case he did not know, we LOVE with a capital 'L', vengeance, he may not like it, but we the people do! If they can do all those wrong things to Trump, Biden et al. must be held to same standard
Biden needs to be thrown into a cell along with his drug addled perve son and held to account for his complicity in crimes against humanity. But even more important than serving justice to Biden is serving justice to those directly responsible for the nightmares unleashed upon humanity through covid and the injections which have harmed so many. A true leader and humanitarian would make this the mission of the next election and alas, like the majority of doctors, all (including DJT) lack the courage to even acknowledge it.
Not surprised, playing to both sides of the aisle as a uniter, which isn't going to fly as we see Trump and companies mug shots, and all the lawfare leaning one way only. Biden corruption is so blatant and in our faces, along with ineptness displayed by the entire administration, and worse the planned demolition aspects occurring not only on American soil, but all over the globe.
How about 'if they can do all those wrong things to the American people,' ummm, Sheeple - misuse our hard-earned tax dollar/print all the bucks they want, run out of ink and launder it back in all in the name of wars -- here's the smart part (wait for it) . . . then shove bill in the slaves' mugs. I get it -- all business -- politicians pad their own pockets and keep us in 'fright' mode. Perfect MO!
So he would not "persecute" the Bidens? Well, then he needs to pledge to PROSECUTE them, because they are TREASONOUS CRIMINALS.
The American people demand and deserve JUSTICE.
ViFake PharmaSwampy will never be President.
Fully agree. Cannot tolerate smarmy 'swamy.
If ViFake PharmaSwampy is on the ballot, I am writing in TRUMP
Biden needs to be thrown into a cell along with his drug addled perve son and held to account for his complicity in crimes against humanity. But even more important than serving justice to Biden is serving justice to those directly responsible for the nightmares unleashed upon humanity through covid and the injections which have harmed so many. A true leader and humanitarian would make this the mission of the next election and alas, like the majority of doctors, all (including DJT) lack the courage to even acknowledge it.
Disappointing I thought Vivek R was an intelligent man.
Saw this on another article considering many claims about him and well worth a read.
kitten seeking answers
Writes ”Kitten’s Secret Garden”
more on Vivek…
Not surprised, playing to both sides of the aisle as a uniter, which isn't going to fly as we see Trump and companies mug shots, and all the lawfare leaning one way only. Biden corruption is so blatant and in our faces, along with ineptness displayed by the entire administration, and worse the planned demolition aspects occurring not only on American soil, but all over the globe.
Here's the $64,000 question (it was a game show/'50s for all you young bucks/does): Which candidate would "persecute" the Bidens!! RIGHT!!
How about 'if they can do all those wrong things to the American people,' ummm, Sheeple - misuse our hard-earned tax dollar/print all the bucks they want, run out of ink and launder it back in all in the name of wars -- here's the smart part (wait for it) . . . then shove bill in the slaves' mugs. I get it -- all business -- politicians pad their own pockets and keep us in 'fright' mode. Perfect MO!