“Chatter” my ass. There is no way Israel didn’t know it was coming, and no way they didn’t see the breaches of barriers the instant they happened. The question is, did they make it happen, like the way they controlled the cell that staged the Achille Lauro hijacking.... This is the type of thing the Mossad does.

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The grape that withers on the vine provides no wine! America has been withering for years now and there doesn’t appear to be anything happening to stop it! The more damage, the further away people disconnect and resort to their comfort zones called home. Never would I believe Americans would become well, un-American. Oh I don’t mean that in the sense they like what’s happening, quite the opposite, Americans have become so comfortable in their own world and watch only what aligns with what makes them comfortable. So we have fostered those who follow the leader right over the cliff or the 30 student groups at HAAAARVARD SPEWING HATRED and SUPPORTING THE MASS MURDER and BARBARIC KILLING and TORTURE OCCURRING AGAINST HUMAN BEINGS IN THE MIDDLE EAST! Can America be anymore divided?


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It’s not hilarious.

It’s criminal, and appalling.

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So sad but so true! We have elected congressional or should I say, appointed, because I have trouble believing Americans would elect such American HATING congressmen such as “the squad and company” or

“A..blanking..OC”, dumber and more incompetent than a slice of burnt toast and so on. It is so undeniable these morons are in power! Which brings me to our latest Commander In, In What I ask! All “CRAZY JOE” is capable of lately is well, “NOTHING “! Another obvious appointment, certainly not elected! And then there’s the “SUAVE SPEAKING WANNA BE DICTATOR” BHO, another, “HOW THE HELL DID HE BECOME PRESIDENT”? All together a very clear and destructive picture becomes quite clear. Each and everyone of them hate this country, love the Muslim brotherhood, (I haven’t heard that word in sometime) nevertheless it’s been their mission to drag America towards the abyss! And all of them, along with the Haaaarvard 30 plus student groups cheering on Hamas, cheering for Israel’s destruction and seeking to aid in this well thought out and well constructed once, “SHINING LIGHT ON THE HILL” place called America, “FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION”! If it isn’t obvious by now, those complicit in recognizing what is happening to America are also part of this destructive planned DEMISE! I believe in power in numbers and there seems to be much more “NEGATIVE POWER” than “POSITIVE POWER”!


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It all comes from sources higher than Iran, Israel, Hamas or the USA. It comes from the CENTRAL BANKS AND THE FAMILIES WHO CONTROL THEM!!! The countries and organizations involved just do the bidding of the banksters in order to “get theirs”. Those in power have no will to turn down the lucre and power to be had, and gladly sacrifice their own people as well as “the enemy” to create and sustain the narrative that brings them what they want.

The Lusitania. Pearl Harbor. 9/11. All false flags to drag America into war for someone else’s gain. Do some deep dives into history. The Eastern European “Jews” for whom the Israeli “homeland” was set up by powerful Jewish banksters of the day, were actually a pagan warrior Asiatic tribe that had been calmed by conversion to Judaism by their king several hundred years earlier. They had no historic connection to the “motherland” created for them, but were used by the powerful banking families to establish a permanent beachhead in the Arab world after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in WWI.

History is full of surprises and secrets NOT taught to the general public! Wonder why? Guess who controls the education system, as well as the mainstream “news”, entertainment and most of our government? If you guessed the central banks and the families who control them, you’d be right! IT IS ONCE AGAIN THE CENTRAL BANKS WHO ARE CAUSING THE WAR, TO FURTHER IMPOVERISH, MANIPULATE AND ULTIMATELY ENSLAVE THE REST OF US AND IT IS THEY UPON WHOM THE REST OF US MUST DECLARE WAR AND ERADICATE!

This whole, sick war is a FARCE and a COVER-UP BY the central banking families and their allies, FOR the central banking families and their allies. DESTROY THE FED to strike a blow against the beating heart of the global monster! May be too late to stop the kinetics of the current situation, but you CAN do the one thing they hate and fear the most, and which ultimately destroys their power: retire their rotten debt which is spread by the use of unconstitutional privately-issued paper bank notes (the American dollar), by using it to purchase real, sound, Constitutional money: GOLD and SILVER!!

Take action, and get precious metals while the banks- with a lot of help from the American government and Treasury - are still able to hold prices down to make it look cheap and worthless. Do what THEY THEMSELVES are doing because they know hidden value when they see it! You can’t control Congress, you can’t control foreign governments, and you can’t control past history, but you CAN control how you dispose of the private bank debt you’ve earned. And you CAN take some control of your own future. Precious metals are the banksters’ Kryptonite - so USE IT against them, and for yourself! It won’t stop this war, but it may well save your ass when the whole rotten facade finally crumbles and somebody must “build back better”. Who do YOU want to do that rebuilding? Them? Or US?

Gold and silver money will give US power. Paper and electronic currency will give THEM power. Every dollar you convert is a drop of their blood that you appropriate away from them, so DO IT! And stay out of the fray! They count on you taking sides so they can play us against one another and weaken ourselves. Focus on stacking instead of fighting. Even if the whole world wants you to “get involved”, don’t! Your neutrality weakens the banksters. So stay low, shut out the MSM and it’s propaganda, and focus on building your own security by ditching bank debt for honest money. Find the likeminded in your community and explore the creation of a parallel economy. A sound money economy is the banksters’ Achilles Heel. If we can do that, we win. If not, it’s nothing but endless war, destruction and slavery from here on out. Choose wisely.

PS - pay off your debts, too. Debt is an asset to the lender. As debt retires, that asset drains off the balance sheet of the lender (the bank). And as assets shrink, so does the lenders’ influence and power.

Right now, more currency is being retired from the economy that is being created as fewer people/institutions take loans and more entities go bankrupt. The banksters and governments are naturally terrified because that will bring the already bankrupt global banking system down before they can enslave us with their programmable electronic currency. So paying off debt injures the banks and hurts the banking system.

I’ve also heard there are recently enacted laws stating that any property on which you owe debt (a car or furniture being purchased on financing, a home with a mortgage, etc.), will be legally confiscable by the government when the reset happens. Just as the banks now legally own your deposits and are under no obligation to pay them back to you if the bank goes under, the government will own any item on which you own any debt and be under no obligation to allow you to keep it. I’ll be looking more into those laws but if anyone out there has some good references, I’d appreciate if you’d share!

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

Create a second Jewish state in the USA. In its current location Israel will, unfortunately, continue to face persecution. An alternative would be to create another Jewish state in part of Europe, the ancestral homeland of most of the modern Jewish people. (See article at the link below). However, there is a bad history for the Jewish people in Europe and signs of rising hostility toward them there. It had been planned in the early 20th century to create a Jewish nation in north-western Australia but that plan ultimately did not proceed. The best option, and one that would probably be supported by the Semitic peoples of the middle east who currently surround the state of Israel and see the Jewish people as foreigners who do not belong in that part of the world, is to create a New Israel from parts of the United States by carving out and combining parts of several individual US states to create this new, exclusively Jewish nation. There are multiple potentially suitable locations in what is currently the US. What is currently the state of Florida would be an ideal nucleus for the new nation. It would be best if compensation could be paid to current residents who would need to be dispersed to other regions of the US to maje way for new settlers. Care would need to be taken so that current Floridians do not end up living in refugee camps like the prior inhabitants of Israel who were dispersed when Israel was created. The Jewish people may not be indigenous to the US but neither are most Americans. Many of the US leaders are Jewish so there would be a cultural connection of the people of the New Israel to their new neighbors. The New Israel would be situated close to all the necessary resources for its survival that the US as its principal supporter and defender provides without the need for the US to deploy those resources half way around the world each time they are required.

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European


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Do you want the US to go to war against Iran?

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Although Iran has voiced support for Hamas' attack in Israel, I would still be of the opinion that the Sunni Islamic Hamas is predominantly funded by Saudi money, transferred through groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood.

I believe that the Egyptian government notified Israel of increased "chatter" on terrorist intel networks, which was apparently discounted.

Hezbollah is Iran's proxy in the region, not Hamas.

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