Normal Vitamin D levels along with nasal sprays and gargling with hydrogen peroxide after being out in public to kill any inhaled airborne viruses as recommended by Dr. Peter McCullough are all that was needed to stop the COVID-19 Pandemic within 30 days. My 10,000 IUs of Vitamin D3 daily and use of hydrogen peroxide after being out in public have prevented any viral symptoms from any source in my body since 1 JAN 21.

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You are the real deal on honoring the oath. Apparently, our Military isn't doing the same.

Also, quercetin, NAC, zinc, and Vitamin C are good, too.

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Treason is defined in the Constitution at Article 3, Section 3, as consisting "only in levying War against (the United States), or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

All members of the American military take an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; (and to) bear true faith and allegiance to the same."

When the military is committed to foreign actions without a declaration of war by Congress, as required by Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 11 of the Constitution, that is a violation of the Constitution, arguably the action of domestic enemies.

When a member of the military participates in an unconstitutional foreign military deployment, s/he violates both the Constitution and his/her oath to "support and defend" it, giving "aid and comfort" to it's "domestic enemies," committing treason by the definition given by the Constitution.

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Excellent. Except I would never put acid in my mouth. I used essential oils and baking soda. My teeth would rot from peroxide. Plus peroxide kills good bacteria. Essential oils and baking soda do not.

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Hydrogen Peroxide, H2O2, has just one more Oxygen Molecule than water, and as such is a weak acid because its PH is below 7 at around 6.4, where 7 is a neutral PH. As a retiree, I only spray my nostrils and gargle with hydrogen peroxide no more than once per week for 60 seconds, resulting in no harm to my sinuses or any tissues in my mouth. Good bacteria replenishes with the chewable probiotic ProBiora to replenish the good bacteria faster than the bad bacteria.

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Thank you… I appreciate the gum suggestion…..except i don’t chew gum because i am afraid my teeth would not hold up…..i could suck on it but then again Life Extension has an oral mouth probiotic…..i do Neti daily for years now with Lugol’s iodine…..way before Covid….I studied Indian cleansing practices while I lived at an Ashram for 25 years….i still prefer the baking soda and oils but thank you for clarifying the PH amounts…..good to learn always….

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ProBiora Professional Strength is a chewable mint tablet and not gum. I also use enamel restoring mouthwash which counters any acidic effects of hydrogen peroxide once per week. Hydrogen peroxide actually kills any virus on contact and is why I haven't had any viral symptoms from any source in over 2 years.

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Hi….thank you again…..I have not (knock wood, LOL) had any viral symptoms either….but i will look into that tablet….i gargle, tongue scrape, do Neti, and of course brush….but I also breathe in essential oils and put them on my chest……thank you….

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I rinse my toothbrush with H202, then put a dab of fluoride free toothpaste on it, brush, rinse.

My (remaining) teeth are strong now, and very white.

Oil pulling has helped too.

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Fluoride is a poison. If possible look up David’s toothpaste with hydroxyapatite ….that is more natural….the entire toothpaste is natural……yes oil pulling is wonderful….i am lazy…LOL..

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You never eat vinegar?

The killer T cells in the human immune system use peroxide to kill pathogens.

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Actually they use the oxygen released by peroxide…..and yes ACV is very healthy but not white vinegar….but the mouth is basic and not acidic and i won’t put peroxide in my mouth unless i add baking soda…..and actually when i drink ACV i rinse with baking soda…..vinegar is terrible for the teeth….

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Yous must have been playing hooky the day that free radical oxidation was discussed in biology class.

Vinegar is a very weak acid compared to hydrochloric acid in the stomach at 2 to 3 pH.

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Normal vitamin D levels are grossly deficient.

If you aren't taking enough vitamin K2, your megadosing of D3 will tend to cause arteriosclerosis and osteoporosis.

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10,000 IUs daily of Vitamin D3 is not a megadose, where 20,000 IUs would be. 10,000 IUs of Vitamin D3 puts my tested Vitamin D level at the high end of normal. Vitamin K2 is a supplement I take once weekly.

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You will never prove your subjectivity is objective.

If you take MK-4 instead of MK-7, you will be deficient in hours, it being water soluble.

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Vitamin K2 from food, which is MK-4, is healthier than Vitamin K2 from bacterial synthesis, which is MK-7, because we evolved as humans with MK-4. The MK-4 version of Vitamin K2 is absorbed in the organs, while MK-7 is not. My Vitamin K2 based on animal sources as MK-4 is suiting my health just fine, where MK-7 would create skin rashes. Basing all of my supplement results on the impact to my body as verified through my annual bloodwork is an objective and not a subjective scientific process.

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MK-7 comes from natto, which is as much food as it is possible to be.

You apparently have never read Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life by Kate Rheaume-Bleue.

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He better understand. He has been touting his bringing the vax to light and not understanding he was fooled. He needs to say that. He needs to say that on many issues.

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Except that he wasn’t fooled and it’s taking him so long to come out against the vaccines because they are trying to come up with the best way to keep transhumanism on the table and keep the vaccines whilst at the same time, remaining in good graces with the electorate.

That’s what I think.

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His narcissism won't let him besmirch his beloved Operation Warp Speed trophy.

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We will get the info at the right time….Trump is not a narcissist and every word he says nowadays is full of meaning even if it looks like ego it is not…..he is very compassionate and he helps many many people individually in in group if one bothers to look for the information…….but one has to use their heart to really get the man….God Bless him….without him we would have lost this country ages ago….

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I agree. I am still going to vote for him, but he needs to address this.

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I think everyone wants T to address this……just remember operation warp speed included much more than vaccines…..he no longer touts this………he has stopped but i will not vote for Kennedy until he addresses why he is still in love with the slave party…..he romanticizes the BorgDems and because of that some of his history that he shares is absolutely and totally wrong…..i am about two years older than Kennedy…..and have seen all the things he talks about…..i honor him a great deal for his work on vaccines…..but he needs to explain why he is part of the slavery party and i could give plenty of examples as to why it is still a slave party, but going to the films that Dinesh D’Souza made would be the best way to get the information if interested…..

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Trump campaigned against vaccines - he knew they were dangerous. Then he gave us a so-called vaccine never tested for efficacy. Either he was wrong, or he broke the law. His lockdowns shattered the working class, and enriched the rich. Overnight he gave the richest Americans a $5 trillion dollar bailout, and left working people to hang, lose businesses, lose homes. Stop kidding yourself about him. Biden just as bad.

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I don’t know why people don’t get that the lockdowns were in the hands of the state….Trump never locked us down nor did he demand we get vaccines……ever…..never ever believe anyone but your own research…i guess once you have to blame you blame all the way without breaking it down….not you personally but one so to speak…..and i never kid myself……but i think you need more information…….he never locked us down….he never sent troops into Antifa which i would have liked to see…..he followed the Constitution …..the bottom line…..if not for Trump our country would have been in the toilet way before now……give credit where credit is due even if you find you emotionally need to blame…..

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When the President of the United States "recommends" lockdowns, he is pushing them. Here's his list:

'We would much rather be ahead of the curve than behind it and that's where we are,' Trump said. 'Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans including the young and healthy work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid a gathering in groups of more than ten people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts.'

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He better understand? You don’t have to vote for him.

You need to understand.

Who are you to make an order like that? Very repulsive language.

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Wow, I'll keep my fingers crossed. It's way past time he said that he was lied to by Big Pharma,

but he now knows the truth: the shots were neither safe nor effective. Personally, I doubt he

can ever bring himself to say that, but we can always hope. Thanks for keeping the lines of

communication open with Trump. He needs honest and informed advisors like you . . . and

of course Dr. McCullough, Dr. Risch, Naomi Wolf, Dr. and Mrs. Breggin, and all the other

courageous health professionals who have come forward at great personal expense.

If he can bring himself to do a 360 turn on vax safety, he will cement his place as the

Greatest POTUS Ever if he never does anything else.

The Establishment will hate thim even more for it. FWIW the first person I heard to suggest

a Trump-RFK, Jr. ticket was Roger Stone, no newcomer to politics.

Don't agree with RFK, Jr. on everything, but he's honest, smart, and informed.

These days that's a very rare commodity.

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You sure about Bobby. Then why is he still a Democrat Communist? Because, that's what they are who say they are Democrats. Not for me. Thank you....

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Are you ignorant of the Communist Control Act of 1954?

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I'll ask my Husband he came from Communist Hungary.

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What would that have to do with the law passed by Congress in 1954?

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You go figure it out.

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I got you there. I wasn't even born then.

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I was in October of 1954.

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Donald Trump was our President when the Globalists cut the legs out from under the United States of America; he allowed and/or promoted their policies- lockdowns, school closures, withholding of treatments, and finally, the killer "vaccine."

We have million+ dead and millions more disabled, via DOD, NIH, CDC, FDA, etc., after a year of torture to coerce compliance.

He could have gotten HCQ, Zinc & Zithromax, Aspirin and a pulse ox meter to every American, (later on Ivermectin, if he had paid any attention to Dr. Kory's testimony,) or just flipping Vitamin D, encouraged exercise, social norms, and told the states that if they shuttered businesses he'd send DOJ after them.

As President he could have saved this nation. He did not. He fed us lock, stock and barrel to the worst forces on Earth.

He could have stood up for Freedom of Speech, met with the writers of the Great Barrington Declaration like DeSantis, and figured out for himself, like DeSantis, that everything the CDC, FDA and that sociopath Anthony Fouci was touting was useless at best, and lethal at worst.

He DID NOTHING. He went along. He allowed that horrible creature to destroy our nation almost singlehandedly, imitating CHINA, the worst communist nest in our world, because one Fouci-ite said so. Social Credit Scores now heading our way with CBDCs and Digital IDs right around the corner with climate lockdowns and social destruction to boot!

I personally think he had to be in on it all because while he is many things, stupid he is not.

President Donald Trump was the real problem; whether he was complicit or just stupid it doesn't really matter though.

We died, our businesses died, Freedom of Speech died. Medical Ethics died. The rule of law died. Education died. Truth died. Compassion died. The Media/News/The Experts are all in on it. Promoted it. Bathed in it. Adored it. People are still being killed with Remdesivir and a Ventilator in the United States of America, thanks to the forces Donald Trump let loose upon us.

Our children were literally tortured, and our elders were tortured to death.

And now the WHO, the WEF, and the UN are fighting to end human freedom on Earth.

So my view on that man is NEVER AGAIN- he sold us "down the river" once, here at home.

I will not give him the chance to do it again, on a Global Scale, to the Sociopathic wannabe "Masters of the World," types.

Forget Trump- Resist. Each and every one of us.

And make sure every single elected official in the United States of America hears us this time- NEVER AGAIN, on the abuses and censorship and manipulations of the "Plandemic." No matter who is in office!

Trump. Biden. Kennedy. DeSantis. Or anyone else. It doesn't matter. WE must make the rules, not them.

And we must delineate our goals-

Restore the US Constitution.

Bring our troops home.

Dethrone Pharma & the Bio-security State.

Return to the Rule of Law.

Clean up the Environment.

Restore Education.

Develop New, Clean Energy Technologies.

Ban ModRNA Vaccines.

And Nano Particles in Food and Medicine.

Remove 5G and EMR that harms life.

Develop Health based, not Disease based financial models.

Ban Glysophate and other toxins.

And that's just a start.

The work ahead is HUGE. But somebody's got to do it, so it might as well be us. ; ))

But don't be fooled and put your faith in any politician. The vast majority are completely compromised, and the rest are mostly cowards.

Only 2 or 3 in each state exhibit intelligence and courage, and only 1 in the US Senate, if you ask me. So again it's up the People. That way you don't need to depend on those untrustworthy types, or put your faith in the fallible and the corrupt.

Get involved, PERSONALLY!

Every single American who understands what's at stake!


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You couldn’t be more wrong about Trump and how things are playing out! If you think Trump alone (or anyone else that had been President) could have stopped any of this you need your head examined! They had C-19 & Vax plan patented and Fauci said Trump would have a pandemic on his hands as soon as he was elected. IF YOU THINK the Vax would have never seen the light of day had Trump fired Fauci & Birx and said NO to everything the medical three letters said and pushed HCQ & Ivermectin over the CDC, NIH, and FDA advice against and condemned the jabs as dangerous & deadly when they came out. You know been dictator in chief -- just as the media & entire media and DC painted him every time he pushed back (and you must have missed his 2 hr daily press conferences and interviews etc to think he loved big Pharma and was doing anything for money ... he lost over 1 billion while he was President and never took $1 of his Presidential salary .. yep .. he did it for the big Pharma money! Anyone who thinks that hasn’t been paying attention!

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His Gilead stock alone made that silly salary moot. Who owns the patent on Remdesivir? An expensive, toxic EUA drug that never would have been prescribed without the Feds functionally mandating it? Gilead, that's who.

Trump was in on it. And profited from it. Not to say Biden isn't worse, he is. A thousand times worse. A rank traitor to the United States of America, in my personal opinion. But Trump was the President when they destroyed us.

Caused 3.3 million businesses to be bankrupted. Educational and psychological disaster for huge numbers of children. Did not stop Fouci and Birx, he empowered and enabled them. An idiot could have predicted the results we had.

"Stay home until you turn blue!" No treatment for you! Once you come to the hospital, we'll give a treatment that will kill a bull elephant, ok?

Isolate you from your loved ones. Force them to go to court to allow your own doctor to treat you!

No Ivermectin becaus the government has a price on your head!

Do not tell me that smart guy couldn't figure this out. The position is absurd.

As Catherine Austin Fitts said, "either Donald Trump knew less than I did in the spring of 2020, or he was in on it. And I don't think he knew less than I did."

Stupid or complicit. Only two possibilities.

If DeSantis could save Florida, Donald Trump could have saved America.

It's just that simple.

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What you wrote is so mixed up and full of factual errors and false assumptions I wouldn’t know where to start!!! So just a couple facts that crush yours...

1. Trump was interviewed on national TV in March 2020 saying he wanted everything open and people back to work and kids back in school by April 13 (Easter)

2. Trump announced multiple times in national TV that HCQ could likely be a huge game changer and save thousands and thousands of lives! He and Navarro worked immediately with Modi in India to secure millions of doses of HCQ. Then the media and Rick Bright sabotaged HCQ immediately with fake studies flavoring like 10x a safe dose and very late to patients that were practically dead already. It was later retracted when it was too late? Trump did that? Since when was he an MD and able to tell them all to stand down when all of them and the media docs were warning HCQ would kill you? And asking Trump how he felt about all the people he had killed? Remember the D state Senator from MI who publicly thanked Trump for saving her life by talking about HCQ? He had her and others to the WH talking about how HCQ saved their lives. Or did you not know or see or just blinded by hate??

3. Ivermectin wasn’t being used while Trump was President in 2020.. that was 2021... remember???

4. They gave Trump Remdisiver in Oct 2020 at Walter Reed.. WHY would he take it if he knew it was a killer treatment at the time??

5. Why did Fauci and Hotenz and everyone initially push back so hard on Trump re a vax in 2020 saying it would take 10-12 years... when they knew the fraud was ready to go?? They didn’t want it out initially did they?? Why?? How long did they want the lockdowns and fear to last??? Did they know about the coup that would oust Trump in 2020?? Why was Biden, Cuomo, and Harris SO very negative and non-trusting of Vax in Oct 2020 then be first in line in Dec to get it on TV and push it and require it so hard???

6. Why did Trump rarely wear a mask and have events and WH etc even though he was constant criticized by media and politicians???? What was his message to the American people after surviving his bout... Do not be afraid! He though the monoclonal antibodies saved him and he said he would make that available to every American... what did Biden & Fauci do immediately? Try to downplay, minimize it and even block it! And incentivize Remdisiver. And you think “firing Fauci” would have stopped their evil plans decades in the making for the plandemic and universal Vax and digital passports? If you don’t see that don’t know what to say but that’s pretty stupid.

7. Trump never forced anyone (made it clear in spring 2020 that the Vax would be available but always each person’s choice to take or not take.. why did he keep making that point?? ... and he never supported them for younger people who were healthy. He kept talking how easily and quickly Baron threw it off! Wonder why? And why did the bad people hard this so much?

8. Finally did you know the Pfizer contract was indeed violated and fraudulent ?? Dr Naomi Wolf and lawyers are suing Pfizer now because there is proof in their own documents the whole 95% effective was a lie and they knew it 100% and they also violated the contract by not telling DOD that their fake milestone was met before Oct 31.. they lied and waited until after the fraudulent selection and coup of Biden to announce it... hmm I wonder why???

PS. In a Republic the Governors of the States decided whether to lockdown and got how long .. not Trump.. Biden violated the Constitution and Bill of rights with his forcing and mandating!!! As for another lie... Ron DESanctus praised Fauci continually, attended and touted a 100 year old man getting the jab.. bragging he’d now live even longer,, and shut down Fl beaches and restaurants etc.. have you seen the reels??

PPS Trump was not buying or selling or even holding individual stocks while President. So the Merck thing is a LIE.

Now Gates he cleaned up in Moderna stock .. bought snd sold with perfect timing.. 500M profit I think. If Trump needed more money there were a thousand easier ways to get it than being “in on” the Plandemic Coup to Oust him from office! Or by being President. Only Pres to lose so much money while in office.. most suddenly get much richer once in DC He didn’t get rich from big Pharma!! Prob the only one who didn’t!! They hated him and wanted him gone!!!

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Trump continues to tout himself and the experimental gene therapy that was forced on the American public. Blood on his hands today and as long as he takes breath on this Earth...he’ll pay for his sins in the next life.

“I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August 21st, 2021

"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." — Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021

"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021

"Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” - Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021

"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021

"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

"Well, I got the Pfizer, and I would have been very happy with any of them. I thought a very bad statement was when they did a pause on Johnson & Johnson. I think that frightened people. That was a bad thing to do. At that time, when they did the pause, they had six people that may have had some difficulty out of millions that received it. But I think the pause was a very bad thing to do." — Donald J Trump, October 2nd 2021

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You all sound like a broken record full of blame and hate and twisted facts….read some of the other comments that have real facts in them….not that that would change a mind that is so angry it needs to blame……who did all the brainwashing using fear and convincing people to give their rights away…..oh well….you are entitled to your twisted thinking….with wrong facts…..and maybe with all the forces against T someone convinced him…we don’t know and that is the thing …. YOU DON’T KNOW….I DON’TKNOW……NOT UNTIL IT IS EXPLAINED….WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WENT ON BEHIND THE SCENES AND I HAVE INTEL THAT SAYS ……this is getting too long….

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I quoted Trump’s own words. He said it. Period. There’s no denying it. Keep making excuses for him...and go ahead, vote for him...again...he’s just another elite player, a billionaire, now politician, who cares nothing about the average American trying to make it. He’s simply playing “good guy” to a lot of conservative minded people/voters once again. Fact is, he’s got a track record.

Does anyone need reminded of how he sh*t on private property rights, ie, ever hear of the lil’ ol’ lady, Vera Coking?

Or how about the bump stock ban, and his support for red flag laws (as President)?


1. Private property rights was one of the foundations this nation was founded. (Trump the businessman used Democrat politicians and tried to invoke eminent domain to get Mrs. Coking out, all to have a parking garage built for another of his casino endeavors at the time.

2. Ever hear of the 2nd Amendment? Bans and red flag laws aren’t policies that are pro-gun.

And yes, today, 2023, he still spews how wonderful the vaccines were and how great he was in fast tracking them.

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Ha Ha Ha Twisted Thinking?

It was Fat Don's own words not Darin Saylor.

Darin only reproduced these words in an attempt to save you from more idiotic stupid behavior..... sad part is it did not work.

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Do you understand the difference between being a person saying "I'd like the country open," and the President of the United States authorizing DOJ, and every Federal Agency under him to prosecute States that forced businesses to close against their will?

Or, instead of f'ing "Operation Warp Speed" to create a "vaccine" for a Corona Virus, (something that cannot be done successfully because Corona viruses mutate too quickly,) with ModRNA encased in Nano Lipid Particles, by EUA, because this technology would never, ever in a million years get through standard safety trials, Donald Trump spent billions on that path, and let us suffer for an entire year without access to ALL THE SUCCESSFUL EARLY TREATMENT STRATEGIES found by dozens of doctors all over the world!

Yes, President Trump made a few little noises here and there about all of this, masks, HCQ, Lockdowns, etc., but ACTIONS are how you judge a military commander, a president or a business partner.

People can SAY anything--

but it's what they do that matters!

And he functionally did absolutely nothing except the Sociopaths and Globalists bidding while he developed the technology to inject almost all of us with a self propagating genetic technology.

Read "Hello My Name Is Spartacus and I have Had Enough," you must use DuckDuckGo or Search.brave.com. Get all the way through the ICENI Substack to Charles Lieber and Jeffery Epstien if you want to go all the way down the rabbit hole.

No sane person would have been involved in, or pushed that modRNA tech into living human beings. We have President Donald Trump to thank for "Operation Warp Speed" and the fact that 5 Billion people have been genetically poisoned if they didn't get a placebo and were not shed on by someone who got a "live" shot.

I don't care if they gave him Remdesivir. For healthy people early in the course of a viral infection it could even be helpful.

But a Ventilator is a death sentence for a Covid patient. And the two combined, with bag after after bag of the toxic expensive and functionally mandated drug killed huge numbers of Americans. President Trump did not use the power of the Presidency to protect Americans.

DeSantis, despite his mistakes early, did use his Governor's seat to save Florida. He stood up to the Cabal.

Trump did not. And the results are in. More than a million and a half deaths. Three million disabled. Three plus million businesses bankrupted, including mine. Nano Lipid Particles in the ovaries of the majority of the women of child bearing age in America, my daughter included. And unbelievable growth in the wealth and power of the Billionaires and the Cabal.

He needed to actually STAND UP. Bring economists up on the stand with Fouci to explain the cost of Lockdowns. Educational experts to explain the impact of school closures and pediatricians to repeat, endlessly, that children, or the young, were not at risk from Covid, (what a blessing!) and therefore the young and healthy could keep our economy going while we searched for the best treatments! He could have listened to Dr. John Ioniddes, Dr. Zev Zelenko, Dr. Peter McCullough or Fareed & Tyson, or dozens who came up with treatments.

Mexico figured it out and stopped their epidemic with early treatment packages in vending machines! Ditto one province in India. He could have done the same.

He was a fool at best. He put all his eggs in the vaccine basket without listening to ONE REASONABLE VOICE. He completely ignored Dr. Scott Atlas and let those total idiots, Birx and Fouci run the entire affair without a peep.

What a tool.

So as I stated before, for me, NEVER AGAIN. Donal Trump was either in on it, or too stupid or too weak to stop it.

Which of the above doesn't matter to me one whit.

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And you would be wrong .. I think you will find this out in the next 5 years... Trump was far from “in on it” or totally ignorant. Tough decisions are part of being President esp in a decades deeply corrupt deep state. It’s easy to cast stones and make assumptions as an armchair quarterback 3 years later. You have never been President nor do you understand the President is not a Monarch that can just order the things you think he can -- esp when 99% of DC is weaponized against you. Forcing Governors in every state to open would have been ignored or tied up in courts too long to make s difference .. would have made Trump into the dictator they portrayed him as to oust him.

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Wishful thinking won't help. With the power of the Presidency he brought us Operation Warp Speed.

It could much more easily been Operation Warp TREATMENT.

He chose to align himself with the vaccine Cabal who have been harming and dumbing down America's children for generations. He came into office promising to have RFKjr look into the problems with vaccines. He reversed course once in office. And when the Plandemic came down he jumped in bed with the vaccine Cabal. He is guilty.

That's my opinion. Either too stupid or too complicit and I don't really care which it is.

Have a nice day. : ))

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Katherines post was fine, I understood her and none of her post and I mean zero did you impugn, repudiate or rebuke.

Fact is f Trump wanted to stop Big Pharma and the so called Deep State he could have taken away the federal reserves charter and had the US Treasury start printing US Dollars and not a Private Corporations, but no DON like ALL presidents since 1913 allow the private banker to create the money supply and it is people of this ilk that own the industries medical, military, media...etc....etc.... that shape this country to the peoples detriment.

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Think whatever you want .. but that would not have worked at that time and would have led to a civil war

With far more death and disability than an ultimately failed launch that may still put people in prison when Trump returns. Most people were scared silly, believed the media, and wanted the dang shots. Ironically the ones who didn’t take the shots were mostly Trump supporters much to the cabal’s dismay. To think those shots would have been shelved forever by these devils is insane to believe. But do so if you must.

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Trumpers got the shot......

Don said, 'one of the greatest achievements of mankind" and Don never lies....right?

Trumpers got jabbed....they are no smarter than their counterparts in their sister party.

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Remember: Witch Pelosi was just waiting to pouch against Trump, too, on this situation.

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Actually T did dissolve the US as a corporation before he left office…..there are many facts no in your description that if you don’t listen to Juan or SG Anon and many many many others including those who can see beyond 3D then one must consider much much more than the superficial.

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How did Trump dissolve the US as a corporation before he left office?

What does that mean exactly? We started listening to Juan a long time ago. But, he was off on a lot of things. So, we found other

podcasters more reliable on matters. Why doesn't Juan want his

face shown. Does he think that he's that important?

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Then why is the USA Corporations still up and running?

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Well you are talking nonsense.

Trump is part of "The Big Club"

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I thought they gave Trump monoclonal antibody's at Walter Reed??? This is the first time I'd heard about he received "run to deaths door" What is your source? Thanks

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It’s from his doctor (Sean I think) outside the steps of Walter Reed giving updates to the press while he was hospitalized! I saw it live at the time. He got both Remdisiver and monoclonal antibody infusions (which Trump later said he thinks saved him and said he’d make it available to all and he did but it was slowed down and blocked as this deep state crew didn’t feel a need to follow any of his orders they didn’t like. For example HCQ

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Lucky the run to death's door didn't kill him

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People need to remember. Florida had people set up to receive monoclonal antibodies. JOE I said JOE stopped it. He's in on the

murdering of US Citizens, too. Or should I say JOEBAMA. Look how the

Military has been decimated by the forced JAB.

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Be careful, about what you read.

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I wish that I could shake your hand! Bravo :-)

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Thank you….

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Dude the handshake is not for you.......ha!

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Some of your facts are quite twisted in order for you to be able to blame….if someone already has stocks doe not mean that person is responsible for the behavior of the corporation…..Trump said to use hydroxychloroquine and Ivermection and as soon as he said it the msm went after him….do you really give so much power without looking at many variables to one person…..maybe God….but no on human…..but everyone can think what they want….and at the beginning no one really could figure out what was happening as it happened so fast and the msm was brainwashing…..please…..blame blame blame…..there are better games in town.

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People are naive- saying to use HCQ & Ivermectin are very different than declaring a national emergency and signing an Executive Order stating that all Americans will be issued HCQ from the National Stockpile as well as Zithromax and Zinc.

Or that Federal Distribution Centers will be set up. Or that vending machines with "Covid Pacs" will be rolled out. We basically declared war on the virus, that was what made it "legal" for President Trump to authorize "Operation Warp Speed" to create that toxic modified RNA gene treatment mislabeled a vaccine with Lipid Nano Particles which bio-distribute into our vital organs, especially women's ovaries.

If the President can do that, he can do something different than that! He's the Flipping President!

You are naive, in my opinion, and need to believe Donald Trump is on our side, which is patently absurd when you look at the facts.

Catherine Austin Fitts had it right when she said, "Either Donald Trump knew less than I did in the spring of 2020, or he was in on it. And, I don't think he knew less than I!"

Ditto. Either our President was less knowledgeable about what was happening than I was with Lockdowns, School Closures, Medical Nihilism, Lethal Hospital Protocols, Successful Re-purposed Drug Therapies, Masking, and on and on and on, or he was in on it.

The conclusion is inescapable.

I'm sorry.

His little noises meant nothing; it's actions you must judge him by. With the "awesome power of the Presidency, " as Dick Cheney put it, President Donald Trump COULD have protected this nation. He didn't.

"The Buck Stops Here." That's the truth of the Oval Office.

And he failed. I will not give him the opportunity to do so again.

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Fortunately you have only one vote and are not in charge of anything! You must think you are God to judge so surely and harshly without knowing a person’s heart. Those without sin... cast the first stone. God will judge all of us including Trump. You better concentrate on getting yourself right with God and let God be the Judge of others! Trump is coming back because of God whether you like it or not!

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Lol, I don't speak for God, but only with the reason of my God given brain.

DJT is the "Father of the Vax," and proudly so. With the "awesome power of the Presidency," as Dick Cheney so aptly put it, he could have focused on early treatment.

He did not.

He accepted school closures, lockdowns, and no treatments for our sick and dying. And then brought out that"vaccine" a year later.

I for one can see no way around him being involved. Fouci and Birx were total hacks, just read Dr. Scott Atlas's book.

The vaccine has killed hundreds of thousands and disabled millions, according to Ed Dowd, Fabian Spieker, & Dennis Rancourt.

It is a genetic TOXIN. A bio-weapon if Karen Kingston and others are correct.

My worst behavior on Earth could not result in such a catastrophe.

With power comes accountability. DJT failed miserably at best. At worst he is in bed with the Cabal destroying our Nation.

There are no other solutions possible. I'm sorry it's painful to believers and fans to contemplate but truly it's only simple logic that leads to these conclusions. Personally I'd love to believe someone is on our side, but at this point the only Washington politician I trust at all is Ron Johnson.

Kennedy is working hard to bring a lot of truth out fast- I hope people listen.

But "trust" no one, is my motto. If we want our country back we must do it ourselves. That is the truth as I see it; you of course are entitled to see it your way.

(And if Trump is re-elected, I sure hope you're right and I'm wrong!)

; ))

Blessings. We all want the same things- a Free and prosperous nation, & healthy kids, & God's will on Earth.

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I applaud you. You just explained what I believe happened, too. Trump was boxed in during this C-H-I-N-A Bioweapon attack, President Trump was infected with COVID, too.

I just wonder how the Leftists pulled that off. Traitor Pence selected Fraudchi.

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Well said…..thank you

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Trump enjoyed swimming in the swamp too much to ever drain it.

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Have you listened to him since the 1980s…..you are wrong……listen to him as he has been saying the same things for decades….he traveled in certain circles but was never really part of the…..no one persons could drain that swamp while being impeached and much of what is going on now is to draw out the really bad guys…..for all we know there are operatives on both side…..this is a huge intergalactic and spiritual war…..explain your thinking.

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Trump hasn't been in politics for decades like Biden has been.

When you make it about my thinking, you commit ad hominem, which I will ignore from now on.

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Someone is awake!

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You are so wrong…..i won’t even give you the real facts….i can’t see how it would do any good….giving one man that much power in and of itself makes no sense….the WEF and WHO were already operating plus T gave as the Constitution says the power to the state governors…..he did no such thing in terms of lockdown etc……the vaccines he does need to help us understand….but it was Biden who pushed them and mandated them not Trump….Trump would never go along with destroying this nation…..twisted facts in order to hate and blame are another front we must fight……

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Katherine, you’re AMAZING!

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Signs of hope. THANK YOU!

3 years ago, when my group approached the federal court (and then SCOTUS) demanding an injunction against enforcement of ANY vaccine mandates, less than 3% of the U.S. population even questioned vaccine safety. Now, over 50% doubt the safety of ANY vaccines.

Without "operation warp speed" would so many frogs have jumped out of the pot? I doubt it. We are at war. Many casualties. But the spell is breaking now, like never before. I want to believe Trump did what he had to. I am just very impatient to hear him openly disavow all of the "experts" who pushed us into this nightmare of death and destruction. Soon?

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You have been paying attention! I agree with your thinking - well put!!

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Thanks Dr. Paul!! This post gives me so much hope! I love Trump and always will! I trusted he would fix this one way or another ... but hearing it from you today makes me SOOO happy & filled with good and excitement! Hearing Dr Wolf today on Bannon just before this adds to my excitement! Looks like she’s bearing down on Pfizer and the FRAUD they committed!! They violated their government contract by waiting to announce their fraudulent trial data 90-95% effective lol until AFTER Biden stole the election from Trump! Naomi & co are suing Pfizer for defrauding the US Government & American People!

Just proves also these shots were coming out under Biden regardless of anything Trump could have done!

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I didn’t know this. Thank you! Now I know who I trust to give the money I’ve been sitting on while not knowing whom to trust to donate to.

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So you are saying Trump was powerless to stop covid shots?

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I am. If you think Trump had the power to wave a magic wand, fire a few people, and stop these global mRNA shots decades in the making from EVER coming out -- then you are as asleep as the people who lined up for 4 or more of the jabs! Sometimes you have to makes decisions with all bad choices and choose one that you think the situation requires to win in the long term. I think if he had tried to stop the Vax the global cabal still would have taken him out and their puppet Biden would have gained trust and when he brought the miracle out after say another year of lockdowns and a totally tanked economy 100% would have lined up and complied with any shot for their universal income check. Easily the absolute end of America and perhaps the world. Very few would have ever woken up! They are hell bent on these jabs and a full control system. Trump would be relaxing and spending time with family in peace counting his money if he had been “in on” the covid scam. Also all the globalist cabal and media would love Trump and seen to his re-election if that were true. And now they would be wanting him back as well. No all the pro-depop and evil globalists and Marxists & big Pharma and media HATE him. Is that not obvious by now???

To say we don’t want him is nuts !!

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No one said anything about a magic wand nor said anything about firing anyone.

Fact is he is the supposed president and presides over the US Government which is the authority that LICENSE the drug manufactures and in this case FUNDED them by paying up front for an Investigational Vaccine that was not licensed for any Indication.... mind you this is on Don's watch....but wait...he cannot do anything.... he is the president and he is weak and powerless to stop the very corporations & big pharma that the Government and Don presides over.....right?????

Ha Ha ha

On one side I have idiot Biden and on the other idiot Trump....cannot make this shit up.

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Kennedy?😆 Global warming denier camp for you.

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How many soon forget he is a leftist tyrant who just happens to speak some truth about Big Pharma. Even a blind squirrel finds the acorn on occasion. Same goes for Tulsi Gabbard. The terms common sense and democrat are mutually exclusive I'm afraid.

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That's great if he addresses the jabs, I wish he had done that when the deaths started happening because he knew then. If he wasn't forced to stay quiet on the jabs, why is he waiting so long? As for RFK jr, Im not too sure about him, he agreed with the lockdowns and the jabs when that was all going on, so for him to do a turnaround now is a little strange. I guess I'll just have to do more research on him.

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Trump’s ex wife passed away. A year or more ago. I wonder if her falling down the stairs was related to the jab “ side effects “.

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The truth about what Fauci and NIH did to lie and cover up has to come out to show the zombies that all of us were lied to, then Trump can ştate unequivocally that he too was lied to. Otherwise, the media will blame him for the covid death jab.

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You’re the man Dr. A.

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Praise God. If anyone could...I knew you could. Thank God for you being an honorable man. Thank you so much!

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That would be a very good thing. Thanks for taking this issue to him Dr Alexander!

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He might say the vaccines have caused some injuries that we need to take seriously or that they never should have been forced upon us with threat of job loss. He will NEVER say they contain nanotech that works with electromagnetic signals, etc. and that there are different lots in order to create varying disorders and degrees of harm or that the human genome is being transformed.

He’ll fit in well with Malone, Cole and Van Den Bosch (who worked for Gates and says he’s a nice guy). He’ll refer to COVID as a virus.

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& not the bio weapon it is.

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We are TRULY pleased that POTUS had you in his ear. We are certain you spoke the truth and look forward to what's next. America needs Trump. There is no way they will run Biden again unless they have a major event that will impact the 2024 election. We know these evil doers have something planned. 😈

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Bullshit he participated in lockdowns. He is a mental midget and fell for the plandemic.

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What are you talking about? You mean your Governor Hairdoo did.

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So did Trump and he was supportive of the project to fast track the Jab

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You remember what he was up against. The Traitor Pence who chose Fraudchi, Birx, and Redfield. Trump was boxed in and you know it. What would you have done?

That's all people know how to do is blame Trump. GOD gave us brains to use.

Trump isn't a Doctor. We researched and never took the JAB.

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He's a fucking idiot.

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Look at yourself first.

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So if he never took it, why is he recommending everyone to take it? He says it’s good! Good for us, but not for him?

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Jul 12, 2023
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Who are you talking about?

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In the enviornment of Fear the deep state fostered he had to go along with the Scientists...they were NOT at that point discredited...and MOST the Population was scared and wanted to do SOMETHING !!

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THANK YOU....Someone finally with some common sense. Thank GOD.

Thank C-H-I-N-A for it. JOE forced the Military into taking the JAB.

The ones that refused left the Military. Just what JOEBAMA wanted.

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Even DeSantis did the lockdowns initially. Then he wised up and said no, and also Trump said let's open it up eventually. I think Noem was the only governor that never did lockdowns.

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May God bless and protect freedom fighters, especially our real President and his family 🙏🙏🙏

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He can't Fix DEAD.

Shockingly, My opinion of this man has changed. I TUNED into my SOUL...there is no way in hell, I could keep a secret about a DEATH VACCINE ,

watch people die and DO NOTHING.. ..unless I was a sociopath....strait up.....

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