ANYONE MISS THIS? Here it is again, just in case... "As noted by Dowd, one of the most remarkable counterarguments to come out of a fraud litigation case against Pfizer in recent months is Pfizer’s attorneys claiming that even if there is fraud, Pfizer cannot be prosecuted because the government knew about it. “Why is this not the biggest headline in the mainstream media?” Dowd asks. “Only those of us in the echo chamber that are on top of this issue seem to know this.”

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Our pay to play Congress exempted Pfizer and the other Death wish makers in 1986 from any liability.. Why isn't this exposed? If they were safe and effective liability would on the table. Pfizer paid out billions in 2007 for their toxic meds, now they've made billions in blood $$$.

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Answer to your question: People are led by their belief systems--all people. Those on the right are just as rigid, disbelieving and accusative as those on the Left. I find both sides, for the most part, refuse to read of listen to opposing voices to see where there may be agreement and where the mythology is leading instead of facts. The problem is exasperated by the lack of understanding of what the core values are that result in those believe systems. with absence of any discussion of what those values are. And lack of respect for differences of opinion results in the inability of people to hear each other.

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This isn't a red or blue thing. It's an US VS THEM thing. Every person affilliated with a political party should be disgusted by all politicians, voting, the divisiveness and all of the theater. Politics and government have lomg been a sham, way before the plandemic!

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One thing I have found that both sides agree on is depopulation due to unsustainable, exponential growth. The pro vaxers believe it will happen to the unvaccinated while the anti vaxers it's genocide through the bioweapon. I think look, listen and learn.

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Eight Fucking Mice. That's it! Your kids safety is worth exactly Zero: https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/thinking-points-september-4-2022?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Still trying to find evidence of the actual results to the eight mice. Where’s the research paper. Why kill those eight mice? Why not wait and see term effect? Mice have short lives. Why rush the process. What don’t we know?

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Well, we know these new clot shots rolling out in September will have had ZERO human trials. This is Russian Roulette with a bullet in every chamber.

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Government collusion after the fact? Somehow morphs into immunity from prosecution, what a novel legal theory!

Hami;ton Burher should have tried that legal theory and see how Perry and Della react.

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Sep 4, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022

Baric. Little Mengele's partner in crime along with Daszack.

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excellent, bang on! Barbi and Hess combined.

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demons playing god is EXACTLY RIGHT ~

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Yep. Don’t blame China. Blame the US for Covid. Also, I’ve read lots of negative stuff about monoclonal, but my husband and I got it and were negative in 5 days. So I know it works. Most people are positive for 10 days plus. As for side effects, none so far. 🤞

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deletedSep 4, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022
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I find it interesting that you believe Trump was uninterested. He was blocked at every turn during his presidency to promote other options. One only needs to read Dr. Atlas's book and the writings of other insiders to discover that. His only recourse was to promote rapid 'vaccine' development which he mistakenly counted on to solve the issue.

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It’s easier to blame someone rather than try to determine the actual facts and hold government agencies and our congressional branch of government responsible for the process and oversight of these agencies. Unfortunately this has been happening since 1986. It just took Covid and these shots to bring to light the whole corrupt process. How many of our executive branch agencies and elected officials take money from the companies that they are supposed to be regulating?

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Sorry to hear about your child and your difficulties. But as someone elderly and with debilitating autoimmune diseases, I can understand your concern about monoclonal treatment. This means I do care. But I also know and remember facts. I am not supporting President Trump and/or President Biden’s actions or lack of actions. As hard as it is to hear this, our entire government failed us, Both parties. And all three branches of government. And unfortunately all we can do now is figure out how to prevent this from happening again. May God protect your child from the evil that comes in every man. 🙏

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deletedSep 4, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022
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Desantis had the timeline in his favor for a start. Fauci was already being seen as a liar. Many of the doctors had put out information that refuted the CDC and NIH lies on alternative outlets.

Do you not recall the four years 24/7 MSM battle against Trump? The frenzy they went into when he promoted hydroxychloroquin and other treatments? Fauci promoting remdisivir, a known killer drug treatment? Birx traveling to every state governor shooting down Trump and insisting "wait for the vaccine, nothing else can work", "horse paste is not for humans", etc?

I could go on but that is unnecessary. I'm not a Trump fan, never was, but no president, prime minister or other leader would have succeeded in turning the tide and clearly the tide has still not been turned. We represent a small percentage of the population who can think critically and guess what, some of our friends and family have disowned us for our stand. That has certainly happened to me as I was aware of what was wrong in late 2019 and said so immediately.

Dr. Alexander, Malone, Yeadon, Kory, Marik, Muccullough and those like them carry on the fight on substack. When we see them on any mainstream media site, maybe the masses will wake up. Until then, Pfizer and money wins.

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McCullough was on Tucker some time back; then on Rogan. Mike Yeadon has been warning about everything since May 2020. Kory was in front of the state senate Texas first, then with Sen Ron Johnson's group. 15 doctors dead in Canada. How many athletes are we at now? 800 approx?. Yet the boosters are still being pushed and now the Octomouse bivalent shot. Money is still winning sadly. What will it take for it to lose?

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If I understand you correctly, it was four hospitals who refused to treat your son. That does not make Trump responsible but rather the organization that demanded rationing. Why do you focus on Trump? He is one man. It would have been up to the CDC or NIH or ? I am NOT giving Trump excuses. The COVID scam is and was far more complex than you seem to believe. I hope your son is well.

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Lunatic fool.

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Four CRIMINAL hospitals (among many such, I'm sure)! Tragic. Your son cannot be the only innocent, suffering invalid they did their best to kill. The sheer NUMBER of reprehensible people that had to be involved in formulating, administering, defending, upholding and continuing these lethal policies is mind-boggling.

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deletedSep 4, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022
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Democrat idiot.

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DeSantis spoke out of both sides of his mouth, pushing for treatment but also pushing the jab. He may not have sent the gestapo door to door but he's part od it too. He's even accepting donations from newsomes in laws. This isn't a red or blue thing, it's an US VS THEM thing. No politicians care about you or any of us. Until we all realize this, we're still targets, monetarily and physically.

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Bitter Dickhead.

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My daughter just told me yesterday she almost died from high pressure and now she has to be tested once a week, I had no idea, I'm so pissed, I have no words to describe my anger at what those psychopaths did to her and others. Now I find out Modena had vaccines back in 2013 and the virus thru gain of function. Warp speed never had to happen, these assholes had everything ready to kill us prior to March 2020. As more and more is revealed people are going to get madder and madder, something bad is going to happen, I feel it in my bones.

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Deep State and the World Economic Forum want us dead.

It is hard for a lot of people to comprehend that level of evilness.

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I'm so sorry. This breaks my heart. I pray for justice for all that been affected by these monsters soon 💜

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Thankyou Dr. Paul..The truth finds a way...There's nothing wrong with Pedo, eugenics, Luciferian Bill Gates, Dr. Megele Fauci and their fellow mass murderers that a short rope and long drop wouldn't cure. I've been warning people for over 2 years not to take the Death wish jab. I've given them many excellent information from Doctors, R.N's , researchers who are censored, loose their license and assassinated. The video Event 201 warned those of us early on what these psychopaths planned to unleash in 2020. Sadly too many trust these demons in human form.

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The long drop is for mercy. They deserve none. Short drop only.

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Firing squad.

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Sure, but that's no deterrent in the here and now, for our psychopath leaders.

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Just got word that another fully vax’d friend has had a stroke. No previous health issues .

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I don’t know, and I don’t feel I can even ask right now. But this person works in healthcare and was mandated to be vax’d. Not sure if there was hesitation or not. I was always afraid to “go there”.

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The viruses failed but the mRNA gene therapy injections have succeeded in murdering millions.

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So I ask again, for those who think Covid is no worse than a flu, how do we square this research and the fact that HIV inserts are found in the spike protein? And I also ask, why are we so confident that this will not produce AIDS in the future? Then I ask, if N95 masking and abstaining from social contact is not a viable solution, what is?

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Natural immunity and ways to build and protect it. And if sick learning how to respond in a timely fashion with nutrition and holistic healing modalities. There is oodles of data and experience from practitioners and individuals on how they deal with building health as well as healing from the illness.

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95% can't afford tin N95 mask. So they're cutting off 30% of oxygen, rebreathing CO2, and bacteria. Covid 1984 doesn't have the HIV insert....The Death Wish jab has it. The Covis 1984 bio-weapon was a dud...It didn't kill as advertised so they pad the stats by killing patients with >> Remdesivir + ventilator = death and adding non Covid deaths to the stats.

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The HIV insert I am speaking of is found in the spike protein in 4 separate places - the tips.

The HIV inserts are what give SARSCOV2 it's "stickiness." The inserts are in the virus and in the vaccine.

The mildness you describe your illness as having is seen in HIV infections. HIV produces mild flu symptoms followed by years of immune depression ultimately leading to catastrophic failure. Not every virus kills automatically. I think we are in a world of trouble and BA4/5 has made us all lessen our guard because it is a mild course. The excess deaths we are seeing are due to a multitude of reasons-all around spike protein, acquired through natural infection or jab.

You should read this. https://www.thailandmedical.news/news/alarming-new-study-data-validates-that-sars-cov-2-spike-proteins-damages-not-just-lung-cells-but-also-intestinal-cells-many-are-dying-slowly-and-silen

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paul, would be interested in your take on this: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2829566/

it's a long trail...

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The words in which he used was quite interesting. They really did create the perfect bioweapon.

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Why? Because the work had to be done outside US territory because of the congressional band on gain of function.

Objective is to find a magic injection that destroys the biological weapon. They have

Ignored the harm done and will be done if we keep pushing the envelope!

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Have you seen this, Dr Alexander? I stumbled upon it earlier this year while researching a term that appeared in project veritas info. https://drasticresearch.files.wordpress.com/2021/09/main-document-preempt-volume-1-no-ess-hr00118s0017-ecohealth-alliance.pdf

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IT'S ALL A GAME TO THEM. This reality oozes out of every pseudo-scientific syllable of their "proposals" and "summary analyses" and "conclusions." It is truly sickening.

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It is also fascinating that this 2016 paper spends some time detailing the ACE2 receptor, of course the hallmark of how SARS-COV2 enters human cells......

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But why would they want to exterminate everyone?

Oh right .. cuz: https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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