My daughter did not get the vax but her husband did and a few weeks after she started having irregular periods, she is perfectly healthy, I say it is the shedding from hubby that is affecting her, but my stubborn daughter doesn't believe anything about covid??? So, what can I do, I keep trying, the kids have had covid I think also from Dad, and he has had covid already too.

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This is their own data about shedding under "Exposure".

Maybe you could show her - but I guess only if she's interested...... at least now you have the information for yourself! (If you didn't already.)

I know how it feels to have no one interested in this hellish experiment taking place.....

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Thank you for this but I have been studying this crap since it started. My daughter is a lawyer and everything is black or white, no grey. She thinks that since she went to school for a long time she is smarter than her parents. it pisses me off, I was a nurse for almost 50 years with almost a Master's education and my husband was a business man, he was also a teacher's aide later on in life. I have never thought of us as being dumb, because we aren't. I don't suffer fools lightly so she is about to get a talking too. She can make up her mind about covid but she will at least listen to what I have learned. My hubby says that many people are the same way, they do not want to hear that they were wrong about the shots or that they are in trouble. They are protecting themselves. It is extremely upsetting to have friends that are vax injured and they are still denying it, after all the doctor never said that. NOR WILL THEY EVER ADMIT THAT TO A PATIENT!!!!

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Yeah, I have 4 adult sons - 2 injected, 2 not. One told me I wasn't "qualified" to read the studies(!)

I asked him if he understood how the immune system works.....

That was last year. We haven't talked about any of it since then - 18 months ago.

My husband took the J&J (I am uninjected) and we both have seen the effects on me in real time, so shedding is real. Unfortunately.

I totally agree with your "hubby" - no one I know, friends or family, that ran for the crap wants to know a damn thing. And I'm the one they called for 40 years for health advice! But I don't blame them for being too afraid to deal. It was fear that drove them in the first place.

I've not discussed it with any of them either since last year, though I've stored up all conceivable supplements to give them if asked.

I was so frustrated, hurt and angry and now I'm not. I do worry (a lot) for my 2 sons but that is all.

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Well! 2 peas in a pod, I support you and you support me, 2 unvaxxed and proud of it! Thank you for your insight I thought I was the only one trying to help when they clearly do not want it. I will worry for my grandkids even the flu shots are only 16% effective with added stuff to hurt the older people! And some Doctors are mixing the flu shot with covid, so people must be careful! Once a nurse, always a nurse, patient advocate is a tough job to let go. But it is nice to have someone who feels the same, so thank you, Jill.

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These irregularities, both in women of reproductive age as well as post menopausal, and even among pre-puberty females who did not even receive the injections (but were around adults who had), have been reported since the earliest days of the mass jab campaign. The Nature study of web searches only adds more empirical evidence to what has been not merely suspected but essentially known with certainty all along. The preponderance of evidence is beyond a shadow of a doubt, the question is when & where will this criminal case be adjudicated???

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I do not believe the psychopathic murdering criminals will be held liable.

Covid was a bioweapon created and funded by the US government.

It was never really about the "virus." It was always about getting the covid death shot into arms.

US government are the baddies.

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

Agree Kathleen, plus the *real* bioweapon has been injected into billions of arms around the world, everything else was simply the set-up to establish an environment of non-stop fear

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I certainly hope the people behind this will be held liable.

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I hope so too.

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I believe that the damage done so far (which I think that, by the end of the year 2024, will be so evident that only the most delusional person will deny that something's happened) is something that will at least be questioned.

What we're doing is trying to provide a sequence of events that'll explain this.

Hopefully, the truth will come out.

It has to.

People will be asking questions.

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There was a FB group for exactly this in spring 2021 that subsequently got shut down. My friends 13 year old daughter spent the weekend around freshly vaxxed grandparents and then started her first period which lasted 60 days (heavy bleeding and clotting the entire time). Her immediate family does not vaccinate and she is homeschooled so the grandparents are the only possible location for shedding. She was able to regulate it finally by drinking dandelion tea.

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My friend who is Not vaxxed and menopausal for 18 years, had dinner with her freshly vaxxed son. 2 days later started bleeding for 2 weeks. I know several other ladies with the same problem.

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