I believe the election cycle coming up is going to be an absolute shit show, I believe the left will hire their thugs, (BLM, Antifa) to tear America to the ground, they will do that to deflect attention away from them stealing the election. If they pass the Bill saying it's illegal to vote with ID and only mail in and drop box votes count, the election is over and it'll be stolen. At this time I don't know how to feel about Trump, Catherine Austin Fitts said Trump gave $10 billion towards the depopulation of Americans, she said he's in on all of it. I don't know what the hell to believe anymore, especially after his latest tweet on the jabs. Even if 100 doctors and scientists showed him the data and proof the jabs maim and kill, he would still say he saved millions of lives and that the Democrats even told him that, which I believe is a lie, the left hates him. If we overlook the jab statement and just look at all his other statements, like the border and how he's going to deport them all, I ask, is he telling the truth. He has millions of supporters who think he's their god who can do no wrong, what if he does make it to the WH w/o being murdered and then he doesn't do what he said he'd do, then what.

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I’m honestly to the point also of not knowing what to believe anymore!! I do KNOW this for certain: our own Government who we all believed were there to DEFEND AND PROTECT us from EVIL are indeed the FACE OF EVIL staring us right into self destruction. God Help us all and GOD SPEED TO EVERYONE.

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I doubt the original Biden is even still alive.

The SOTU speech closeup photos of Obiden's eyes clearly showed a mask.

That would be the big reveal. Rip the mask off the imposter on live nationwide TV. The ultimate black pill.

Everything is phony.

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We are definitely not looking at the "real" JB, haven't been for several years, IMO. It wasn't he in 2020 either. Look at the JB in the debates with Trump. Look at old pics/videos from his VP years. Different guy, there's no doubt in my mind. What all that means, I have no idea. Who is directing this clown show we are watching? It's all fake, and the SOTU was a disgrace. How anyone could watch that and not be horrified is beyond me.

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The "wizard of Oz" is being controlled like a puppet from behind the stage by a group of very wealthy and powerful people. They believe they own everything, are at the highest level of the universe (they are not) and are in the process of turn Earth into even more of a prison colony.

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Agree. The rubbery skin on neck was obvious.

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Incredible that his legacy can be boiled down to a 50 year stint in the DC swamp with absolutely nothing good to show for it. The typical life-long politician that did his best to rape the country and leave nothing of value in return. Most politicians end up in this scrapheap. They leave one gigantic mess for others to clean up, which of course never happens because the "others" are just as corrupt.

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Good idea. But practically speaking, exactly how would you go about deporting millions of illegal aliens at this stage of the game? Locking the stable door when the horses have escaped hours ago and are two states over by now.

Everybody says: deport the illegals, but that is a meaningless gesture without a plan to implement it down the road.

This is an INVADING ALIEN ARMY that we are contending with: how is calling for "deportation" going to help what is likely to be going on in the near future?

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At the very least, any immigrant who entered past 2020 committing a criminal offence needs to be deported to home-base as a standard measure. The very last expense to US taxpayers is the return flight or bus ticket to wherever they came from.

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Mar 10·edited Mar 10

That is very unlikely to happen. Most of the ones coming in post 2020 likely never showed up for their later so called "immigration hearing" anyway. Chances are that nothing ever happened to them, zero consequences for lawbreaking.

And IF by some miracle, they should be actually deported for a violation, what's to prevent them from turning right around and coming back in again?

It's a joke and the joke's on us. This has all the signs of being an invading army. Babylon America is under the Judgement of God and slated for destruction.

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It would appear that the US will have to kill many of these illegals IF the President would even go along with that. They won't go peacefully if they are here with malfeasance on their minds. Hence, if our military is even still pro-US, they will have to do the killing. Where's Carlos Hathcock when we need him?

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Legends like Carlos Hathcock don't come down the pike everyday, that's for sure!! Thanks for giving him an honorable mention. He was a one man battalion and-a-half and had a bounty on his head by the VietCong for taking out so many of their people. They don't make them like that anymore! SEMPER FI.

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It’s called the unadulterated and deliberate destruction of America, Dr Alexander! Regardless of who those pulling Biden’s strings or anyone else for that matter! I have said this numerous times, we are living through the beginning of the end of this life called, “Western Civilization”! How possibly can we be called, civil? Yes to a degree, civility exists. Certainly not for those who choose to look past human life,to simply benefit themselves! Especially when, the past 4 years have opened the eyes of those who choose to see!

I believe “We The People” will be better served preparing for the inevitable! The inevitable will happen and there won’t be a President or anyone else to rescue us, except “ourselves”! Then, for all those who survive, they’ll be happy the government has a “Cradle To Grave” plan to keep us all entrapped, serving their every need! I think not! I certainly won’t!

Sorry Y’all, as they say in Texas, I’ll be living free, in a world where I believe, “TRUTH BELONGS”!Especially after living through “HELL ON EARTH” and to a place called, HEAVEN!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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They will never allow Trump to become President again, even if it means the destruction of America. Covid was a test run in 2020. 2024 will be Global Shock and Awe.

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I believe you’re absolutely correct! They know who and why the next “whoever” will be put in charge, if you can even call it that !


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Mentally ill vote for the mentally ill. But humans ask yourself a question. Why leaders at all? Are you so dumb and unable to lead yourself? Are you going to die of without dictators? Look what they did to you in the last 4 years. 5.6 billion injected with some freaking GMO cocktail. And you still trust? For the survival of the specie , great thinkers in the future must find a way to live without leaders. look at the history what all those in power did. never ending conflicts.

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I said this day one when they put him up for this position. Elder abuse!

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Interesting, my Substack account no longer is available. Great, this goes through my email as well!

They are taking names and getting ready to kick …Not afraid! Just aware!

Interesting how we all know the destruction / decisive/ racist POTUS=BarrackHusseinO’Bama is the one in charge, and all the wealthy ones are licking his alligator slippers!!!

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I'm into substack a few days. Screen freeze , constantly. Not impressed

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Carlos was the Wonder from Wynne.....

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