This opens up a new batch of evil.

Remember the roving biolabs that Newsom set up last year?

Are they planning to release some mutant strain, that could kill the lot of us?

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They might have already done so, unless the 24 patients referred to below were all jabbed and the jabs caused the observed effects. If they were jabbed and the observed effects were not from the jab but from "covid" then it means that the jab didn't protect them. If any of the 24 patients were not jabbed then it looks like although "covid" has a mostly mild prodrome with a low IFR for the prodrome it may leave an active viral reservoir which does the real damage after the acute phase is over, in which case, thanks to the Bidens, we're fcuked!

"When 24 patients who had recovered from COVID-19 had their whole bodies scanned by a PET (positron emission tomography) imaging test, their insides lit up like Christmas trees. .

A radioactive drug called a tracer revealed abnormal T cell activity in the brain stem, spinal cord, bone marrow, nose, throat, some lymph nodes, heart and lung tissue, and the wall of the gut, compared to whole-body scans from before the pandemic.

This widespread effect was apparent in the ... participants who had fully recovered from the acute phase of COVID-19 ... even those who recovered fully from COVID-19 still showed persistent changes to their T cell activity in numerous organs ... 'at UCSF conclude.

'Together, these observations suggest that even clinically mild infection could have long-term consequences on tissue-based immune homeostasis and potentially result in an active viral reservoir in deeper tissues' ...

'Overall, these observations challenge the paradigm that COVID-19 is a transient acute infection, building on recent observations in blood,' the team from UCSF concludes."

COVID's Hidden Toll: Full-Body Scans Reveal Long-Term Immune Effects

HEALTH. 04 July 2024


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Thanks for sharing this information white bone immune defense red carry oxygen if cut off either may effect both same time system failure.

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That a really strong line of thought,Awake. I feel that when the time comes to cull the herd these will be the tools the tools the bad guys will use.

Thanks for the link 😀 ☺️

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this is what we must not forget that we are here because of something, that we still really do not understand, something some evil people did...reasons and all that history will unravel but bad people...great sharing ANW and Darkstar, thank you

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Yes, they are some of the tools that tools use.

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Thanks for the important link.

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If they haven’t already Darkstar! Yes this opens up a brand new batch of evil as you mentioned.

The thing is, nobody cares! The reality is, if the MSM wasn’t compromised and don’t their job, lots of other things would be exposed as well!

What is so concerning IMO is the fact that after 3 years, the Lancet released a peer reviewed study indicating, 73.9% of deaths occurred 14.3 days after injection! Call it 74% and when you couple this with 5.5 billion injections worldwide, well simple math says, in the next 10 years sooner or later, 4.07 billion people will be dead worldwide!

Even if you slash this number in half, allowing room for error, that’s number is still significant!

I’m throughly convinced between the forced bioweapon injections and Klaus Schwab’s statement “by 2030 you’ll own nothing and be happy” are connected!

Come hell or high water, these “psychological psychopaths” are hellbent on eradicating human population en masse!

And when we consider everything happening between three wars, pillaging taxpayers dollars, laundering money through Ukraine, all of this makes sense. Makes sense to those wanting “One World Order”!

Especially when you consider how much damage has already been done to America and across the western world! And with the latest article Dr Alexander posted about Metabiota, the Biden crime family is kneee deep involved!

I guess the saying goes “pay me now or pay me later” is applicable here. Only not for you or me or any of “We The People”!

Remember it’s what this government is “doing to us not for us”!

The “end justifies the means” right? Wrong!

But this is the world before us today! We must stand and fight against this because if we don’t, we’re most definitely doomed! As they say “go down fighting”!

Thank you Darkstar for your pointed fact that yes “Newsom” an evil deadly person, should have his hair pulled out!


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yes, hair pulled out...we are facing a really daunting challenge for the wrong about us are real. its as if some evil people think what they are doing will not impact them or that their money or connections saves them?? it is akin to the mRNA, no one asked us the people, if we wanted them to invent this or put in a vaccine, these fuckers just run about playing God deciding for us and patenting and making money off of us...regardless of if what they 'invented' worked...they kill a bunch of us and say dont fuss, we improving it.

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Ya think? Good God Dr I understand you completely! This will be sorted out, I do believe God is allowing this to happen! IMO, He’s allowing it to separate “Good from Evil”! Yes lives will be lost unfortunately. In the big picture, Evil has take such a strong hold over humanity that this is the only way to undo the damage evil has inflicted.

Thank you Dr. so much! Thank you!


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The biDUMBS, the ovomits, the Piglosis, the turdos, etc etc who form the nucleus of a condemned diaspora of elected officials ordered by their masters in their actions is what we know is mostly wrong with the world today.

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I love your descriptives, bettered mine, thank you.

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Nope. You are doing the heavy lifting here.

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Marco Polo & Mike McCormack (?) have substack on this topic regularly.

Thanks Kathleen for bringing it to DrAlexander’s attention!

(She always supports our veterans , as seen in the comments.💌)

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Thank you.

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Just a note here Doc...FYI...the courts have denied Judicial Notice to the British Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons in their persecution of Dr. Hoffe. This is an advance similar to the negation of the Chevron Doctrine in the U.S., and will assist greatly in the refutation of assertions by the government that "vaccines" are safe and effective just because "they" say they are. Hopefully this will also help other doctors like Dr. William Makis and Dr. Mark Trozzi. (This is a huge blow to the Biden crime syndicate and their bioweapons/vaccines program.) Dr. Peter McCullough presented this information about the 29 June 2024 win by lawyer Lee Turner, and I learned of it this morning.

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Please remember when Putin first invaded Ukraine, he saved 35,000 children that were in the tunnels under Joe biden’s compound in the Ukraine. Remember the handcuffs with human flesh still adhered to them? Remember Putin then blew biden’s compound up! That was were biden’s bio lab was located in those tunnels, this was in news for very short time, in fact it was all buried like the laptop was buried! Then Biden started funding Ukraine and we found out about 30++ bio labs illegal labs funded by Obie and Biden. All out of news, all covered up by crooked lying media. There is a lot hidden by this Biden gangster team. Look to Ukraine as corrupt, as the bidens are still money laundering and child trafficking! All disappeared from news, again!

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when you start to think evil and corruption, this Ukraine and look at surnames of many congress people, and senators, they are on many of the bogus crooked Ukraine tax payer funded contracts.

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Absolutely agree, so many Congress and senators should be immediately thrown out of office, 1- PELOSI had son involved with hunter, 2- John Kerry also had son involved with hunter, So many others just lining up with hands out for more money( taxpayers money) that is the ONLY REASON FOR SUPPORT OF STUPID WAR IN UKRAINE! Let Russia have Ukraine and clean it up!

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I can guarantee that, when the SHTF and if we’re around to do a deep dive into all the connections the Biden Crime Syndicate has been involved with, the connections will be staggering!

From the CIA, to Barisma Holding to Metabiota,and so many others, including CEFC which its worth noting (less than two months after Vice President Joe Biden left public office in 2017, A Chinese Energy company, CEFC, wired $3 million to a Biden associate's account.) Nothing to see? AYFKM? NOPE!

There’s an active and very deep money laundering operation still going on and is exactly why I believe Joe Biden will not be stepping down! This money laundering operation which started years ago and has continued to present is one main reason Hunter is now President Biden’s “Chief Laundering Advisor” showing up at the White House for? For what purpose? Ahh nobody knows! This is so freaking dangerous to our National Security it’s beyond comprehension!

Where’s our Military? Why is this being allowed to continue? And why in Gods name is Hunter all of a sudden at the White House? Our House, “We The People’s” House!

Think about it for a minute? Every single indicator points to a compromised Military, compromised Congress, Compromised Intelligence Agencies, Compromised Capitol Police, Compromised, Compromised, Compromised! Every single entity of

“We The People’s”

Government’s Power

Has been Compromised and are all being“Enriched”!

“one for all and all for one”

Talk about a silent inside coup? If this is even possible? Deep? Oh it’s very, very deep!

This is one reason why Joe Biden is President. His connections and corruption, aligned with Obama and Kerry and an entire army of “Marxist Criminals” have been undermining America for decades! They’re on the final leg of their “Destruction of America”

Yes there’s good and decent people in Washington and our government agencies, but the leaders are all “Compromised”!

Ask yourself, why hasn’t anything happened to Biden and all the secured documents he’s stolen from the skiff? Why hasn’t he been prosecuted? Or why hasn’t anyone involved been prosecuted? The list of corruption is vast,

deep and wide and includes hundreds of people! They all want their money too!

This issue ties directly into the deliberate destruction of America by overwhelming our cities with illegals, shutting down XL pipeline advancement, imposing electric vehicles directives and starting three new wars!

The list is endless, how deep this corruption is. Yes both Barisma and Metabiota are front organizations. Barisma Holding’s was dissolved in 2023 but the list of subsidiaries have not. They simply changed names and or organizational restructuring.

Everything surrounding “The Big Guy” and his 10% take can be directly linked back to some 17 refinancing schemes, he and Dr Jill have been involved with, in order to hide their assets and raw hard cash, taken from “SELLING AMERICA OUT”! And Hunters the front man!. It’s that simple!

Simply ask yourself why hasn’t or isn’t Hunter in jail? If President Trumps family was involved we all know the answer. There’s multiple fronts happening at once and all points back to Ukraine!

Ahh Ukraine! Remember when Biden said this on video and laughed about it? (He was telling the story about how he told the Ukraine president) when talking with a bunch of supporters? He said “I told the Ukrainian President to remove the prosecutor investigating Barisma, the company my son Hunter is working for or you’re not getting the 6 billion dollars”! He then warned the same Ukraine President, “my flight is leaving Ukraine in 6 hours”!

Think about quid pro quo? Here it is and on video! But nothing happened! No they made up a lie about Trump and prosecuted him for a non-issue! As a matter of fact, Trump preemptively handed over the telephone transcripts about his call with the Ukraine President Trump was accused of having a quid pro quo!

How conveniently we forget? Or should I say the MSM ignores!

Ahh poor Ukraine! Yes I am very sympathetic for the Ukrainian people! Absolutely you haven’t a heart if you’re not! But the Ukraine government? A complete different story! While “We the People” are scrounging up enough money to pay our bare necessities, Ukraine has more nightclubs and bars open today than before the start of the war! Yes they’re doing just fine, war and all! Why not “We the People” have been robbed 1.75 Billion dollars and it’s been “laundered” back to Washington! Look it up!

If you don’t believe me, look it up! Then connect Blinken, Miley and other deep state military operatives to the mix of corrupt individuals! How in Gods name can Blinken be dancing and “partying like it’s 1999” with Zielinski in a new Ukraine nightclub while a major war is happening over the hill? What an absolute disgrace these people are! So much lying by once again “The MSM”!

Worse is what they’re doing to slowly collapse America! All are connected and haven’t been inspected! No the printing press have been working overtime and cash deposits have been converted to “GOLD”! Money laundering at its finest and at the highest levels of government!

“Wake up America”!!!!!

Oh the irony of a career criminal political hack, many political hacks and how they, how Obama plans and is absolutely

“Fundamentally Transforming America”!

“When you bring there here, here becomes there”!

Thank you Andrew Wilkow for another great statement! And this is exactly what’s becoming of America! All the South American prisoners are being released and sent HERE! And so are their insane asylums! How much more can any nation absorbed?

This is how! This is why! With so many people involved, is there any wonder why President Trump is the most recognized, the most investigated man in the world? It’s NOT Trump who needs investigation! It’s the scumbags running America aground!

Not a single shred of evidence against President Trump and still, the MSM, corrupt Judges, etc are so hellbent about putting Trump in jail! Why is this? Well after reading this post I believe you’ll find out why?

It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if this entire money laundering scheme was concocted by Hunter during one of his, I “Smoked Another 8-Ball”! Dad!

Yea Joe is knee deep the beginning element and Hunter was and is still is behind the “close your eyes” nothing to see here operations! I’m certain how many more “laundering deals” are presently in process? And how much?

It’s all to clear how deep this goes. This explains why Joe Biden is President and how Trump is being overwhelmed with, made to look so corrupt and so evil! Or that he’ll be the “DICTATOR” they are! Phony made up illegal lawsuits! It’s all a show, a blind or a rouge! All an ABSOLUTE LIE!

This is all being done and has been designed and executed for:

“enriching a few at the perils of many”!

I do not believe they will take Biden out! I believe he has enough angst and “I’ll send you to jail information” type of paperwork, he can or Hunter or Jill can use against anyone trying to oust Joe! For all those involved, I bet this is why Hunter was at the White House! Figuring out how to keep Joe right where he is! They need him now more than ever to complete their “money laundering scheme”! Which will keep him running for President for 2024!

There’s no way Joe’s stepping down! IMO, not a rats poop chance! He’s knows way too much and if he starts to mumble, Hunter and Jill will step in!

This is the largest, most complex money laundering, covid beginning, cover up scandal in mankind’s history!

The “Pinnacle” of all laundering!

How so many people, adversarial nations, adversarial oligarchs connected directly to IMO, the most corrupt politician to ever hold office! Joe Biden! Demented or not, he has been and still is the most incompetent and corrupt person ever in America’s political history!


“Ain’t no mountain high enough”

and there certainly

“Ain’t no prison low enough”!

Satan wouldn’t allow them access and or visitation rights!

For all involved and there’s many!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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excellent writing and content and this paragraph is the motherload:

'Think about it for a minute? Every single indicator points to a compromised Military, compromised Congress, Compromised Intelligence Agencies, Compromised Capitol Police, Compromised, Compromised, Compromised! Every single entity of

“We The People’s”

Government’s Power

Has been Compromised and are all being “Enriched”!

“one for all and all for one”'

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there is something so corrupt about congress and the senate, not all, but I argue 80% each house...these people get there to enrich and remain there as long as they could. US is compromised by both parties and the Biden family seems unique...yet do not forget the Bushes...nor Clintons...in fact none...

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Trump worked the system as a sharp business man, to be successful, these bitches worked 'us...

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Thank you again. It’s quite daunting to think about how compromised America has become. I do believe we’ll get past this “dark-tunnel” to nowhere and we’ll be all the better for it!


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You asked why is Hunter involved?

the more corrupt, the more compromised, the more controlled - perfect. Perfectly evil.

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In an attempt to address Dr. Paul Alexander's recent Substack, a few things stand out in my mind. I suggest you listen to #4 first as it ties this all together.

1. The Oct 2019 Milliken conference where they expressed the desire for something "big" to happen so they could jump through the hoops limiting them from getting a vaccine seemed predictive. (brief)




Some have commented recently that Margaret Hamburg (a name I'm not familiar w,) hedgefund managers husband made alot of money...I have not explored this but just the comments in the short clip tell me this was a tell...karmic retribution where the "satanists" are excused if they tell you what they are doing and you still go along w it." I learned that from someone everyone loves to hate,

Andrew Tate


2. A name I never hear discussed so seems to have slipped under the radar is Zeke "Death Panel" Emanuel. Zeke Emanuel has slipped under the radar .Dr. "Zeke" Emanuel, who was the senior White House health policy adviser to President Obama and has been advising President Joe Biden about COVID-19, stated in his classic 2009 Lancet paper: "When implemented, the complete lives system produces a priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 and 40 years get the most substantial chance, whereas the youngest and oldest people get chances that are #attenuated."

"Attenuated" means #rationed, #restricted, or #denied medical care that commonly leads to premature death.

Remember when Sarah Palin accused Obamacare of "Death Panels."


In my opinion, that is why so many older people were allowed to die in the nursing homes and vaccines implemented for children.

While everyone was fussing about every move that Fauci makes, Zeke was implementing his CompleteLivesProtocol. Read the Jan 2021 article by Wesley Smith in National Review entitled "Ezekial Emanuel Wants Resp Illness Technocracy Without End."


He discusses his and EricTopol's plan for the "New Normal" which is designed to keep us in constant fear with testing, surveillance and mitigation strategies.

Well, lo and behold, he presented his ideas on March 31, 2022 to the Subcommitte On Investigations and Oversight. "The New Normal: Preparing for and Adapting to the Next Phase of Covid-19."


See his testimony starting at 16:00.


"Emanuel is part of a school of thought that redefines a physician’s duty, insisting that it includes working for the greater good of society instead of focusing only on a patient’s needs. Many physicians find that view dangerous, and most Americans are likely to agree."


This from #Zeke


"@POTUS has done everything he can to persuade people to get their #COVID19 #vaccine. But if we need 80% of the population to do something, it won't happen voluntarily. So the new mandates are necessary. The next step we need to take is travel mandates."


When Obamacare (written by Zeke) was being debated and doctors were being forced out of private practice and into the arms of large hospital corporations, we were warned then that doctors would lose their #AUTONOMY! Obviously. getting control of the doctors was part of the plan and an indication of how long this was carefully planned.

4. Why??? Trump was messing up "the plan."

Once I heard a fascinating talk given by Trevor Louden regarding the goal of the CCP.


During this talk, he mentioned an organization I had never heard of before, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Their stated goal, after Trump's election, was:

Our goal is to make the country ungovernable for Trump and the Republicans."

"Together the people must unleash a storm of struggle! If voting is not doing it, then it is time to take it to the streets – we need rallies and marches of working-class and oppressed people, with our allies, advancing democratic demands and challenging this system.

While protesting Trump’s inauguration in Washington D.C., the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) Political Secretary Steff Yorek declared, “Our goal is to make the country ungovernable for Trump and the Republicans.” The next day the Women’s March was the largest mass protest in U.S. history.


To back that up, listen to Monical Crowley during the first 5 minutes of this video. She has given the Most Concise Explanation of what our Fight is about.

In 2020, they shut down the global economy, they shut down the world, TO STOP ONE MAN!"



5. The Pope

Dr. Jerome Corsi and Mike McCormick (Biden’s former stenographer) dive deeply into the allegations from Cardinal Vigano, Pope Francis’ woke agenda, how the Pope was installed, the roles of Joe Biden, Barack Obama, laicized ex-Cardinal Theodore McCormick and others within the Deep State and Deep Church with Pope Francis’ appointment and the current siege of power designed to weaken the Roman Catholic Church from within. Vigano excommunicated because, "the Archbishop dared to expose Pope Francis's heresy making the Catholic Church woke by taking in the LGBTQ++ gender dystopia (in direct contradiction to God's Law) via the Synodal Process"



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Hunter Biden is CIA luring politicians into scandals and recording it for leverage. Of course he participates. He. 8s himself the bait, the lure. Look im doing it too so its ok buddy. But it ain't.

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!@##%&&!!!!!!!!! {grrrrrrr!}

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Oh, it is funny how covid stopped when Russia bombed Ukraine's biolabs.

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'Clandestine' was the first person who noticed that Russia was only interested in certain cities.

When he posted it on Twitter (pre-Elon), he was promptly banned.

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I do not know who that is, but more power to him.

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He has a Substack.

Here is a link. You can sign up for free, but if you want to comment, it requires a paid subscription.


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So, you all wont hold him or anyone from the deep state accountable. There is no point in getting mad.

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Indeed, awful!

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Allegedly when the Soviet Union fell couldn't afford to keep the format of government going. People from the US went to the today Russia and loaded money into the system and set up labs to things in the Ukraine. Everyone has money flowing all over the place and seems to be at peace until one day the US kept pushing and pushing like bully do especially when invade countries for no reason except make more money take people out of power like the Croatian war we armed the wrong side again and again. No total account of people lost and land taken in foreign lands. Speed forward today now fuel is being sold in a different currency than usd which used to be the standard for years now many countries don't like America even Russia for $300 bucks sends their children to North Korea for camp to learn to hate us. They appear to be a free country but have that spread of hate instilled into the children how will they ever know peace without fear or hate in their hearts just pawns in the adult games play for power and money. Leave the children out of it period. Cat Stevens has got that part right we may have enjoyed cleaner oceans than the trashed plastic forever chemicals that won't break down is the reality children are facing. Propelled into hate violence perhaps mayhem of more murder. Biden, Hunter and many others have connections to that fast wheeling and dealing. Ukraine has the most virgin land not touched by pesticides herbicides no wonder Russia Soviet Union is demanding it they gave their nuclear weapons to them. They want to destroy the land so no one can grow the crops only the Russia grow crops but that may likely fail.

Tucker Carlson interview with Putin 2024

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