..the Gay and Bisexual community and in fact all of us; the unvaccinated healthy child with an intact innate immune system that has benefitted from 'training' the last 2 years, is PRIZED!
Can't un-inject all these folks, but we should find some way to help them.
Like I have said before:
and that is the only possibility of getting even a sliver of the former trust & respect that the medical system has tossed in the garbage for a flippin' dollar!
I was able to stop two of my three daughters from taking any more shots. They both had two early 2021. I am not sure anyone else listened to me, unfortunately. I have been relentless since 2020 sharing information unless specifically asked not to. I attend the FLCCC Wednesday night Zooms and Steve Kirsch’s Thursday night Zooms and share that info with anyone who will listen. I would love to do more.
Lost so many friends in the late 70’s and early 80’s. What did fauci know? Where is the cockroach now? Hiding? Why are gay men getting meningitis, monkeypox. Why are they targets. These people are friends, family members, loved ones. Please scientists who are experts in infectious disease, protect our loved ones. Give them whatever they need to stay healthy and throw those, who continue to cause serious injury and death, in jail and throw away the key.
HIV-AIDS (IS)> antivirals causing issues! HIV-AIDS is a scamdemic...inaccurate PCR tests, false positives, take renal destroying drugs, died from AIDS headlines. Same scam used by Fauci with Sars2-Covid!
So .... is what seems to now becoming more noticable amongst the gay community actually the proverbial "Canary in the Coal Mine"? If VAIDS is indeed occuring, will we first see it in the gay community? It does seem likely that in a group/population with greater risky behavior, opportunistic diseases and viruses are more likely to occur first and become noticed. So we have seen increases of Monkeypox and now Meningococcal disease in the homesexual communities. Seems someone should be actively monotoring the gay community right now with an emphasis on determining any correlation with these upticks and vaccination status. But I guess they will need to ignore that as they may not like the results.
WHY DO WE NEED ALL THESE VACCINES ALL OF A SUDDEN........Dr Eli David said this the other day on Twitter....."Covid is no longer a pandemic, it's an IQ test. And most "experts" are failing the test. " I would add and so are the sheeple....if they are still pushing the jabs and new jabs and new diseases even with the Pfizer documents and ALL the evidence , it's because they know enough people will comply....
in other words, things are going according to plan, the psychopaths dream of reducing population by 50%
I think it’s much more than that. We are at 7 1/2 billion, they want it down to 500 million,is what I have heard.
I have always said totalitarianism was going to give 'malaria' a run for the top spot.
The 145 million killed by Communism in the last century was only a warm up, the previous record holder was Islam with 248 million over 1400 years!
yes, I think you are right
Another AIDS in the making??
Not in the making, it is already here.
Can't un-inject all these folks, but we should find some way to help them.
Like I have said before:
and that is the only possibility of getting even a sliver of the former trust & respect that the medical system has tossed in the garbage for a flippin' dollar!
I was able to stop two of my three daughters from taking any more shots. They both had two early 2021. I am not sure anyone else listened to me, unfortunately. I have been relentless since 2020 sharing information unless specifically asked not to. I attend the FLCCC Wednesday night Zooms and Steve Kirsch’s Thursday night Zooms and share that info with anyone who will listen. I would love to do more.
Strange. I just received a letter from public health telling me my 14 yo is overdue for her meningitis booster. I threw it in the trash.
You mean public death? 🤬
Yes that's more accurate!
Lost so many friends in the late 70’s and early 80’s. What did fauci know? Where is the cockroach now? Hiding? Why are gay men getting meningitis, monkeypox. Why are they targets. These people are friends, family members, loved ones. Please scientists who are experts in infectious disease, protect our loved ones. Give them whatever they need to stay healthy and throw those, who continue to cause serious injury and death, in jail and throw away the key.
Fauci murdered 300K w AZT.
Aids didn’t kill our friends.
I was working in SF… friends dropping like flies.
Fauci using the same playbook w Covid.
The vax is worse than his bio weapon he made w Gates
He really did use the same playbook. Reading Robert Kennedy Jr book on Fauci tells all.
Thanks for Sharing are HIV antivirals causing issues also ?
HIV-AIDS (IS)> antivirals causing issues! HIV-AIDS is a scamdemic...inaccurate PCR tests, false positives, take renal destroying drugs, died from AIDS headlines. Same scam used by Fauci with Sars2-Covid!
So .... is what seems to now becoming more noticable amongst the gay community actually the proverbial "Canary in the Coal Mine"? If VAIDS is indeed occuring, will we first see it in the gay community? It does seem likely that in a group/population with greater risky behavior, opportunistic diseases and viruses are more likely to occur first and become noticed. So we have seen increases of Monkeypox and now Meningococcal disease in the homesexual communities. Seems someone should be actively monotoring the gay community right now with an emphasis on determining any correlation with these upticks and vaccination status. But I guess they will need to ignore that as they may not like the results.
Please help support the patriot movement.
WHY DO WE NEED ALL THESE VACCINES ALL OF A SUDDEN........Dr Eli David said this the other day on Twitter....."Covid is no longer a pandemic, it's an IQ test. And most "experts" are failing the test. " I would add and so are the sheeple....if they are still pushing the jabs and new jabs and new diseases even with the Pfizer documents and ALL the evidence , it's because they know enough people will comply....
Psychopaths. Murderers. Eugenics Lunatics.
They must be stopped
It's called "divide and rule" Paul.
You're doing just great at it.