If he was not on the jet, then it would be a good way of faking his death.

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Psy-op # 2 for him

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If you take your shot at the king

You'd better not miss

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Received a post on this from a man from eastern Europe--I think a Russian expat. He has an interesting substack that is way more level headed than American news about Russia or Ukraine. The implications was that if Prighozhin was on the 'problem' list he is toast; if not he many not have been on the plane or been killed. Another man on the plane was a head military commander of the Wagner group. But not said is the possibility of sabotage as from Ukraine/US CIA involvement. Would be no surprise here as the Wagner group was very instrumental for Russian military efforts. Prighozhin, remember, was/is a very powerful oligarch as I understand it, no just a wealthy business person. The US is pretty hysterical about losing this fight which is exactly what is happening. Only the American press pretends this country is 'winning.' The US has not won a single war since the American Revolution!

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Please post a link to the "interesting substack" you are referencing as your source.

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Yevgeny Prigozhin lived to be a lot older than the SEALs that, allegedly, murdered Osama bin Laden.

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He has enough money to get a completely new identity. Will likely run as a Democrat in the next election, psyop the shit out of the left, and bring our country back to great again. 😉

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Plane treated as a drone threat... how convenient... saves Vlad from playing with one of his poisons.

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Bad Vlad

Went to BRICS



Went to ground


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This summer Barry

Wrote a travel poem of

Two Russian leaders

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That's soooo sweet ;))


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Guess he was Clintoned

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Interesting times to be alive.

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Just like WW1, Biden & the NATO fools needed a reason... so then it was Archduke Ferdinand now Prigozhin. What did you DEW to the plane Biden & your staff of fools?

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Although Wikipedia has already given him a date of death (today), it's unclear if that's true.

Here he is in Africa two days ago.


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Was it a jab kill or was it putin shooting them down? Well either way the problem of this guy is now solved for Putin. Quickly solved it is. Its russian simplicity. You got yo admire it.

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Obviously it was some hypersonic hypodermic needles.

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Yes an alien large hypersonic space needle.

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Wow. Vlad has a long memory and many resources to power his revenge.

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not unless i see the dead body...

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some lady posted her video of the plane going down as she went closer to her fence and looked over she saw a blume of smoke so it's somewhere on this sm platform

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