This was an excellent paper, and deserves at least several hours of study. I cite it at least twice in my forthcoming 2nd edition of Neither Safe Nor Effective The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines, due out by mid-June.

The authors show abundant evidence of Type I interferon loss driving the cancers and repeat infections that we see in the COVID-vaccinated.

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Just heard on AM radio 950 yesterday that “invasive streptococcal infections are on the rise , get your flu and chicken pox shots as severe flu and chicken pox will make you more likely to get severe streptococcal infections “. This madness is criminal and to think so many unsuspecting people following these recommendations only weakening their immune system and lining up for the next shot ... they are addicted to their shots !!!!

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I would like to read that.

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So basically breaking down our immune systems more than they already are from so many other methods incorporated into our daily lives. It is nice to hear there are still good people at MIT.

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Now with turboCancers ramping up you must learn how to protect your covid vaccinated friends and family with fenbendazole, a safe, cheap OTC medicine that eradicates most cancers. Read the Case Reports and the science behind it https://fenbendazole.substack.com it’s all free, not even selling subscriptions. It’s a pay-it-forward project👍

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Most of this is/was known - Dr. Cole predicted it, based on what he understood of the mechanics of the shot and immune function. So did Luc Montanginer the famous AIDs researcher (sp) who died shortly after saying all these people would get 'functional AIDS' from the shots. Notice how quiet it has been on that front? Dr. Tenpenny warned about the immune shut down of the cancer hunting side of the equation...she wasn't alone. Doloros Cahill said it too. So its been said. This paper simply puts a little more oompah there. It does three things: Spike cause endolethial (sp) damage in the cells that line the veins (and other places), LNPs cross blood brain barrier delivering? substances to the brain and causing damage?? which you see as neuro issues, and the jab down regulates the parts of the immune system responsible for keeping cancers in check. BTW, every one has a few cancer cells floating in them at any time... the reason we don't come down with cancers is that the system that keeps it in check is WORKING. Disruptions to that system and being 'out of whack' as it were, help the cancers to flourish leading to: a diagnosis of cancer and treatments that mostly do nothing.

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Yep! 😑

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Thanks for sharing.

Don’t forget to rest!

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Liver disease. Our son has an MRI scheduled for his liver/abdomen on 6/1. His health has never been the same since the quackzine. Of course we tried to talk him out of it but he “wanted to travel “. Now he travels back and forth to the ER with pain. 😡

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This is of NO CONCERN to the pushers of the RNA injections. They believe they can improve on the blueprint of life and make BILLIONS! https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/moderna-sees-the-mrna-future

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This is something I found online for the upcoming summit from the Canadian Medical Association. Some of the topics of discussion are navigating the public-private Healthcare system. They will also be talking about how to look at misinformation in Healthcare. The summit also focuses on working towards net-zero in Healthcare. I could be mistaken, but where is the focus on professional training and patient care?

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Canada is a model of where the USA wants to go, and drag Mexico along and South America too. The ONLY country holding out much there is Paraguay of all places....

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This just makes total sense.

With an economics background, I tend to thing of the immune system and more specifically the gut microbiome, as an immensely complex system of equations. And I think of vaccination as "training," and sub-optimizing that system for a single variable, we think we can deduce as the cause of a specific disease.

It therefore makes total logical sense that all-cause mortality typically goes up with vaccination, even if it appears effective against the intended disease. It is just tomfoolery to try to measure the results only as the instances of the target illness, and not look at all-cause excess mortality. We are now learning this in spades.

But, if you look at it in this way, you wonder why anybody would ever dare assume that vaccines would work. It makes no sense.

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Dr. David Martin gave a presentation to the at the International Covid Summit hosted by the ;European Parliament, on the origin of the coronavirus research as a clear bioweapon. An essential talk, gaining millions of views on Twitter in just a few hours:


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Please tell us if not to maim and murder humans, what is the true purpose of mRNA injections? Somehow I doubt it is a for-profit-only operation. And there is no way these injections promote long-term health which is true of all vaccines.

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ITS MURDER STRAIGHT UP BIOWARFARE --- https://banned.video/watch?id=64710a0a1cd98dc354c3a20a

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Experimental shots to see how to get the nano tech on board and so it doesn't kill or maim too much. Remember they want to control ALL of you, brain included. You will be owned think GATACA the movie. Your genome won't be yours, nothing will be 'yours'. Your mind, your thoughts, your dreams YOUR SOUL, will be theirs to use and discard. Horrible a prison you will never escape because if they take your soul, how will God know you or you know Him?

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Thank-you for sharing. It is amazing the information that was not initially readily available to the public. It sure makes me think.

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Printed this paper when it first was published. Hardcopy : )

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May 28, 2023
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Well said! Prolly ain't gonna. 😑

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