Ugggh. I need this but the price in CDN dollars is over a $100 bucks/month. Groan.

I already pay to take berberine, fisitin, quercetin, nigella satvia, etc., which have helped me physically. But I can’t clear my brain!

Darn. I’m pushed to the limit financially and to add this will be hard. Sigh.

Plus.... will Trudeau allow this to cross the border? That’s why I haven’t ordered ivermectin as the cost is high but don’t know if Trudeau will consficate it.

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I’m not a medical professional but I take NAC and Nattokinase.

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They have been playing with mitochondria since the mid 80’s... where do you think ME/CFS came from... Mikovits remembers all too well... a bio defence lab somewhere deep state... and the only way back... is mitophagy....urolithin A ... and Astaxanthin.

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This is absolutely true. When I came down with COVID i had no respiratory symptoms what-so-ever, and yet I kept seeing my oxygen sats drop, drop and kept on dropping.... By the time they dropped below 70 I could not even monitor them without the alarm sounding and there was no way to silence it. If I hyperventilated I could get my sats in to the low 90's, but one can only hyperventilate for so long. I was not far from an oxygen cylinder but was too exhausted to move.

That was when I knew the spike was interfering with the oxygen transport chain in the mitochondria - first hand experience!

I woke up the next day, which I wasn't sure I was going to wake up at all - the long sleep for me... but I did wake up and I could tell I was turning the corner, and I better have been given I was on Alinia, HCQ, Vit D3, zinc and Ivermectin, etc.... so I had a 3 day course of COIVD but it took another 10 days to recover from the exhaustion.

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To all of you virtue-signaling vaxxed zombies:


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