I’m sure they’d like to give us conspiracy theorists the triple cocktail if they could!

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It would appear that the difference between a death row inmate and an innocent elderly person hospitalized due to covid is that the convicted criminal is given medical treatment by the prison to maintain his health for however many years he is incarcerated before he is executed.

Hospitals simply executed their elderly covid patients with all deliberate speed. Without visits from their family or their priest. That must have expedited receipt of their financial incentives to kill their covid patients.

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They could just use fentanyl for executions, it works wonderfully on the average citizen.

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First thing a hospital does is hook you up to an IV. What's to stop a hospital from injecting your IV with Midazolam?

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Come on Paul! I and others want Matt ‘Midazolam’ Hancock, Ex U.K. Health Secretary on your list. The bastard caused the death of thousands of old folk in the U.K. They were decanted out of hospitals, put into care homes, had a DNR notice slung around their necks, denied food and drink, couldn’t see their loved ones, prescribed Midazolam to calm them down and not protest. And then when they died their deaths were logged as covid deaths to bump up the numbers.

If Matt Hancock hasn’t earned his place on your list, I give up!

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023

What in the world is going on? Why harm the elderly. We need justice.

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If your loved one is in ICU on a ventilator, you best scrutinize all the medications being pushed into them, make sure they are being hydrated adequately. Is the patient’s urine output adequate? What are the patients labs showing? Blood gasses? Cardiac function? Iver hydrating will cause pulmonary edema & can also kill. If the patient is breathing above the ventilator, ask when the patient is going to be woken up and weened off. If possible hire a nurse advocate to oversee that the patient & families wishes are observed and help plan patient care to move beyond ICU as soon as feasible. Provide the hospital with a written statement that using remdesivir, morphine & midazolam are not acceptable by patient and family. Have it notarized.

Just my thoughts based on past experience.

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Just because it is used in executions, doesn't mean it's intended to be lethal in Covid. The dose may be too high, but that's another issue. I haven't figured out why lethal injection executions are a 3 part process, when you could accomplish everything with a lethal dose of Fentanyl. (This is not an endorsement of lethal injection, have just wondered why they make it so complicated.)

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My daughter overdosed on an anti anxiety drug,She was 31 and after reading the drugs in her system all but one given by the paramedics in the ambulance trying to save her on the way to the hospital. SO what I don't get is why they gave her a covid shot while performing CPR.unless it's protocol because it brings extra money to the fire department and the hospital.

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Hospital’s are dangerous places. I’ve had many severe injuries, so severe that >90% would not have survived. Have been aprox 25 times in a 9-10 YR period. With stays lasting up to a month. Even more previous to this time . I BLED TO DEATH 5 years ago, my nurse took 45 minutes after pressing call button. Was not on any meds other than normally taken outside and alert. Bed was a lake of blood,bleed started 6 Hours BF -they had Re bandaged foot 3 hours prior-2 days BF-Had another foot surgery, from accident YRS prior- When they finally came & saw how serious it was- The idiot DR Tilted the bed back, causing blood rushing to my head- Killing Me- Was dead for AT LEAST 3 Min- But I’m pretty sure it was >5 - No defibrillator in room - When I came back to life ON MY OWN no meds-Defib-I didn’t know what happened at first- Dr wouldn’t touch me or come near me, Whatever he saw scared the shit out of him. I think they possibly were going to let me die to cover their asses-They lied and said “I passed out” the only one who told me truth was my nurse- knew her 4 hospital stays , She said, “you were gone” - Was anemic for over 1 year. Normally completely opposite of this. High red cell count. This is just ONE of the incidents that’s occurred- Was poisoned by them, overdose on wrong meds= Put me in Renal Failure- 3 Dr’s came into room and said “We’re Sorry we gave you high doses, wrong meds” We’re going to try & regenerate your kidneys- Gee Thanks for that- Fortunately I recovered- Now , I don’t let them give me ANYTHING until they tell me EXACTLY what it is. Years later, It’s GONE/CHANGED IN MED FILE- Unless someone has an Experienced Advocate at the Hospital, it’s so easy for one to die in there . If hadn’t studied medicine, I would most likely be dead already, from the hospital’s- I should be long dead by now BC of the aforementioned severe accident’s, The causes of so many Hospital stays, so I DREAD the hospital- Someplace that’s supposed to give , Safe & Competent care. A very sad state of affairs

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Do these "doctors" pull the gold teeth?

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I so sorry for your loss. This and the medical tyranny that goes with it. That includes the trauma that familes go through.

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When the truth comes to the surface often times it is so horrific and unbelievable that most people reject it. Such as what has been revealed about the Covid vaccine and what many in the US and around the world are already executing against Americans and others. Yet so many people only want to hear about Unicorns and rainbows and to their last breath insist on rejecting the truth. this alone will speed the time to the exterminations of all mankind. How pathetic and weak so many have become. how pathetic. My family and many of my Christian friends will go with our boots on. I would like that to be true for most of us. that would greatly increase the chance for many to survive.

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So sorry for your loss

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My brother had a burst abdominal aortic aneurysm. After surgery he was placed in an induced coma on Midazolam and Diamorphine, on a ventilator, ECMO and dialysis. Never woke up. Died 14 days later.

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You can almost best your fake death certificate it was being used and still is.

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