing your family and friends some videos from there can help to deprogram them.
China has built thousands of enormous isolation camps all around the country with prison-like rooms. Each person has been reduced to a QR code which must be green to go anywhere or to do anything. Everybody must have a PCR test every other day up to a few times each day depending on locale. Missing one test turns the code red, and the person is thrown into a camp. If someone receives a positive test result, he and his entire neighborhood are thrown into a camp. Officials will select an area and turn the code of everyone in it yellow or red for no reason. The people are required to pay for these tests and any stay in the camps. Those who cannot afford to pay cannot leave them. None of this is about health. The population is being reprogrammed to be obedient slaves.
Some US blue cities and European countries showed the infrastructure to do the same in the west is already in place. You might want to check whether or not it is in Japan. Globalists want the same type of total control over all of us. Cannot comply one's way out of this.
Interesting. We slept separately whenever I had even just the slightest sniffle because she couldn’t take anything, even OTC. She was in bad shape not being able to take her allergy medicine during hay fever season.
Little here has been via mandate, it is almost all done by recommendation. Employers and event venues are enforcing the madness. We can not attend public events without first registering with the organizers, in my family’s case that has mainly been our city government. To attend festivals and educational/cultural events that were open to all, we must now register online and if chosen, we are sent QR codes to attend. Read, these are now rationed. The events we have attended this year were outside with one exception. For these they roped off a portion of the park or plaza they were held in with a single entrance and another single exit. To enter we had to have our QR code scanned, temperature taken, observed as we sanitized our hands and have a mask on. To leave, we had to have our QR codes scanned again. Same when we went to an privately owned aquarium. Earlier this year we ran across QR CODE ONLY rest rooms in a brand new shopping area.
Hotels are requiring three shots or three consecutive days of negative PCR tests to stay or are offering discounts to those who have. This has caused a riff between myself and my previously favorite brother-in-law. This requirement has been used for those wanting to participate in the first matsuri held in 3 years. Ours, held last month, however, did not require these. Nor did they require masks but they did recommend we wear masks and asked that we did but ended the statement saying that it was up to us individually. I did not. However, children’s groups were banned as were the local neighborhood mikoshi (floats). Our neighborhood matsuri was cancelled as we not allowed to bring out our mikoshi but we were allowed to help carry the city’s main float. We were specifically not allowed to have children gather during the festival. Madness. If interested, please check out my substack where I have more details and photos.
This was clear from December 2020, when I went online to check the EUA submissions, and read that pregnant and breastfeeding women were excluded from the trials, along with all CoVid-recovered people. It was absurd that the CDC and many (most?) doctors so emphatically recommended their patients get these injections. Women were told that if they didn’t get injected, their OBs would not take them as patients. Criminal dereliction of duty to do no harm.
Well duh .... Ever read the warning label on most over the counter medications, including vitamins? For the most part, nothing is recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers,,, er berthing people.
How in the heck did these experimental gene therapy products get unanimous approval from drug oversight groups unless corruption was a leading factor.
You should see the flyer in my OBGYN’s office! She’s telling women the jab is safe and they should/can get it! I took a copy to have as reference. It’s absolutely criminal!
These doctors are getting kick backs for sure, in my opinion. This is genocide.
I KNOW! I’m deciding what can be done. It breaks my heart that women read this and trust it!
It’s Commifornia. Where are the stand up doctors? My mom retired from UCSF the teaching hospital, after 28 years. I grew up with good doctors. I’m so disappointed in the medical cartel. Truly…
The only redeeming feature of G00gle Chr0me is the QR code creator. I type in a URL, it generates a code, then I make up a little square with that, the typed URL and an intriguing headline. I make several copies and leave them wherever I can, like the tip jars at coffee houses and in the magazines at medical establishments. A little guerilla information tactic. FWIW.
Women are told: no drinking, no raw fish, no caffeine, no OTCs, no DRUGS when pregnant. But suddenly an EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY shot is OK? One that might impact your GENES. While you are gestating (developing) a NEW PERSON??? and this same 'new person' genes??? Yeah, Safe and effective? At what pray tell? Making you abort? Causing damage to the fetus? Permanently impacting your on going fertility and your partner's? Hun. Even I knew there was something seriously wrong...and these poor brainwashed women gleefully took the jab. Now they may be mad down stream, confused, upset... had a miscarrage ... too late damage is done and THERE IS NO CURE. We cannot REVERSE the jab!!
You are assuming that our votes count. We know for a fact that our voting machines fractionate the votes. Most of California is conservative there are just 3 progressive pockets. That vote doesn’t represent more than half of California.
My daughter in law asked me about her friend getting the Covid shots while she was pregnant. I told her she must never get them and she didn’t. Apparently her doctor was pushing them on her. Disgusting.
For historical context, watch this beautifully filmed 30-minute documentary about vaccine deceptions in Kenyan women injected in the 2010s without informed consent by the WHO with "tetanus" shots, in an unusual five-dose series over three years, that caused infertility from tetanus toxoid conjugated with HCG causing women to make antibodies against HCG, stealing their fertility. Closing words: "when they are finished with Africa, they are coming for you."
My pregnant neighbor is carrying a baby that has a heart defeat. When she told me the doctor wanted to give her a booster (did not) I suspected she was vaxxed. They don’t know if the baby will make it. My heart breaks for them.
How is this not obvious? When my wife was pregnant with our now 9 year old, she was not to take any vaccines and most medications until after delivery. But suddenly, this shot is okay? Why would anyone believe this?
I say that all the time, that I knew, for instance when Dr. Kory and Steve Kirsch went on Dark Horse to talk about Ivm and I found that Dr Kory had gone into the hellish geyser of NYC to try to help and Dr. Varon in Texas had not had a day off in a year and a half, hugged his patients and staff, spoke ten languages and used ivm protocols to save his patients, it was obvious what the truth was. Things that are totally obvious to people with a heart, some common sense, just even some familiarity with mysteries (motive, means, opportunity) are now not obvious to so many people. It is surreal. As if people have not just lost the ability to think critically, but have lost any sense of themselves as thinking, feeling individuals who can use their common sense if not their education. So many things that are "issues" now seem utterly solveable with a little intuition, common sense, and feeling. It is as if we are in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Take this bivalent booster, though it doesn't prevent transmission, doesn't prevent you getting covid, though you probably had covid any way and have antibodies, the risk/benefit is all risk, but take it anyway, though cancers are turbocharging, the injured are devastated, people are falling dead from arrhythmias, myocarditis, but CNN says experts say to, and have an mrna flu shot too. It is as if they've all been hypnotized.
Very much like the Body Snatchers. One of my former coworkers told me early on into the panic that masks are bacteria incubators, which is true. He and I were the only two in the still crowded subway station unmasked. I ran into him later and he was wearing a mask. I immediately thought of the body snatchers.
The inability for most to think critically has long been apparent, long before covid. For a generation or more we have allowed our kids to be taught group think.
Most people don’t want to feel uncomfortable or fight for anything...that’s where we are now. I was a deputy for 23 years and I was used to confrontation-that was my job! I lost my job because I refused the jab.
So, I’m very used to confrontation-lol! I got berated, kicked out of stores, given dirty looks...I’m used to it! God prepared me well! Talk about irony!
Similar here. I have lost jobs over masking. Won’t do it. Certified in the use of respirators and know that all those who tell us they work against viruses are lying.
Not only that, but most masks are made with titanium dioxide (TiO2), a carcinogen.
Imagine the children (and adults) breathing this in all day for a couple of years!
“The Defender” site I read quite a bit, which has lots of health information (Dr. Mercola)!
I know. And my wife and our 9 year old are mask fanatics. I have been burning with rage for these past two and 1/2 years as my kid wears a single mask 10 hours a day.
Damn straight it is. God bless you precious Spicy R!
I saw this Asian woman who came into a crowded restaurant and was the only one in a mask. She quickly went to use the restroom where she no doubt got feces all over it. She likely contaminated the bathroom with her mask. She then returned to her seat and pulled the mask down under her chin where she wore it like a bib. These people are terrorists.
Masks are simply : GROSS
They were not meant to be worn ALL DAY, and to not allow your respiratory system to do its’ job! THIS IS COMMON SENSE. What does this say about some in society? I flunked math and science, and I GET IT.
It has been my experience that the higher one’s edjumacation (not a misspelling) is, the less able one is to think critically. Higher education now seems to preach conformity over all else.
Yes, masks are gross. And yes, they were never meant to be worn all day, every day.
Good points
Everyone here does that and have for over 2 and 1/2 years.
Public Education IMO
It’s a mass “delusion”
In the US, the CDC recommends or claims it's fine to receive about a dozen different vaccines while pregnant. Medical providers pass this same info to their patients.
You mentioned later about living in Japan. Someone said only four countries still have strict measures in place: Japan, China, Tawain, and North Korea. Suggest following this account:
or via this link if you aren't on twitter:
Allegedly, that person lives inside China. (S)he uses a VPN to repost what other Chinese upload on Weibo or TikTok before the CCP deletes it. Perhaps showing your family and friends some videos from there can help to deprogram them.
China has built thousands of enormous isolation camps all around the country with prison-like rooms. Each person has been reduced to a QR code which must be green to go anywhere or to do anything. Everybody must have a PCR test every other day up to a few times each day depending on locale. Missing one test turns the code red, and the person is thrown into a camp. If someone receives a positive test result, he and his entire neighborhood are thrown into a camp. Officials will select an area and turn the code of everyone in it yellow or red for no reason. The people are required to pay for these tests and any stay in the camps. Those who cannot afford to pay cannot leave them. None of this is about health. The population is being reprogrammed to be obedient slaves.
Some US blue cities and European countries showed the infrastructure to do the same in the west is already in place. You might want to check whether or not it is in Japan. Globalists want the same type of total control over all of us. Cannot comply one's way out of this.
Interesting. We slept separately whenever I had even just the slightest sniffle because she couldn’t take anything, even OTC. She was in bad shape not being able to take her allergy medicine during hay fever season.
Little here has been via mandate, it is almost all done by recommendation. Employers and event venues are enforcing the madness. We can not attend public events without first registering with the organizers, in my family’s case that has mainly been our city government. To attend festivals and educational/cultural events that were open to all, we must now register online and if chosen, we are sent QR codes to attend. Read, these are now rationed. The events we have attended this year were outside with one exception. For these they roped off a portion of the park or plaza they were held in with a single entrance and another single exit. To enter we had to have our QR code scanned, temperature taken, observed as we sanitized our hands and have a mask on. To leave, we had to have our QR codes scanned again. Same when we went to an privately owned aquarium. Earlier this year we ran across QR CODE ONLY rest rooms in a brand new shopping area.
Hotels are requiring three shots or three consecutive days of negative PCR tests to stay or are offering discounts to those who have. This has caused a riff between myself and my previously favorite brother-in-law. This requirement has been used for those wanting to participate in the first matsuri held in 3 years. Ours, held last month, however, did not require these. Nor did they require masks but they did recommend we wear masks and asked that we did but ended the statement saying that it was up to us individually. I did not. However, children’s groups were banned as were the local neighborhood mikoshi (floats). Our neighborhood matsuri was cancelled as we not allowed to bring out our mikoshi but we were allowed to help carry the city’s main float. We were specifically not allowed to have children gather during the festival. Madness. If interested, please check out my substack where I have more details and photos.
Public Education IMO
People have become absolutely “stupid” Re knowledge of personal health wealth
This was clear from December 2020, when I went online to check the EUA submissions, and read that pregnant and breastfeeding women were excluded from the trials, along with all CoVid-recovered people. It was absurd that the CDC and many (most?) doctors so emphatically recommended their patients get these injections. Women were told that if they didn’t get injected, their OBs would not take them as patients. Criminal dereliction of duty to do no harm.
Well duh .... Ever read the warning label on most over the counter medications, including vitamins? For the most part, nothing is recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers,,, er berthing people.
How in the heck did these experimental gene therapy products get unanimous approval from drug oversight groups unless corruption was a leading factor.
You should see the flyer in my OBGYN’s office! She’s telling women the jab is safe and they should/can get it! I took a copy to have as reference. It’s absolutely criminal!
These doctors are getting kick backs for sure, in my opinion. This is genocide.
I KNOW! I’m deciding what can be done. It breaks my heart that women read this and trust it!
It’s Commifornia. Where are the stand up doctors? My mom retired from UCSF the teaching hospital, after 28 years. I grew up with good doctors. I’m so disappointed in the medical cartel. Truly…
De-licensed if they tell the truth aka, spread misinformation.
The only redeeming feature of G00gle Chr0me is the QR code creator. I type in a URL, it generates a code, then I make up a little square with that, the typed URL and an intriguing headline. I make several copies and leave them wherever I can, like the tip jars at coffee houses and in the magazines at medical establishments. A little guerilla information tactic. FWIW.
Damn, pregnant women should smoke a joint and drink a bottle of wine every day! It would be safer than the jab!
Women are told: no drinking, no raw fish, no caffeine, no OTCs, no DRUGS when pregnant. But suddenly an EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY shot is OK? One that might impact your GENES. While you are gestating (developing) a NEW PERSON??? and this same 'new person' genes??? Yeah, Safe and effective? At what pray tell? Making you abort? Causing damage to the fetus? Permanently impacting your on going fertility and your partner's? Hun. Even I knew there was something seriously wrong...and these poor brainwashed women gleefully took the jab. Now they may be mad down stream, confused, upset... had a miscarrage ... too late damage is done and THERE IS NO CURE. We cannot REVERSE the jab!!
My DIL’s, SIL, got jabbed while pregnant. She was a yr old in august, can’t say a word. 😩
Limit all the testing on pregnant women to California.
They just voted for full term abortion.
You are assuming that our votes count. We know for a fact that our voting machines fractionate the votes. Most of California is conservative there are just 3 progressive pockets. That vote doesn’t represent more than half of California.
We here in AZ are fighting to get our house in order. We are making headway.
Good luck with your house.
How's Kari Lake doing? Any hope for a win?
She will win
Sacramento, SF, LA, Sillycon Valley…that’s it.
Not really, it’s two opposing views. And I said fractionate not fictionate, I’m assuming you were joking about that.
No offense taken.
Actually, the law for full term was already there, which I didn’t know. See what Leftists do? All a scam to get voters riled up.
We will point to this debacle for decades to debunk any appeals to the authority of alleged experts.
I doubt very much we will be allowed to.
Just look at Japan to see much of what you are concerned about. We have very much the champagne glass shaped population age grouping you talk about.
Doctors can't say anything about the vaccine to anybody in California.
Thank you Assembly Bill 2098! And gAvIn nEwScUm.
This is by design. Gates hs said vaccines could be used to reduce the world's population. What better way than to prevent reproduction?
My daughter in law asked me about her friend getting the Covid shots while she was pregnant. I told her she must never get them and she didn’t. Apparently her doctor was pushing them on her. Disgusting.
For historical context, watch this beautifully filmed 30-minute documentary about vaccine deceptions in Kenyan women injected in the 2010s without informed consent by the WHO with "tetanus" shots, in an unusual five-dose series over three years, that caused infertility from tetanus toxoid conjugated with HCG causing women to make antibodies against HCG, stealing their fertility. Closing words: "when they are finished with Africa, they are coming for you."
My pregnant neighbor is carrying a baby that has a heart defeat. When she told me the doctor wanted to give her a booster (did not) I suspected she was vaxxed. They don’t know if the baby will make it. My heart breaks for them.