I have heard of Midazolam use in the UK for the kill protocol. Here in the USA I have heard it was Remdesivir and a ventilator. Hospitals should no longer be considered "Healthcare" facilities I now call them "Deathcare" and I won't ever go to one if I can help it. I also won't be receiving any big pharma anything (vaccines and medications.) I just picked up some holistic med books along with a book on herb and natural medications.

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Here’s another website to add to your herbal education list. Have used this MD’s herbal protocol for Lyme disease with good success, as have several other people I know. As he explains in webinars, this herbal information is not specific to Lyme disease, but is for decreasing inflammation and promoting healing at the cellular level, which in turn will help heal the body.


All the best on your health journey!

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The murdering psychopaths are trying to pull as fast one again by saying no it isn't Remdesivir but Veklury which is a brand name of the drug. They will try any trick to kill you so watch out. Also nurses punned the Remdesivir as "RunDeathIsNear" because it is if they give it to you. Just stay out of those hospitals. https://twitter.com/i/status/1605493527529410560

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I am a nutritionist and I think it’s important to educate our clients on how to take care of themselves. Everyone nowadays runs to the doctor for every little sniffle when in reality there is much you can do for yourself. For instance I’m prone to UTIs but I know what to do naturally. My husband had gout, then kidney stones- both addressed naturally. It is key we know what to keep on hand for various emergencies and health issues. You can even order your own labs in many states and work with a qualified holistic professional to interpret and make suggestions. Like you and many others, the last place I want to go is a hospital.

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Hospital “care” killed an elderly relative. He was old so nothing to see here.

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Nurse Albert Spence told the South Carolina State Legislature:

"Let me just tell you guys, if I get sick, I am not going to the hospital!"


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So the agenda was to kill as many people as possible and then say it was the virus?? They all need to be in jail or worse!

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This isn't the first time they have done this. If you research the Spanish Flu you will find a similar MO and then you can even see it with the swine flu pandemics. The culprits have murder down to a science and can fool most everyone. They do try to scrub the information space of their misdeeds but if you dig deep you can uncover the truth. For me it was reading books like https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Poisoned_Needle.html?id=31QtmHLg77IC and others like Dr. Marys Monkey. Once you do your research you might never want to go to a hospital again which is why the only time I went I was turning blue and I luckily made it out alive but that was 6 years ago and I would not go to one now if my life depended on it. I would rather die without the help of the new "Deathcare" hospitals.

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Had a Doctor in California treat me as a Conspiracy Theorist since I had not been taking the genetic therapy shot(s) and refused the unvalidated Covid-19 "test". I am not nor ever have been an opiod addict yet this doctor prescribed an IV with Naloxone. I need a medical malpractice lawyer licensed to practice in California.

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Most of the good doctors have either retired or have been forced out for not taking the genocidal genetic therapies that they call vaccines. The days of going to a hospital are over for me. They will deem those that don't take the shots as crazy so they can later disarm us (if you have a weapon) then they can come to easily kill you. However, there is a twist to this and possibly an alternate plan they may try which I have not discussed yet with anyone.

I am going to cover this on my Substack hopefully soon.

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As part of the overall plan for control this part makes sense. But there is a huge risk they’re taking. Look forward to your piece.

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In RFKs book he shows how Fauci and freinds make minor issues into pandemics and such by creating massive death from the drugs used.

Nothing new with covid, except the scope of it all.

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If you really go deep into your own research, you will question the whole science of pandemics and virology (I call it VIROLIEGY) but this is all a topic of deep discussion unsuitable in a comment.

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I have done just that. It seems to me the totality of evidence points to pandemics are man made and/or more terrain...dirty water etc.

Fauci has made it a career to produce a pandemic. One. He finally f@#$$d us all.

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Yes, exactly. I can't believe anyone falls for the Fauci BS as he was behind earlier cullings with AIDS and his AZT drugs. Then you have that idiot Bill Gates who basically tells you that people can be reduced by decreasing the "P" as in people with vaccines in his TED talk.

The enemy operates on fear as well which is why they always make movies like Contagion and others to get people scared of something they cannot see. Fear is a powerful weapon when combined with the constant propaganda from the enemy. You remember that once they thought that people got tired and the fear of the deadly "plandemic" might have been wearing off so they switched to "Murder Hornets" and I am sure they are putting out the alien propaganda for a future "Aliens" scare tactic. People in fear are thinking irrationally. The sad thing is that the critical thinkers are dismissed as we are deemed crazy conspiracy theorists etc. So we can save ourselves for sure by avoiding the traps and not falling for the fear propaganda. This is something you can't teach most folks I found out. I wasn't even able to convince my 99 percent jabbed family. My small family of 3 listened finally on certain things but they were pushing me to get the vaccines so I could keep my job which I no longer have. My son went and got the PCR test which is also bad especially that long stick down the nasal passage one which he did get. I warned him about it earlier also but some people just don't get it.

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Our government wanted to kill us.

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They are involved and in on the genocide but you need to dig deeper to uncover the real culprits and answer the question "Why do they want to kill and whom do they want to kill?" It actually isn't everybody. It took decades of research to answer these questions for myself. I will share what I know on my Substack at a later date. I do have articles out there now but it is on topics that don't call them out yet but it is how they are using predictive programming to tell us what they are going to do to us. BTW these people will kill those who call them out especially if you have some large following or in a position of some power. Thus far I have pissed them off and they tried to honeypot me but I am not a danger that warrants physical removal just yet. They did manage to take my government job working for a large government laboratory due to those mandates though but I am not stupid enough to get injected with poison for any amount of money.

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First they come for the elderly (get out of pensions), then then the infirm, useless eaters then from what I can gather, the Caucasians and Western Democracies. Who invented electricity, the car and plane, the light bulb, phone, whatever? Those who were free, creative innovative and productive and had an understanding of the Ten Commandments. Our Constitutions originate from The Ten Commandments with the one of the checks being The Separation of Church and State. Freedom and innovation then will flourish.

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Yes, except this time it is worldwide and all governments are actually in on it. There were a few government leaders that stood against them but they were taken out. This depopulation event has a twist though as they are experimenting on a segment of the population for a transhumanist agenda and the continuing rollout of their technocratic control grid. As we can see most of humanity is happy to comply in their own genocide and the genocide of others by giving into the tyranny so easily. This has empowered the enemy and they will come in for the kill for all those that think they have escaped including myself. They believe they have reached the very large goal of getting humanity down to a manageable number as they had posted on their Georgia Guidestones which have been destroyed (by the enemy of course.) They are cleaning up the evidence like they always do for the largest reset of humanity that rivals even that of the Spanish Flu era which was a smaller scale genocide. If they are not stopped the last remnants of humanity will most obviously pray for death rather to live in such a system that is planned for them. They will almost likely not have any free will as the system that will be created for them will not allow it. The taking of free will is something new that most people don't understand as it goes into what was once called science fiction but lately it has become reality.

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Separation of church and state is not in constitution. It is Ann idea of Freemasons.

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I feel lucky then, when I was exposing in comments and sending evidence of the frailty kill scheme, aka T4 Programme, they only attacked my Twitter account, intercepted emails, hacked my phone and internet (man in the middle attacks and iOS virus) and today merely scan my phone nightly. Plus I’ve had repeated identity thefts. Even my bank of 28 years was scammed.

It could have been worse. But after the last identity theft with an even bigger scam £1,000 X3) I was silent for over a year.

Eventually my daughter told me as we have run a ‘support’ group during the lockdowns and gone o rallies THEY ALREADY HAVE ME ON THEIR LISTS.

They have all of us here. So keep being a thorn in their side (I suspect same families as Pharos, Romans, Venetian Blacks, Sadducees, and Pharisees.) Keep talking.

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Lots of nasty ways to get at a person. I was once a Chairman of a public involvement committee that stymied a ring road suburban sprawl plan. Meetings were held at 5:30 and 15 minutes from my workplace. My Department Cabinet Secretary visited me and transferred my position an hour and 15 minutes away.

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Most were unelected, except for 45.

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That still remains their cherished goal.

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They still do and are.

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Dr Alexander, I had read that the UK government bought massive amounts of this in early 2020 and the stockpile was quickly diminished. What info do we have about the US elderly care homes and hospitals using it ?

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we used same in US and Canada, this was the model, the black hole COVID model.

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I have a friend who lost her husband by the murdering hospital.

The hospital told them he was not sick enough to be in the hospital. Come back if he got worse. They came back , he was admitted, was being treated with remdesvire, put him on a ventilator & 9 days later he was dead.

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I know that was assumed to be what happened in NY state, but do we have any receipts on the purchase of it like in the UK, or any whistleblowers that confirmed, etc.

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Good question Bill...

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Ask Mario Cuomo

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Yes, I know it is suspected to have been used there and I completely believe it. But I’m wondering if there are actual records of the state’s large purchases of it like in UK. Or of a whistleblower conforming it’s use.

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I will send if I run across. I remember Bill.

You're a badass, but most important.. You like my comments.

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I wrote a comment on upon who the UK government used the M and Ms on elsewhere here, and How they chose those to be killed off.

Recall that you kept hearing that they were mainly frail? Nope not frail as in elderly person hanging onto life by a thread. But ALL PHYSICAL DISABLED REFUSED CARE (not one in lg hospital ICU). All LEARNING DISABLED REFUSED CARE. All ELDERLY IN CARE HOMES REFUSED CARE

They were all made ‘comfortable’ as in permanently feeling nothing ever again.

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And along with morphine will kill you! It's murder plain and simple!

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I was stunned to read "Some doctors have written and called me (Dr. A) saying they were doing what they were told, others said they tried their best and felt it could work, some tell me (Dr. A) they did not have mal-intent."

They are DOCTORS. We once trusted them because we believed they were of high intelligence and able to make independent decisions based upon their knowledge and practice experience. I naively expected them to reject allowing their profession to be manipulated by politicians to harm their patients.

Their pathetic excuses trying to explain away their actions to Dr. A is, to me, a sure sign of their GUILTY CONSCIENCES.

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The Sky Over My Mother’s House

It is a July night

scented with gardenias.

The moon and stars shine

hiding the essence of the night.

As darkness fell

— with its deepening onyx shadows

and the golden brilliance of the stars—

my mother put the garden, her house, the kitchen, in order.

Now, as she sleeps,

I walk in her garden

immersed in the solitude of the moment.

I have forgotten the names

of many trees and flowers

and there used to be more pines

where orange trees flower now.

Tonight I think of all the skies

I have pondered and once loved.

Tonight the shadows around

the house are kind.

The sky is a camera obscura

projecting blurred images.

In my mother’s house

the twinkling stars

pierce me with nostalgia,

and each thread in the net that surrounds this world

is a wound that will not heal.

Jaime Manrique, translated by Edith Grossman

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The protocols gave every and all depressants, sedatives, tranquilizers and paralytic’s to render the patient as well as their immune system useless.

These drugs all caused death.

My husband was given over 50 drugs, starved and not given any vitamins or antivirals.

These protocols were designed fir experimental statistics to encourage vaccine sales.

These demons not only murdered but tortured…. They must be prosecuted for their crimes.

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David Icke told us about this and Hancock last year or before

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Forgot to write that I also sent the evidence of NICE frailty scoring to refuse medical treatment to him but later than others. I at first believed the lies about him until I heard him at the rallies. So would have been end 2020 I sent it to him.


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He is brilliant. I like him

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Dr. Alexander...please...many of these doctors KNEW what they were doing and were silent and complicit. They stayed silent because they were threatened with their medical licenses being stripped. Many stayed silent because they were afraid to question the hospital protocol. Hospitals were getting $$ mega federal funding for every COVID diagnosis given, even if it wasn’t the main cause of death. You know that.

However, unlike you and brave other docs, these doctors should be permanently shamed for their non-ethical conduct. They knew, but kept silent. They swore to uphold the Hippocratic Oath.

Medical ethics is certainly in need of a separate oversight body in each state outside the federal government to ensure hospital and medical professional compliance. Doctors need to have a place to go to report ethical grievances without being exposed or be in fear of retribution. (Sounds as if existing medical associations were either turning a blind eye or were also complicit, especially if they possess the power to strip one’s medical license 🤨).

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In Scotland and UK i believe there were huge orders of midazolam like way way over when all the oldies died.....being helped along with the two deadly drugs! HaHa just got a ephiphany ....They could have saved a lot of those oldies with HCQ and Ivermectin.....they knowingly chose Murder!

I'm almost 80! Arrrgh! not jabbed! Arrrgh! FT! phuk them !

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I am outraged by the unacceptable excuses doctors are making to self-absolve their guilt --anonymously. They SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER. For heaven's sake I knew better. How many people did they witness DIE as a result of Fauci's covid protocols designed to forestall palliative treatments in order to preserve an EUA under a state of emergency without recognizing they were transgressing their oath to do no harm?

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Sorry, no longer trust any medical facility. Many hospitals murdered patients on purpose so they could collect a big fat bounty from the ultra corrupt government.

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Stay away from the hospitals! Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved two people...make that THREE now! close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com

Breast, colon, prostate, glioma, lung, it doesn’t seem to matter, fenbendazole seems to eradicate them all. This is real.

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I never thought of using fenbendazole on humans but I use it on all the fur rescues and it’s magical.

An old inexpensive drug that cured every fur baby I used it on.

Thanks for posting this great information.

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I have a doggie that was just diagnosed with lymphoma. I wonder.... ?????

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Hospitals are modern day gas chambers☠️

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