If Twitter has lost a million weeping leftie tweeters, isn't that a good thing?

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Zuckerberg is a grandson of Rothschilds, he changed his name in college, and is a member of WEF and contributes to Bill and Melinda Gates

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Two points: There are no more Rod Stewart fans because their vitality is equal to his current career status and who gives a shit? Actions have consequences. The world will be better off with two fewer Stewarts in it.

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Who's Rod Stewart?

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Oh, that Rod Stewart!

Wake up Roderick, I think I've got something to say to you. You made a first-class fool out of you. But you're as blind as a fool can be. The jab stole your heart but you love it anyway...

"Sir Rod Stewart will only allow those who have had their third Covid-19 vaccine to attend his Christmas party.

The 76-year-old rock star slammed those who have chosen not to take the vaccine, branding them as "killers" and spoke of how he has banned anyone unvaccinated from attending his festive get together.

He said: "It makes me angry, especially in America where they talk about "It's my right, it's my freedom'. No it's not! Because you are a killer, and you can be killed. We have a big party at the house every year. We have a marquee and a band. We're just going to make sure everybody has been tested. It's dead simple. If you haven't been tested, if you haven't got the two vaccines and the booster, you can't come."


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Stewart thinks it's his right and freedom to insist we all be forced to play medical Russian roulette. He's a killer and can be killed by his own willful ignorance. However, I agree with the notion of the unjabbed not going to his concerts. Mutual shunning is best.

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His 11 year old vaxxed to the eyeballs son collapsed and turned blue and was rushed to hospital with a suspected heart attack? Gee, I can't imagine what might have caused that but 11 year olds have heart attacks all the time. Nothing to see here. Go and get another booster...

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The outcome of the public/private merger of the government, big pharma, higher education and the media has done an awesome job of deceiving the public. Rod must not be engaging his brain.

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He has a brain? He's had 4 shots, at least.

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Let them go elsewhere or start their own social media setup. Too bad, so sad.

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No I don’t. Although I keep getting fb messages reminding me to sign into an account I haven’t used since 2017. 😊

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these are nothing but distractions and a waste of our time and energy

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I have never had a twitter account, I always believed it was for twits. I agree with Meghan Kelly, however I’m still nsure if f Musk’s intentions n, because he’s been worked ng on a chip implant for human brains- is the s smartest ke and mirrors?

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I take it that you also don't have a fakebook account? Zuckerberg described people who use it as "dumbf-cks." Since he invented it he should know. Before Trump ran for POTUS I'd not checked out Twitter. I used to check his tweets every morning so I could find out what was happening in the world without the fake news spin. I still don't have a twitter account. Maybe a chip implant would improve Alyssa Milano. Musk should also send some to Fauci and Walensky et al.

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The chip would implode just to get away.

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Remember how Milano loudly threatened to quit having sex due to a perceived threat to abortions? The woman is well over fifty. No danger of her conceiving without a lot of help from petri dishes and other lab instruments.

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I never had sex with that woman.

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I'd be surprised if Slick Willy didn't. Good to know that someone didn't. I don't blame you. Has she/they always been a woman and does she/they, not being a biologist, even know what a woman is?

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Is that why the whole stadium erupted into the loudest cheers ever heard?

She saved mankind.

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Pleased they are not pleased and hope they do eventually become pleased but I won’t hold my breath.

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Seriously people need to understand that liberals are not left wing. They are centre-right. The phrase Hollywood left is an oxymoron.

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That was incredibly fun to watch and hear!

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