While I haven’t looked into it in depth, what I read was Mengele was a true believer in the sick, evil Nazi philosophy. As I told a group of doctors on thread I was on, modern doctors during Covid are worse than Mengele. He truly believed in what he was doing was ultimately for the greater good. doctors not treating patients, especially elderly or sick ones, early couldn’t help but know the outcome, but they did it anyway to protect their licenses and their BMWs. Who’s worse.

FYI I have followed Fauci for almost 40 years and he is just evil. He always gets rid of or distorts the placebo group to hide his failures. If you repeatedly cover up your crimes it’s not because you’re innocent. Also while he was downplaying Trump’s statements on vitamins and 90% of the people who died of Covid had Vitamin D deficiencies, he personally was taking 6000 IUs (10x FDA recommended dose) daily. He knew the right thing to do and hid it to get the Frankenshots approved. From a poem on Fauci’s plan I wrote “with all these years and all these tears, ya’d think we’d have a trick or two. Just go home, and do not roam, we’ll see you when you’re blue. Ten times the D, that’s for me, that’s just what I’ll do. Follow the rules, don’t be fools, one tenth is fine for you.”

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We must never let them get away with these crimes. Hang them all. Every single one who was involved in the Plandemic. A rope for each and every one of them

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Put them up high on posts until dry and still.

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Yes, they should and will be held to account one day this side of heaven. God will call them to account for what they did. Other than that, nothing will happen in our court system. The globalists have spent the past 100 years infiltrated everything slither by slither. Look at the innocent people being jailed these days.

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Almost every judge is bought and paid for by Soros and his ilk. None will ever get convicted. This is international and they are all protected. If you think voting, courts or protest will work at this point, your delusional. We are way past that point. As far as the US courts are concerned, all these murders will walk.

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No they wont, they also sold out. Look into what Mattis and Milley did. Traitors. These are turncoat generals. The military has gone woke and will not protect you or this nation. We have been attacked from the inside via a color revolution. Navy now has trans as their spoke person. We have no more military and have enemy combatants on our shores and NO ONE is lifting a finger to stop it.

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Dr. Zelenko Schools Israeli Rabbinic court

Posted August 4, 2021


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RABBI ABRAHAM DEUTSCH: The doctor Vladimir Zelenko.* Dr. Zelenko is a board-certified family physician for over 20 years. He has been described by his patients as a family member to thousands of families. And he is a medical advisor to the volunteer ambulance corps in Kiryas Joel, New York. Dr. Zelenko developed his now famous Zelenko Protocol ** which has saved countless lives worldwide. So welcome Dr. Zelenko, thank you for joining us. And I would like you to comment on our subject please.

DR. VLADIMIR ZELENKO [via Zoom or similar remote video telecommunication]: Thank you so much for having me. Can you hear me?

RABBI ABRAHAM DEUTSCH: Yes. Loud and clear.

MALE VOICE: [inaudible] loud and clear.

DR. VLADIMIR ZELENKO: So I'll just give you quickly my experience. My team has directly treated successfully 6,000 patients. I have trained hundreds of physicians who are now training their students and as a cumulative group we've treated millions of patients successfully. President Trump was my patient. Rudy Guliani was one of my patients. Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky *** has been my patient. Rabbi, Mr. Litzman **** your health minister of Israel last year was my patient. I'm just telling you which people have contacted me for care. Including President Bolsinaro of Brazil.

Now my experience has given me a very unique perspective in approaching covid 19, which is basically keeping people out of the hospital. I would like to descri— regarding children, the only reason you would want to treat a child is if you believe in child sacrifice. [inaudible] If you want to be a mocker of children like a korban# there's very good reason for giving the shot. Otherwise there's no necessity. Let me explain.

Anytime you evaluate any therapeutic, you need to look at it from three perspectives. Is it safe? Does it work? And do you need it? Just because you have a capability doesn't mean that you have to use it. There has to be a medical necessity. There has to be a need for it. You look at the CDC, the statistics for children under the age of 18 that are healthy, the survival rate is 99.998% survival rate with no treatment. Just like Dr. Yeadon* said, the influenza virus is more dangerous to children than covid 19 and he made an estimate that per million a hundred children would die from the vaccination. I feel the number would be significantly higher. And I'll explain to you the rationale for it.

So if you have a demographic— Can you hear me?

ABRAHAM DEUTSCH: [inaudible]

DR. VLADIMIR ZELENKO: If you have a demographic that has no risk of dying from a illness, why why would you inject them with a poison death shot? Now let's see if this thing works. Two countries in the world that are most vaccinated its citizens is Israel 85% rate of vaccination and an island nation in the Indian Ocean called Seychelles, also over 80%. Both countries are experiencing a Delta variant outbreak. So let me ask you a question. If you vaccinated—

MALE VOICE: [inaudible]

DR. VLADIMIR ZELENKO: If you vaccinated your, the majority of your population, why are you still having an outbreak? That's number one. Number two, why would even give a third shot of the same stuff that didn't work the first two times? Alright, that's whether or not it works.

And let's talk about safety. Now this is the real issue. There are three levels of safety or death that we need to look at. One is acute, one is subacute, and long term.

Acute I'll define from the moment of injection til 3 months. The number one risk of the shot is blood clots just like Dr. Yeadon said. According to the Salk Institute— oh by the way, everything I am saying I will defend with documentation and please don't take my word for it, you should do your due diligence. And I can provide to you proof for everything that I'm saying. According to the Salk Institute when a person gives an injection of these vaccines quote unquote, the body becomes a spike-producing factory making trillions of spikes which migrate to the endothelium which is the inner lining of your blood vessels. And its basically little thorns on the inside of your vasculature. As the blood cells flow through it they get damaged, they cause blood clots. If that happens in the heart a heart attack, if that happens in the brain that's a stroke.

So we're seeing the number one cause of death in the short term is some blood clots. And most of it is happening within the first three, four days. Forty percent is happening within the first three days of injection of this poison death shot.

Now the other problem is that it's causing myocarditis or inflammation in the hearts of children— young adults, I'm sorry, in the hearts of young adults.

And the third problem which is the most disturbing is according to the New England Journal of Medicine article their preliminary data the miscarriage rate in the first trimester only gets vaccinated in the first trimester goes from 10% to 80%. I want you to understand what I just said. The miscarriage rate in the first trimester of pregnant women when they get vaccinated goes up by a factor of 8. That's preliminary data, it may change with time, but I'm just telling you what it is as of today. That's the smallest of the problem.

The second problem is the sub-acute death issue which is the following, that the animal studies that were done with these vaccines showed that all the animals responded well in generating antibodies. When they were challenged, however, with the virus that they were immunized against, a large percentage of them died. And when that was investigated it was found their immune system had killed them. It's called something, Antibody Dependent Enhancement or pathogenic priming or paradoxical immune enhancement. But the point is that a lot of those animals died. So you can make an argument, maybe human beings are different. My answer to you, maybe, however those studies were not done. You are the study right now. The Pfizer CEO said, Israel is the biggest laboratory in the world. And so those long term studies to rule out, Dr. Luc Montagnier who won the Nobel Prize in medicine for the discovery of HIV said that this is the biggest risk to humanity and the biggest risk of genocide in the history of humanity. And so the risk of an ADE reaction in human beings which happens later has not been ruled out. So my question is, why would I vaccinate someone with a potentially destructive lethal substance without ruling that out first?

And the third component here is the long-term consequences. There is definite evidence that it affects fertility, damages ovarian function, reduces sperm counts. Number one.

Number two, definitely increases the amount of auto-immune diseases. Who knows over time how that is going to reduce lifespan?

And just last week a paper came out showing it increases the risk of cancer.

So any way you want to look at it, whether in the acute setting where it causes blood clots, inflammation of the heart and miscarriages, in the midterm subacute setting where it can result in a pathological disastrous immune reaction, or in the long term whether it causes increasing autoimmune diseases, cancer and infertility. Now that's a big concern. Actually I'll say it this way. In my opinion the current Israeli government is a gilgul* of Joseph Mengele. They have permitted, they have permitted human experimentation of their own people. And I'm going to tell you that I hope, I hope this Beis Din** is a little different, maybe not, but I know I finally understood [inaudible] say that if you see tsuris in klal Israel## you should look at the [inaudible], that if you see trouble in the Jewish people, you should look at the rabbinic leadership because if that's, if the head is diseased, what do you expect of the body?

So I beg of this Beis Din to put the interests of klal Israel above politics and anything else that may alter your opinions. I have, I receive death, daily death threats. I risk my life, my career, my financial life, my reputation, almost my family, everything just to sit here and tell you what I'm telling.


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DR. VLADIMIR ZELENKO: So I'll just summarize it that there is no need for this vaccine. And there's actually no need for anyone, and I'll explain. Children, I already told you, they have a 99.998 % chance of getting better. Young adults from 18 to 45 have a 99.95% of getting better. This is according to the CDC. Same concept. Someone who has already has covid and has antibodies, naturally induced immunity is a billion times more effective than artificially-induced immunity through vaccine. So why would I vaccinate someone with a poison death shot that makes inferior or dangerous antibodies when I already have healthy antibodies?

And then if you look at the high risk population that has a 7.5% death rate– So my data which was the first in the world which I published in a peer-reviewed journal which has become the basis of over 200 other studies and that have corroborated my observations that if you treat time frame you reduce death rate by 85%. So out of 600,000 Americans we could have prevented 510,000 from going to the hospital and dying. And by the way I presented this information to Bibi Netanyahu*** directly into his hands by way of [inaudible] in April 2020. And I informed every single member of your Ministry of Health as well.

So my question to you is, if I can reduce the death rate from 7.5% to less than a half a percent, why would I use a poison death shot that doesn't work and has tremendous and horrific side effects?

Now I'll do one more mind experiment with you. If everyone on the planet were to get covid and not get treated, the death rate globally will be less than a half a percent. Now I'm not advocating for that, that's a lot of people, that's 35 million people would die. However if we follow the advice of some of the quote-unquote global leaders, let's say like Bill Gates said last year, 7 billion people need to be vaccinated, the death rate would be over 2 billion people.

So wake up! This is World War III. This is a level of malfeasance and malevolence that we have not seen probably in the history of humanity.

So I'm against child sacrifice. I'm against Abodah Zarah.*** And I really believe that God is testing every human being. And here is the test. Are you going to bow down to me, to the Shem?**** Are you going to ask for protection from me? Are you going to take your fears and ask me to help?

Or are you going to run to the Abodah Zarah, the egel hazahav [golden calf] of the vaccine of your governments of despots and tyrants, like sociopaths who want to be deities. There's nothing new under the sun. These people are no different than [inaudible]. They think they're God. And you're going to bow down to them? If you're going to bow down to them, OK, let them protect you. Let's see how that's going to work out for you.

I've seen fear drive people to do things that are completely irrational, do not make sense, and they sacrifice their own children.

And yes, your Ministry of Health is lying to you. Your statistics are absolutely skewed. If you want to see something real there's the website called Worldometers.info*****, go to Israel and you can see at December 20th there's a huge spike in the curve of death in Israel. Do you know what happened in Israel December 20th? National immunization started. And these are numbers being reported by the Israeli government. They're just too stupid to hide it.

There is zero justification, zero justification for using this poison death shot. Unless you want to sacrifice human beings. I think I'm done.




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* Dr. Vladimir Zelenko died of lung cancer on June 30, 2022.

From his website https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/about/

"Board Certified Family Physician Vladimir Zev Zelenko, M.D. Dr. Zelenko graduated summa cum laude with a B.A. degree with high honors in Chemistry from Hofstra University. After receiving an academic scholarship to attend S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo School of Medicine, he earned his M.D. degree in May 2000. Dr. Zelenko completed his family medicine residency at South Nassau Communities Hospital in Oceanside, N.Y. in May 2004. Since then, Dr. Zelenko has practiced family medicine in New York’s Hudson Valley. He has been described by his patients as a family member to thousands of families, and is a medical adviser to the volunteer ambulance corps in Kiryas Joel, New York. In March 2020, Dr. Zelenko’s team was one of the first in the country to successfully treat thousands of Covid-19 patients in the prehospital setting. Dr. Zelenko developed his now famous “Zelenko Protocol,” which has saved countless lives worldwide, while he was fighting recurrent and metastatic sarcoma, had open heart surgery, and aggressive chemotherapy. He has also persevered against unrelenting defamation of character from the media, and threats against his person. Dr. Zelenko is an observant orthodox Jew, married with 8 children, and has authored two books called Metamorphosis and Essence to Essence."

** The Zelenko Protocols (one for covid patients and another for prophylactic treatment) are described on Dr. Zelenko's webpage at this link:


***Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, one of the most senior and revered ultra-Orthodox rabbis, died March 2022 at the age of 94. His funeral, attended by many thousands, was international news. See https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-701756 and


**** Yakov Litzman https://main.knesset.gov.il/en/MK/APPS/mk/mk-personal-details/216

#Korban, sacrifice. See https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/understanding-biblical-sacrifice-korbanot/

* Dr. Michael Yeadon if former vice president and chief scientist for allergy and respiratory at Pfizer.

See https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/truth-with-robert-f-kennedy-jr/former-pfizer-vice-president-dr-mike-yeadon-speaks-out/

*Gilgul is a Hebrew word for reincarnation.

** Beis din is a Rabbincal Court

## tsuris in klal Israel could be translated as "trouble in the community of Israel everywhere"

*** Benjamin Netanyahu https://www.netanyahu.org.il/en/

*** Abodah Zarah can be translated as idolatry.

See https://jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/348-abodah-zarah

****Dr. Zelenko refers to the first verse of the Shema, from the sixth chapter of Deuteronomy, which is "the Lord is our God, the Lord is one." See https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-shema/


See https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/israel/

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I am a huge fan of Dr. Zelenko and I worked in Kriyas Joel as I lived in Monroe, NY at an ashram there.....the women could not drive so in addition to other things I drove a few around.....especially down to Williamsburg ......he is a hero....Dr. Zelenko was a true activist and he is probably still fighting for us on another plane.....what a great man....his office is down the block from me as I have moved to Florida. NY is a Nazi state now....

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Yes, I am sure he is fighting for us now.

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Thank you Transcriber B. I really appreciate this information and the time you took to post it. 💕

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Thank you, Laura M, I really appreciate your kind comment.

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Yes, thanks for posting. I remember I watched one of Dr. Zelenko's presentations to Israeli Rabbis. People come and go in all our lives, but I truly miss Dr. Zelenko's powerful and moral voice to this day.

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This man is a true man of G-d.

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Humanity will cherish his memory.

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Yes. Kol haKavod to him. He was definitely one of the greats.

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As for the courts to decide, hmmmmm. I honestly don’t see it happening. Are the courts really going to try and convict the very gubment and military that released these bio-weapon shots? No chance in hell.

I’m afraid it’s going to have to be up to the people to hold tribunals and hang every last one of them!

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Mengele was a piker compared to Fauci.

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You are terrific Dr. Paul.....always on top of things.....always posting.....i can’t keep up.....LOL

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Yes, I read about that. His evil knows no bounds. Fauci is nothing more than satans minion and needs to be exterminated immediately and in the most painful way possible!

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I am a hospital RN who witnessed this last weekend. I am shocked and there is no one to report to because these are the current orders still in place for Covid positive mothers and everyone just follows orders.


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Thank you so much for speaking out!! We all need to stick together.

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Agree!!! Gehenna awaits these evil entities.

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Is Anthony Pfauci a Machiavellian character who knows full well that the vaccines are killing millions to achieve the eugenicists’ goal to depopulate the world?

Or is it that Pfauci suffers from cognitive dissonance?—that he believes in (or justifies) his own bullshit in which he can't see that he has done anything wrong.

I would argue the latter—that he is a religious zealot acting as one of the high priests in the new Church of Covid. It's a church in which mainstream "science" has replaced traditional religion.

Some liken Pfauci to Mengele. I believe Mengele was a sadist and who knew what he was doing was wrong. But Pfauci (just like so many "clueless" sycophants that follow him) are more dangerous than a relatively small group of Pharmaceutical Executives that know full well that their vaccines are killing and injuring millions worldwide. People like Pfauci actually believe they are saving the world.

Those who pray in the Church of Covid have committed crimes against humanity more out of omission than commission. These modern-day zealots—these “science worshipers—have taken us back to the times of the Salem Witchcraft Trials. You could call the phony Covid “pandemic” a reenactment of what was done in the late 17th century.

Watch 1692 WAS A VERY GOOD YEAR on Youtube. The “Plandemic” Is compared to the Salem Witchcraft Trials. Watch 1692 Was a Very Good Year. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/1692-was-a-very-good-year

There's a new church in town. Watch CHURCH OF THE PANDEMIC MIND. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/church-of-the-pandemic-mind

Two Covid fanatics become disenchanted with their idol as he exits the stage into retirement.

Listen to Turfseer’s new hit THOROUGHLY MODERN PFAUCI. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/thoroughly-modern-pfauci

POD PEOPLE BARBECUE. Origin of mask-wearing zombies revealed in song!


Subscribe to Turfseer’s Newsletter. Songs, Music videos and more.

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Your giving evil narcissist Fauci a lot of credit.

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I’m with you Karen.

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Way too much credit...

Is he a Fauci sycophant or apologist?

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Yes he is evil and a narcissist but I don't see him as a sadist. He is a religious fanatic who lives in a world that brooks no dissent.

“Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and his “patient” Buster Keaton join forces to remind us “Trust the Science.” Watch the hit music video TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/trust-the-science-rag

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Have you seen what he did to Beagle puppies? Sadist, hell that being much too kind. There are literally no words to describe this kind of evil!

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The University of Pittsburgh purchased dead (or live?) baby parts and sewed them onto the back of rodents.

Funded by NIH and Fauci.


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Fauci makes Dr. Josef Mengele look like a nice guy.

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Is there proof that he knew exactly what was going on? But you know even if he did these people are so demented that they still believe they are saving the world from a deadly pathogen. They believe the ends justify the means all the time because they have convinced themselves we're in a constant emergency. You could say it is a form of modern-day idol worship.

THE VIRUS IS MY GOD. The “virus” is claimed to have invaded a town in the old west and soon worshiped as a new idol among the populace: Watch the music video here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-virus-is-my-god.

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I think Fauxci is an egomaniacal sociopath.

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Fauci had to approve all NIH funding into research.

He used money as either a reward, or the lack of it as a punishment.

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I don't buy it. Pfauci knows hisbrole in serving satan, they pull him out of the closet to kill when they need him. They used him for hiv/aids with azt instead of remdesivir. People that develop aids, or mrna to maim and take life are just following satans orders. They don't believe in God or fear God. They think they are God. He knows full well what he's doing. He believes in it. This plandemic and other genocidal efforts have been at play for a lonnnng time.

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Here is what I agree with you about Pfaci: a) he serves Satan; b) he was instrumental in pushing the failed chemo drug AZT which killed millions; c) he does not believe or fear God and d) he's been involved in the plandemic for a long time.

However if you speak with him you will see he believes that he's saving peoples' lives. These are people who believe they are the authorities who cannot be wrong. He does not know what he's doing. He is a fanatic who refuses to acknowledge reality. Truly dangerous people!

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I am not disagreeing with you about Pfauci being evil and responsible for all those crimes including the ones during the AIDS hoax. What I do disagree with you about is that he is aware that what he's doing is wrong. I'm telling you that this guy truly believes he's a saint saving humanity!

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no he isn't...he is in on it with the global elite....no way does he not know.,...cmon,,,,he knows what he did in the 80's with AIDS....he is a psycopath knowing aiding the elites whom are pure evil....HE KNOWS

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I know it's hard to believe that he doesn't know. He believes he's a savior just like all his followers believe they're saving everyone from this fake pathogen. Like all religious fanatics he is demented.

There's a new church in town. Watch CHURCH OF THE PANDEMIC MIND. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/church-of-the-pandemic-mind

“Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and his “patient” Buster Keaton join forces to remind us “Trust the Science.” Watch the hit music video TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/trust-the-science-rag

Twilight Zone Spoof: Nightmare at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. President Pfauci finds himself in an underground bunker beneath the White House besieged by “anti-vaxxer” forces. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/twilight-zone-spoof-nightmare-at

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Just this month, the WHO & EU joined efforts to implement the digital jab pass. Just as it expired there. You're correct, it's over.

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Shrestha et al in their published, peer reviewed study have addressed the main objection of the jab pushers to their study which found that the risk of contracting covid increased with the number of jabs received as follows:

"A simplistic explanation might be that those who received more doses were more likely to be individuals at higher risk of COVID-19. A small proportion of individuals may have fit this description. However, the majority of subjects in this study were generally young individuals and all were eligible to have received at least 3 doses of vaccine by the study start date, and which they had every opportunity to do. Therefore, those who received fewer than 3 doses (>45% of individuals in the study) were not those ineligible to receive the vaccine, but those who chose not to follow the CDC’s recommendations on remaining updated with COVID-19 vaccination, and one could reasonably expect these individuals to have been more likely to have exhibited higher risk-taking behavior. Despite this, their risk of acquiring COVID-19 was lower than those who received a larger number of prior vaccine doses. This is not the only study to find a possible association with more prior vaccine doses and higher risk of COVID-19."

Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine


Now, Igor Chudov in his latest substack has shown that, in a VA sample, deaths from covid increased as the number of jabs received increased. Additionally,it's now been shown that we can expect tutbocancers,autoimmune myocarditis and manay other serious and lethal outcomes in many of the susceptible jabbed.

IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein


Why have these jabs not been stopped? Why are those who coerced and encouraged them not in prison? For how much longer can they perpetuate the cover up when the harm that these jabs cause is now unequivocal?

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