David Icke was one of the first to expose this atrocity. Of course, he's now been barred from even entering certain European countries to speak.

Truth-telling has become a punishable offense. On your guard, Dr. Paul! "Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." --Ephesians 6:11

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I had to sit thorough another meal, yesterday, while our friend, a retired RAF navigator, waxed and waned over the evils of social media. The first time I challenged him, and asked which social media he reads. Answer, NONE. He is a Times man. Yes folks, MSM, which has spewed lie after lie for over three years is the people’s go to news source. There is no way the midazolam story would find its way to the Times, Telegraph, the Observer, the Guardian, daily mail, BBC, ITV, would it. And that is just one of many stories about the past three years people like our friend will never know about because he has been brainwashed and thinks all social media is evil.

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Matt Hancock thinks he's getting away with this by leaving Parliament. I'm told people know where to find him.

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His crocodile tears of sadness and joy on British TV re. the 'life-saving vaccine' rollout is perhaps one of the most bile-inducing episodes of the entire Covid farce.

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They lied about everything Climate and they lied about everything Covid.


“Rode and Fischbeck, professor of Social & Decision Sciences and Engineering & Public Policy, collected 79 predictions of climate-caused apocalypse going back to the first Earth Day in 1970. With the passage of time, many of these forecasts have since expired; the dates have come and gone uneventfully. In fact, 48 (61%) of the predictions have already expired as of the end of 2020.”

For 60:40 predictions, the odds of being this wrong are 1 in 13 quintillion; for 70:30 predictions, the odds are 1 in 13 septillion. It's not just climate scientists being randomly mistaken - they must have known they were not telling the truth.

Remember how the health authorities BS story kept mutating, even faster than the virus?

· Remember “two weeks to flatten the curve”? Turned out to be TWO YEARS – must have been a typo.

· Remember the “virtuous masks”? The virus is so small that hundreds of them can pass side-by-side through any pore in the masks!

· Remember “Fashion Masks” that people sewed and sold – made of cloth that was even more porous than the paper masks. Fashion AND Virtue-signalling!

· Remember “Safe and Effective Vaccines”? Oops!!! Not So Much!

· Remember “These vaxxes will absolutely stop you from getting Covid and passing it on to granny. Don’t kill granny!”

· Remember “Anyone who resists the vaxxes is selfish and evil and should be shunned, stoned or spit upon, etc.!” – Justin Turdo” [ continued... ]

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[... continued]

· Remember “Breakthrough Infections”- the vaxxed were getting Covid? Oops!!! Not So Effective.

· Remember “So the vaxxes don’t stop infections, but they make the infections less severe.” More BS! The vaxxes weakened your immune system and make all infections worse! Oops! Not so safe!

· Remember the Variants? These were CAUSED by the vaxxes – basic biology (Darwin) says you NEVER vaccinate into an epidemic with a leaky vaccine – the virus will just mutate and end-run your vaccine with a new variant, time after time – and it did!

And then came the clot-shots, with multitudes of young athletes, etc dropping dead every day, and the sheep just nodded and looked the other way and took another toxic shot. Darwin Awards!

And then the more grievous harm, the suppression of natural immunity by the toxic shots, and millions of people getting sick and dying from lowered resistance to bacteria, flus and cancers, now called “turbo-cancers” because they are so fast and deadly.

If we had treated COVID-19 like a normal flu with no lockdowns and no “vaccines”, like I recommended in March 2020, the Covid-19 virus would be extinct by now. Humanity would have developed herd immunity, as it has to multitudes of previous viruses and the alleged Covid-19 “crisis” would have ended many months ago.

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When people realise there never was a pandemic and it was all orchestrated to cover the financial crisis which has gotten much worse since 2008, not enough money in all those pension pots because of very low interest rates, it becomes clear the solution was/is to get rid of as maney useless eaters as possible. In addition, they believe or tell us, anyway, that world energy resources are not enough to sustain the planet so they needed a plan where people would basically suicide themselves, not necessarily immediately, but by way of a vaccine which will no doubt shorten lives. I am most angered with medical people who just followed the new protocols and had amnesia in how they would normally treat patients with respiratory problems. No doubt many earned small fortunes from jab rollout payments too.

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There’s no excuse for a non sterilising “vaccine” in the first place, then also placing the Wuhan spike (the most pathogenic) in the “boosters” for Omicron. A basic recipe for vaccine and immune disaster. It was so they say, never tested for efficacy and according to that not for safety. Safety signals are being ignored and every one knows it doesn’t work. If this isn’t premeditated criminal assault then what is? Midazolam and more. In Canada there are attractive suicide packages at competitive prices. These crimes against humanity have become common knowledge as people overcome their fear of free speech and state the obvious, which has come at a dreadful cost.

Keep embarrassing them at every opportunity.

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Dec 26, 2022
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Up here in Canada. the Left lies about Everything, and too often the Right believes them! I think the USA Dems are even worse.

I know - I typically use the term "vaccine" ( in quotes) because it is not a real vaccine, it is a gene therapy - and it is toxic and ineffective.

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Whilst I have never doubted what Hancock was up to I should in the interests of fairness point out that “ bed blocking” in the Uk NHs where patients remain in hospital who should be discharged because there is no after care is common.

The Uk NHS is in an appalling state and whilst current strikes do not help it was in a terrible state before.

A friend of mines mother the day before the latest strike began had a stroke.

It took 16 hrs for the ambulance to arrive and a further 6 hrs on arrival at hospital to get a bed.

This is not it seems unusual and is the state of public health in the UK.

It’s dire and it’s not short of money as it’s funded above the EU average.

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You should watch John Pilger’s doco the dirty war on the NHS. When That her came to power they had 500,000 beds . In this doco down to 300,000. The doco is a few years old so I’m guessing even less now. I’m an ex nurse same thing happening here. And Trudeau’ s solution of course he’s open about euthanising everyone. Anywhere they have the so called u iversal health care model.

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Trudo wonders what to do with us “useless eaters”. Now the Cdn gov’t has published (with our money) a colouring book for children about euthanasia! Maybe the appointed Minister of Health Dr.Tom/Tam is also behind this.

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Thatcher removed from the NHS geriatric care and NHS asylums.

These beds alone account for about half of the missing beds.

Thing is people back in the 1980s knew this was happening - they had parents who were in NHS geriatric wards, what did they think would happen by closing them and relying on private care homes?

As for the asylums - "Care In The Community" sounded great only there was no funding for it except to turf out the patients onto the streets or B & B in rundown seaside towns.

Many of the the old asylums that were "fit for nothing but demolition" arwe now "luxury apartment blocks".

It is a;lways about the fucking money,

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Wow, excellent report. Good to see the truth coming out on these care homes in the UK. I want to see the same the US. People need to see that crimes against humanity were committed and those guilty of it, punished to the full extent of the law.

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It isn't "coming out" as such because we have known since Midazaolam Matt stated that they had "placed a protective ring around care homes".

Basically there is a method to the politicians (all of them) in the UK, whatever they say is the opposite of the facts.

So the protective ring becomes an intentional harm factory.

I was so angry that these bastard politicians celebrated VE Day Anniversary whilst this was happening to those who lived through World War II.

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Oh from those wasteland days of 2020 as some of us passed tweets about Midazolam Matt until now when entire articles can be written about him. All in all the human species needs to work on achieving that grand master of truth - our very own B.S. detectors. These grand physiological devices of evolution furnished some of us with all the truth we needed to understand early.

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You evil bad non-science conspiracy theorist person.


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I stand utterly reprehensible! Is that all? No devil worshiping witch?

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Doesn't it make you mad though that Boris, Matt et al preloaded the general public against anyone who thought it through properly?

I cannot hear Boris voice without wanting to thow something at the TV.

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This drug, also called Versed, given IV will cause complete loss of consciousness and in just a few moments. Cov2 does cause some kind of uncoupling of the oxygen transport chain in the mitochondria - essentially, it is an infection that causes sever mitochondrial dysfunction and it does so in the absence of any respiratory symptoms. It is unfortunate the hyperbaric oxygen chambers were not used for those that needed them. But we all know why Vents and Remdesivir were used... massive financial incentives to make sure the death toll would be maximized, because first and foremost... this was about murder.

THere are more revelations coming out every day. Progress may seem slow, but we will move thru this.

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Dr. Stoller, I’m in the US, and spent 2 months in the hospital, 5 weeks on a ventilator. I refused any more Remdesivir after the first two days. I did not want to be ventilated. I never once had difficulty breathing. Family forced me to go the hospital when my oxygen saturation levels dropped into the mid 80s. I was on a nasal cannula for the first five days in the hospital. On the sixth, they decided my saturation wasn’t staying high enough so put me on a bipap. After about 10 minutes, they declared that was a failure and decided I must be be ventilated. Never once did I have physical difficulty breathing. I was always able to perform the work. I just couldn’t keep my saturation high enough. Now I’m 10 months out of the hospital (a miracle that I survived) with permanent lung damage from the ventilator. I wish I had had access to hyperbaric oxygen... I am now tethered to a tank or machine unless I am sitting still...

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I love your cat

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Thank you! Your kitty is beautiful as well!!

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My sats went below 70 with no respiratory symptoms. I had no problem breathing. You don't put people on vents who are having no problem breathing. The pathology is in the mitochondria.

I am glad you survived - many did not.

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Thank you. Did you take IVM or other meds, or did you eventually just fight it off? I assume you had access to o2. I'm in WA state; the only way I could get o2 was to go to the hospital... My family doctor apparently wasn't able to access it, at least not over the weekend when I first needed it.

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I was on the kitchen sink and started the early interventions 48 hours before the oxygen sats dropped. If I hyperventilated I could bring the sats into the 90's but I was too exhausted to maintain that nor walk 100 feet to grab an oxygen cylinder. I went to sleep. When I woke up in the morning I could tell I had turned the corner. Three days later I no longer tested positive for COVID but exhaustion didn't resolve for another week.

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This is horrific and shameful. If a person is having trouble breathing, why would you give them a medication and slows breathing down, unless you wanted them to die?

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Thank you Dr Alexander for bringing this up. I’ve been writing about the UK’s T4 Programme since April 2020. I even sent Amnesty, UK Column, David Icke and the Telegraph evidence of How they chose who should die —- The Death Panel. My curiosity was piqued after receiving two advanced directive forms to fill out even though I have no life limiting conditions and was under 60. But I AM PHYSICALLY DISABLED following a show jumping accident.

I’m glad you brought up patients who are disabled or vulnerable AT HOME. Indeed since March 2020 there has been a significant increase of deaths at home. The Govn’t did gaslighting pieces blaming the dead for staying away from hospital as a result of the UK’s Behavioural Insight team and SPI-B’s nudge and applied Behavioural psychology to INDUCE such anxiety.

The reason @60% of ‘Covid’ victims were learning or physically disabled , with 30% physically disabled was down to the NICE (National institute of Clinical Excellence) FRAILTY SCORING SYSTEM so MSM repeatedly said the victims were mainly ‘FRAIL’.

Add up your scores -

Level of physical disabilities

Requires assistance in heavy household chores = 5. Learning/physical disabled require this.

Use of crutches, wheelchair long distances = 5/6


Age over 60 in bands. 70 =3. So over 80 is 5!


Add up any and all medical conditions irregardless of whether serious, life limiting, well controlled, chronic or acute.

Hancock reduced the previous cut off from 8 to 5 in April 2020.

I’m well over 10. I know Medical personnel who have told me if I have a serious asthma attack or heart attack I will NOT be revived. Having a high frailty score is an Automatic DNAR. They use the phrase ‘making the patient comfortable’ as in Eugenics - use of Midazalam and Morphine.

Due to increased reporting on the use of Midazalam on ‘frail’ patients NICE has changed the protocol to use of benzodiazepines.

As for Hancock, he has produced a documentary and is publicly advocating for Medical assisted suicide - after all, he oversaw the same illegally for who knows how many 10’s of 1,000’s.

Ps it’s very strange to realise I’m a dead man walking. If I required emergency care for anything but say a car accident, I will be killed off by my Govn’t’s policies.

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100%agree same things ng happened in Australia. I started my nursing training in 1971, and ended up married to a psychiatrist.over my career and that of my ex I watched this unravel. People who had been institutionalised for 40 years suddenly deemed ok to manage their affairs became road kill- if they’d seen a vehicle it was probably a model T. Back then as it is now there were MSM campaigns painting all institutions as evil, and how it was all in the interests of human dignity and rights. It was also about smaller govt (LMAO) in Australia all three levels of govt - local, state and federal have increased by 50% over the last 10 years.

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Seeing as there was barely any surgery for months wouldn't there also have been lots of "spare" Midazolam that wasn't used during surgery that didn't happen.

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The Bernician by Michael O'Bernica has commenced legal cases in the UK against the midazolam murderers.

In his researching of that he discovered that the fcUKd's Govtards had ordered & stockpiled vast, industrial, quantities of midazolam a full 2.5 years prior to the scamdemic.

Midazolam palmed off as "end of life care." The care part is disingenuous, misleading & an outright evil use of that word, care.


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Thank you and shared.

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