Fire the educators that are allowing deviant behavior become the the norm in confusing our children!

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"Fire them"?

For crying out loud! Send them to prison like they richly deserve!! Put them in the general population instead of protective custody -- the normal prisoners would just LOVE to correct these diddlers!!!

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I do love prison justice, they get the job done.

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Sadly, since we are a nation under blackmail, there will be no firings. No consequences for the perverts because their overlords are fulfilling the agenda as planned. It’s God’s time now, and we know from history that God doesn’t play!

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I regularly listen to Megyn Kelly's podcasts. Every one starts out with her statement "No BS. No agenda. And no fear." She threw down the challenge and pushed it right in Charlize Theron's face.

Your move, Charlize.

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Well articulated without the use of expletives.👍🏼🙌🏼

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This SICK TREND OF TRANS IS A COMMUNIST Atheist agenda against OUR HEAVENLY FATHER Because THEY CARE ABOUT NOTHING BUT THEMSELVES hideously laughing all their way to their corrupt money laudering banks

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i feel as if fake news is pushing it for 2 reasons, 1 to divert attention from the fup border invasion and the s**t storm of crimes the buffoon and cackling harris have perpetrated on americans.. 2nd to make all the drag crap with child normalized so when every slimy politician is exposed for the crimes they commented on Epstein island sheeple will be unfazed

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Come f*ck me up too Charlize and by the way?


That's all.

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Charlize, did you just use hate speech by calling "guys" the "queens"? "We love you queens! We’re in your corner, and we’ve got you, and I will f*** anybody up who is, like, trying to f*** with anything with you guys."

You can't even hold the lie, can you =)))

Who's paying you for the show?

Are you not just part of mercenary Hollywood stars payed to be puppets of the Great Reset?:

The full PLAN exposed:


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So remember when, back in the day, white folks were forced to realize that performing in blackface was insulting, belittling, and infantilizing?

So how come it’s “OK” to PERFORM in “lady face?”

How is that any different than the mocking and chauvinistic attitudes displayed towards black folks at that time?

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I wonder if Theron takes her own children to the shows....what does she think about a garish man with a man's voice in a dress and makeup gyrating in a very sexual manner (I saw one that looked almost like lap dancing or something) a foot from the faces of her children. It's disgusting, and there's something seriously wrong with someone (especially a parent) who thinks this is acceptable or appropriate for young children. I'll be staying away from that woman's movies.

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Arrest them all and a minimum 10 years!! Criminal nazi scums like Zelensky and Soros the Schwartz.

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Oh no no no! No prison time for these skinbags, immediate death! Wood chip em all!

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How pathetically devolved as a society we are so as to highlight pissing contests over such inanity. Each side fields a grandstanding opportunist taking a pro or con position on insanity as normalcy to the exclusion of genuinely important concerns. I’ve contributed to your substack and generally admire what you’re doing on the pharmaceutical front, particularly as it is an existential concern. But sometimes you weave way outside your lane. Haven’t you enough idiots to do battle with without taking on peripheral concerns such as some dingbat thespian currying favor with fringe groups?

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I personally appreciate Dr. Paul offering his take on matters beyond medicine. The woke agenda, of which this drag queen worship is only the latest craze, affects us all. People forcefully and publicly pushing back are to be applauded and visibly supported. More power to the warriors among us!

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Look, I respect the hell out of Dr. Alexander on a lot of fronts; his intentions elsewhere are hardly indictable. Indeed, he has my undesired empathy on many a sordid front. But even the best of intentions doesn't confer the requisite degree of omniscience so as to offer commentary on everything under the sun. He already alienated himself from me on the matter of child discipline when he made a unilateral condemnation of the practice of spanking. And sorry, there are just too many better arguments, both at intellectual and visceral levels, to be made when it comes to drag queens. For instance, is there any current serial killer more prolific than the North American semi-domesticated drag queen who has managed to slay story hour in schools, murder Navy recruitment, and slaughter Budweiser beer sales? I’ve a litany of ceaselessly entertaining and valid observations to make on such Kafkaesque absurdities, but as that’s to be encountered in my substack, let’s stick with his. I prefer to see Dr. Alexander address issues decidedly within his knowledge base. Things like shedding, the varying degrees of threats made by the clot shots, how some ad hoc medical coalition can team up with attorney generals to actually do something about the genocide in progress. To commit his considerable expertise and energies elsewhere betrays a lack of priorities.

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Goodness, Dr. Alexander, how dare you step out of your designated box?!!

Some people don’t like that, you know.

Alas, thank God you have readers who are willing to micromanage you. 🙄

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Hey, if I’m going to subsidize him or anyone else I’m doing so with the expectation that he is going to enlighten me on a particular matter, not just fulminate with regurgitations of what is better expressed elsewhere. All writing is rebuttable, including this reply which provides added context to my grievance. For this singular springboard I am indebted to you. Otherwise, your specious “defense” is as anemic as the balance of what you have to offer.

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Sorry Dean, you’re wrong this time. There is only 1 RIGHT way on this issue, inbetweeners are just passing the buck.

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You’re wrong. See my reply below as it obviates my repeating myself.

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I found your original post and I agree with what you wrote there. Didn’t realize you repeated yourself. Yes, I agree with you on your original note of criticism, I too feel that Alexander could be more selective with his topics.

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Megyn Kelly has guts and brains we should all wish we had, pray for her protection and for the Holy Spirit to give her strength to CONTINUE to speak the truth

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That’s where Kelly is wrong. NONE of them are good. This world is all about Good vs Evil. Period.

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BEWARE OF transpedos

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Charlize use to be Charlie is why she’s so gung ho for drag queens! She’s trans herself!

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Ask yourself why these celebrities always have to adopt. It’s because they’re not women.

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Is that true?

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That’s what I thought...another tranny coming out of the closet.

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Nero fiddles as Rome burns. You're watching the disintegration of Western civilisation in pursuit of ever more Regressive policies. Just think of the Oozlum bird.


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