You too Paul! Thank you for all you do ♥️

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Merry Christmas, Paul‼️May His kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven❣️God bless you and your family♥️♥️♥️

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Christmas is a time of Hope our Savior comes and meets us with everlasting joy.

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I'm do sorry you lost your Father. May God comfort you and give you peace. My heart reaches out to you. God bless you and all your family and all who mourn your Father.

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thank you Paul for all you are doing, I don't comment often but I appreciate your newsletter and posts, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours, I hope 2023 will see an end to this war and the start of something wonderful for all humans on this planet. And to everyone here as well!

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Your good heart and strong spirit bring me joy every day! May you find renewed strength in the coming year 👼

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Although I find myself stranded with thousands of other travellers this Christmas season and not home with my family, there is still so much to be grateful for. We count it all joy. Dr. A, God bless you and yours. Merry Christmas to one and all!

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Merry Christmas!!!!

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A blessed Christmas to you and your family.

HE will wipe away your tears. The love for your father will never be erased.

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I remember the devastating loss of your father, Paul, and I also know how exceptionally proud he must have been of you—knowing you have stood tall in the face of overwhelming pressure to comply, to go along to get along, to pretend the lies are true, to violate your Hippocratic Oath, and you never, ever once even considered it for a second, even though your life would have been so much more comfortable if you had. Thank you for choosing truth, love, and life and for shining a light in the darkness 🕯

As a little Christmas gift, you'll find a mini-tribute to you in the Gratitude section of the video post I just published:

• "Do You Remember? (Video)" (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/do-you-remember-video)

Someday, I intend to do a full-fledged Profile in Courage on you, but this will have to tide you over for now :-)

Merry Christmas to you and your dear family, Paul, and here's to a brighter 2023 🌤

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Merry Christmas to you and yours too Paul!!! When I lost my Mother years ago I felt the same way; just lost and in a very dark place so I can empathize and sympathize with your pain, loss and how you feel! But, time does heal the heart and the love you had with your Father will always be there and no one can ever take that away! The love my Mother and I had for each other never waned and it still buoys my life to this day and like you with your Father, I look forward to our reunion one day!!! GOD Bless you brother for all that you do and may the love of Christ, and your Father, keep you until you see them both again!!!

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Thank you for your beautiful words Dr Paul. Very inspiring and uplifting. Wishing you and your family an absolutely wonderful Christmas and let's hope we will see light at the end of this dark tunnel in the coming year! I love what you write and we are behind you all the way!💛💚

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May peace and love live in your heart as that is where Our Lord dwells. Know that your Dad is always with you in spirit and he is looking down with pride as he sees his son standing up for good.

We have all been thru so much but this season

gives us Hope, and then we sprinkle it with Love and Faith and viola, the magic of Chistmas is here!🌲💕🌲 Blessings Everyone!

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Blessed Be to you Sacred Brother of Truth and Light, Every Joyous abundance to you and family, Gratitude and thank you for sharing your light and love, PeacenLovExpresse <3 D

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Merry Christmas! 🎄

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We cannot thank you enough for all you have done for humanity. From the bottom of my heart I wish you and your family a peaceful Xmas.

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