You're a kind man and a hero of your profession. God bless you and keep you safe.

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yes Dr. Alexander - it's not "just" the vaccine - the WRONGFUL DEATHS occurring across the globe are staggering. people not getting proper standard of care, no food, no budesonide unless they were on it already, etc. working with nurses to expose this.

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Please know there are millions of us here in the US who support you and all of the brave Canadian freedom fighters! Your message is definitely getting out and we are beyond grateful for your tenacity and courage. May God keep all of you safe and FREE!🙏 You are a saint Dr. Alexander!!

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the letter of the list of demands you wrote - did this get to Trudeau or any PMs? this articulated EXACTLY what is needed to move to OUR new normal.

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The studies are clear. The vaxx offers more harm than good for everyone.

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I think the physical body count is whats more than clear, blood seeping out from under the astroturf....

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Leaflets pamphlets should be handed to them during this face off, better if it was earlier but thats a HUGE project and well worth it, with all the other money being spent

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I would help pass out a flyer in my area

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The message: maybe it can (from me anyway) start with something like:

We are all in this together. We and all our loved ones are all endangered by the denial of effective early treatment and by the so-called vaccines which increase the rate of thrombosis and cancer and neurological damage. Most at risk, the elderly - like your elderly parents, grandparents and friends. Urgent that we stand together for choice. Here with documentation, is Dr Paul Alexander, who has been with the truckers, with the Freedom Convoy, from the start because he knows they are FOR SCIENCE, FOR LIFE, FOR ALL OF US.


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Agreed! This is urgent!! Yes, this is a message we need each to undertake to convey to all law enforcement people - to everyone, in fact. I have a weekly online group - Community Connection Commitment. I will get this to everyone tomorrow (next meeting). We each have police stations near us. Maybe you could do a short video, Paul, in your role as informed medical specialist, that we can include in a link. Maybe one or 2 minutes. Short and urgent. I could also do a short video. By the way, if anyone wants to be part of Community group, please message me.

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they do not understand and dont care to understand, the police is a cult


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I'm pleased that at least one other person understands this...I bet you were an LEO at one time...!

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oh hell no, ive been highly independent since i was pretty young, i began asking serious questions about the meaning of life from aged 10 and just kept learning

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Good for you Sir...Keep up the good work...The free world depends on moral soldiers...!

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There’s a big shadow of fallout from the shots that seems to be coming due to autoimmune disorders, micro-thrombosis and other thrombotic conditions. It seems to be very hard to detect (unless doctors are willing to look and assess without bias) and I’m guessing the effects will play out over a longer time period. People who have taken the shot(s) might not see the adverse outcomes for quite some time…but it seems likely that these effects are affecting everyone who has taken the shots. That should make *everyone*, including law enforcement, very upset at the people who mandated this experimental and unnecessary treatment.

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Yes, but we must also offer a therapeutic or cure for the damage being caused. There must be hope.

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First, convey the danger.

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Some police want good things for folks...

No cops want clot shot terror hacksxxxine, some have been forced into it

No one who understands what this is can honestly support it

Break the mass psychodelform...


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Add Remdesivir to the mix and voila ... kidney failure and death. And then it's counted as a Covid death letting the hospital collect an exorbitant dollar amount for their coffers. Sadly ... the patient would most likely have lived if given early treatment.

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Feb 19, 2022·edited Feb 19, 2022

You are a better man than I Paul. The police today were aggressively enforcing the will of the tyrant, against the law and against their own oath.

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I hope they listen. Bless you Dr and all with you.

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Dr. Alex, you've hit the heart of it one more time. Do not let that telling "refrain" die out ! Thanks for all your posts, delivered with such undaunted Science, conviction, and "roof-top" force!

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