All fighters have to be vaccinated according to the ONE league rules: which means two shots and a booster.

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Two shots and one booster? WOW! Her parents can't sue the bastard drug companies for their poison death shots... But they certainly can sue the Hell out of the league: It takes maybe half an hour's online reading to learn how dangerous these injections are; ignorance at this point is inexcusable. If they set up a "Givesendgo" (I'll never give a dime to GoFundMe after what they did to the Canadian Truckers) I'll gladly contribute!

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Well... I am sure someone within their circle of family and friends warned them ... and was told to f789 off.

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Oh yes definitely - this is extermination - extinction .... here's why:


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Thanks for that link! That Headupster has some great articles on it!!!

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Jan 10, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023

Suing the crap out the pompous idiots who forced these death shots upon people like this talented and promising 18 year old is the ONLY thing that will shut down the mandates and the shots for good. Do gooder morons with a little power who thought they were saving the world from a deadly virus will change their tune once the civil courts find them responsible for harming and killing those they mandated, and they get gut punched with a huge financial judgement. Facts, evidence, heroic doctors, impeccable scientists, and rational thought all failed to persuade these puny dick-taters. When the descending avalanche of lawsuits starts to knock them down like a 5 ton boulder crashing through a bowling alley, the shots will become scarce because money outweighs morals.

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Lawsuits will do nothing, especially when the government is complicit in the crime. You may noy realize it but even when phatma pays a settlement, the government uses tax dollars. All of them, in particular pfizer are repeat serial felons, paying billions in settlements. Their profits are so large that even those settlements do not phase them.

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Lawsuits against government or pharma aren't possible, but lawsuits against schools and employers.. .those issuing the mandates, will have a real impact if they succeed.

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Then certainly this beautiful young woman will not be the only casualty in that league. It appears that the spike damage is progressive, which would explain mounting reports of illness and deaths of regular folks in all of the unofficial died suddenly groups. Only the famous get their passing commented briefly by MSM!

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Jan 10, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023

Now that they have "writr permissions" due to the covid vaccines (not my words, WEF's words) they most likely will be making people die, or even kill others. Write permissions mean they could program anything. Imagine a real life Kingsman scenario.

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Too young to die. Prayers for her Family & Friends R.I.P. Victoria Lee

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Federal government should investigate but won’t. Why not have local law enforcement investigate these deaths. Something akin to what DeSantis is doing. But Pfizer should not be allowed to pay off families so that no one knows what happened.

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The Board of Directors of Pfizer should be strung up in gibbets and left to twist in the wind.

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Along with those playing politics in the FBI and Justice Department who are more concerned about helping the Biden Family and the Democratic Party than in doing their jobs.

The following article really got my attention, and I think that people need to read it.

How the FBI Hacked Twitter

The answer begins with Russiagate




This involves so much more than Twitter...

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You can trace Social media’s origins back to DARPA and the DOD.

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And the current DOD war emergency that is allowing this Covid-19 farce to continue until President Biden ends the emergency declaration. Until that happens all involved in this massive crime are protected from prosecution down to the injectors including pharma.

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Why would the government investigate a eugenics program theough the DOD? Never happen.

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One major point of the autopsy system is to highlight potential hazards that could be avoided for others in the future. This is especially the case for the death of a young person. It’s why unusual deaths are often designated for autopsy, even sometimes compulsorily so and possibly against the will of the family.

I’ve attended two Coroner’s Court hearings in the UK. In one, for a friend of mine who died in a road accident, we were ushered in with families of two other cases to do all 3 at once. The other two cases were quite dreadful, one was almost semi-comical: a depressive who drowned himself in a pond. In his first attempt he walked in the shallow end up to his knees before realising that wasn’t going to work. He then went round to the deep end...and ‘succeeded’. The other was an asbestosis victim. His widow had to sit with two strange families behind her as they picked over the cause of death.

This was all highly disturbing and could’ve been done much more sensitively. But these types of cases (including my friend’s) definitely shed light on how measures can be taken to protect others in future.

The case for autopsy in young athletes and using the outcome to inform future health and safety protocols is one of the most clear cut cases of the need for autopsy for the public good.

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So sad. 18 years old. All so unnecessary.

It seems Damar Hamlin is progressing along in his recovery. Though the question remains, will his recovery be complete and thorough? I pray that it will.

And from Thailand, it seems Thailand’s Princess Bajrakitiyabha is still unconscious and on life support systems since her sudden "cardiac problem" this past December 15th.

And the controlled narrative continues unabated.

SMH in sorrow for those unnecessarily lost.

SMH in disgust that the perpetrators are shielded (I'm attempting to be tactful) from all scrutiny.

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They will keep the Princess on life support likely till the End Game plays out ...

The last thing they want is a big time funeral (she's next in line for the throne) to draw attention to what is obviously a vax induced death

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That's possible yet there is is a document published by the World Bank in April 2, 2020 titled : "COVID-19 STRATEGIC PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE PROGRAM AND PROPOSED 25 PROJECTS UNDER PHASE 1 : USING THE MULTIPHASE PROGRAMMATIC APPROACH", Report No : PCBASICIC0219761 that clearly states the "expected program end date is March 31, 2025".

Notice in the title of the document it states "UNDER PHASE 1". Then there is "the expected program end date is March 25, 2025". This begets a couple of questions : If "PHASE 1" ends March 31, 2025, does "PHASE 2" begin April 1, 2025? And what does "PHASE 2" entail?

Recent musings from Bill Gates says "we're sure to have another global pandemic in 2025". Then there's the little known fact that certain actors have already held another "EVENT" similar to "EVENT 201" that was held in New York City on October 18, 2019.

My reasoning for bringing these things up is that "Mr. Global" (a name so aptly given by Catherine Austin Fitts at the SOLARI Report) has no intention of relinquishing their newly found (and strengthened) manipulative control of the World's human population, unless of course enough people in the overall population force "Mr. Global's" hand and numerous amount them are held to their account for their crimes against humanity.

I agree 100% with you about the optics of a "big time funeral". Yet, even sticking with the World Bank's document I referenced above, March 2025 is a tremendous amount of time to maintain somebody on life support.

I pray Princess Bajrakitiyabha recovers from her ailment, yet with each passing day on life support, well, let us simply pray for a miracle.

If she succumbs to her ailment I would be more inclined to think the Thai Royal Family will keep things "hush, hush" and order the press to seal it's lips. After all, the Royal Family does have that sort of influence.

Case in point, here in the United States of America, what happened to Tiffany Dover? Where is she?

PEACE and be well.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

Does anyone think it's now a mafia type scenario, where the families of the deceased are told through anonymous phone calls or in person visits by men in grey suits saying:

"Listen up - if you say one word about the vaxx, we'll bankrupt you in court, take away everything you have and make your life into Danté's Inferno. We might even kill you, the rest of your extended family and your pets and burn your house to the ground unless you keep schtum. Understood?".

To me the above is a plausible explanation for your being able to hear a pin drop on the mega trance party dance-floor.

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See article I just linked. She was given the death shots. It was policy in her league.

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Cool thanks Leslie, I'll read it now.

But why the family silence?

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Previously, the families always asked questions. Now, that they don't and stopped giving, for all intents and purposes, any info as to forensic exam or coroner's report or vax status or hospital reports, I suspect they've been silenced. If so, there's a network of government agents following sudden death cases in order to cover them up, especially since hospitals have already been silenced, per a nurse who blew the whistle.

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Having read yours and Barry's comments, very likely, they're being "silenced." But they won't be able to keep a lid on this pressure cooker much longer: What we're already reading and hearing about are merely the first ripples of the megatsunami of death and destruction headed our way: Everyone who has taken just one of these injections, WILL DIE... probably within the next three years... Read accounts of The Black Death of 1347 to get an idea of what's in store for us.

At this point, "We the Living," should be working hard on the advice of Jesus Christ the Righteous of all people: "Arm yourselves. Flee the cities."

PS And also, read this: "The Covid “vaccine” Is an Intentional Effort at World Genocide" - https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/01/08/the-covid-vaccine-is-an-intentional-effort-at-world-genocide/

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Amen. Yes, the "pressure cooker" is about to explode (nice analogy}. The Bubonic plague was real. COVID is not - it's a man-made bioweapon (which it seems you already know). But the plague could return if Gates et al are looking for it or already have some in one of his 7 new labs in Africa (and is waiting for a vaccine to sell before he releases it). It's important to arm ourselves against each other. It's futile to believe we can beat the weapons the military now has. Yes, depopulation IS genocide. And the train of "death and destruction" IS on its way Thanks for your welcome reply, and for posting the link. I read it but it must be shared everywhere. PS: Read Hal Lindsey's "Do Not Fear the Times" http://www.hallindsey.com. Let me know if you need the link directly to the article.

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I have to say, I'd never have imagined in my life, that The Book of Revelations would become plausible.. 🙄

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

Hi Marlene,

So what I'm saying is indeed possible?

(See my earlier comment of strong-arm mafia type tactics).

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Hi Barry. It's more than possible. Especially now that we know the DOD is involved in this, and using the "national security" excuse. I just read your previous comment, which I previously missed, sorry. Seems we're both in agreement. Did you see this - "DIED SUDDENLY"


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Hi Marlene,

Yes, I have watched the doccie. It was very well made and presented.

Humanity is simply cruel. Nothing has changed in thousands of years of alleged civilisation.

People are inconsequential - it's all about money, power and control since the begining of time.

One must understand the brutal side of evolution.

No matter how "technologically sophisticated" and "enlightened" society becomes, the base human qualities are still there right under the surface.

The human rights and civil rights culture of the last say 75 years were really just a ruse to make western civilisation feel complacent and therefore weak.

Courts are really just the stage for governments and elites to present the fictional story to the masses and dress it up as legal advancement / improved fake quality of life.

Perhaps we're living in an honest moment in space and time right now, as it's all really out there for discerning individuals to source, assimilate and act upon.

The future is very much literally in your very own hands now.

Social Darwinism says stupidity kills way quicker than bullets do.

Wishing you all the best.


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Charming and delightful presentation, isn't it? The "fact-checkers" went into overdrive on that one.

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Could just be stupidity, Barry. (though threats and intimidation work really well too...🤔💩 -- did I ever link you "The Medical Racket"? - https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm) Up here in The Great White North, I'm reading the CBC's websites and all these morons STILL, going on about taking their 4th or 5th booster. Fully 82% of the country, dumb as shit.

That said, I can't think the bastards can keep the lid on this pressure cooker much longer. Have a look at this: "The Covid “vaccine” Is an Intentional Effort at World Genocide" - https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/01/08/the-covid-vaccine-is-an-intentional-effort-at-world-genocide/

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Feeling sad today.

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I'm depressed in fact.

The vacation just ended and I leave for the law-office in 10 mins.

Arrrrghhh ;(((

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Count your blessings. You have a profession, and a job to go to. You have income. You have a roof over your head, you have food to eat. April 29, 2014 at the tender age of 55, I finally woke up to some unpleasant truths; the business I thought I was setting up was dead in the water. I had pissed away over $100,000 on that, and putting my life on hold for the sake of my last surviving sibling who was dying of cancer. I was $34,000 in debt, I had no income. I had frittered away my inheritance of $215,000 -- for nothing.

And since that day I've been slowly, agonizingly, pulling myself up out of the hole I'd dug for myself.. reaching out to a bunch of people I thought of as family, all of whom I'd known for decades... who couldn't give a flying festering fuck if I lived, or if I died, and never did.

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Sorry you’ve had that happen Roy. I agree they can’t keep the lid on this much longer….

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Hi Capt H,

You're a righteous man and you live with total dignity and sincerity.

Blood relatives are sometimes nastier than perfect strangers. You cannot ever rely on them.

I never take anything or anyone for granted and I'm always grateful and go out of my way to be kind and helpful to others.

Did you manage to watch the movie yet I sent you?

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Sending you a big hug.

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Thank you my darling. Manly chest crushing hugs and gentle pecks back to you xx

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Some have started a suicicde rumor, discrediting the potential for a jab incident.

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Speculation is counterproductive.

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BULLSEYE!!! Since roughly mid-2020 I've been saying that what we are witnessing and being forced in to is a global racketeering scheme AND the beginning of an intentional mass culling of the global human population. Nothing more, nothing less. And "Mr. Global" is profiting handsomely. And he's still getting away with it because there's not yet enough backlash from the overall public.

The disgusting thing is "Mr. Global" is not only profiting handsomely off the death toll, he's double dipping through a MEGA HUGE transfer of wealth.

You're assessment of the proverbial "phone calls" being conducted is, let's just say, more than highly probable.

For anybody that doubts we're entangled in a global racketeering scheme remember this : Wasn't it in Germany, roughly mid-2021, they formally began marketing "assisted euthanasia" with those "high-tech suicide pods"? Oh, but there is one major caveat. Whomever chooses euthanasia must first get the COVID-19 "Vaccine". Go figure.

Even with a mounting death toll, has there been one single doctor that has been vehemently "pro-vaxx" that has now done an about-face and declare "we must stop this, we must get these things out of the market."

I don't know of any, not where I live. But I'm a bad example. I lost 90% of my trust in the medical/pharmaceutical industrial complex decades ago. With all the more that I've learned during this psy-op of a global scam-demic, I have roughly 1% ~. 2% trust remaining.

Simply look at the continuing machinations of the World Health Organization. They, and their financiers, are working feverishly to strengthen their newly discovered grip of control over the human race. There's not yet enough people among the masses to stem the tide. That's slowly changing, even so, will enough change coarse soon enough to fend off what's really coming down the pike? That remains to be seen, doesn't it?

It ought not be lost on anybody, a large number among "Mr. Global's" cliqué are strict adherents of Thomas Malthus.

You're right ON THE MARK brother!

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Thanks Scott.

I wrote the below as an observation on another article but it's also applicable here:

"Humanity is simply cruel. Nothing has changed in thousands of years of alleged civilisation. People are inconsequential - it's all about money, power and control since the begining of time. One must understand the brutal side of evolution. No matter how "technologically sophisticated" and "enlightened" society becomes, the base human qualities are still there right under the surface. The human rights and civil rights culture of the last say 75 years were really just a ruse to make western civilisation feel complacent and therefore weak. Courts are really just the stage for governments and elites to present the fictional story to the masses and dress it up as legal advancement / improved fake quality of life. Perhaps we're living in an honest moment in space and time right now, as it's all really out there for discerning individuals to source, assimilate and act upon. The future is very much literally in your very own hands now. Social Darwinism says stupidity kills way quicker than bullets do. Wishing you all the best. Barry".

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You're welcome Barry.

I must say, the bulk of your reply provides much to unpack and reflect upon.

For me, my immediate thought goes back to my first journey through the entirety of the Sacred Holy Scriptures, the Holy Bible (Douay-Rheims). At that time, one of my biggest takeaways : As far as man's evils and ills inflicted upon his fellow man, there truly is nothing new under the sun. The only difference being technological advancements.

The reference point of 75 years ago is an interesting one, isn't it? Certainly, the post WWII era ushered in a period of acceleration to the present point of where we find ourselves, hasn't it? Might it be debated that acceleration (though certainly much slower) can be traced to 1694? Wasn't it Sir William Paterson that declared something along the lines of "we aim to control the World"?

As for "The future is very much literally in your very own hands now" : all the more reason I seek to relocate to some small community far from the concrete forest in which I presently reside and become a local farmer.

I've many more thoughts to add, yet, I'll leave off there.

Barry, wishing you all the best as well!


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Speak soon Scott ;))

Have a nice evening.

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I'm reliably informed they're usually "The Men in Black" 🙄... and you really don't want a visit from these creatures.. Imagine if you will, a Nazgûl wearing a cheap, ill-fitting suit.. 😳

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Nah - they just say --- the vax saved 29 billion lives -- a few people got a bad side effect but shit happens when you inject 50 billion people ...

So best that you shut up cuz if you don't you'll be responsible for many covid deaths - cuz he vax is mostly safe - and totally effective

Remember - these people who die and their families are not smart -- they took the Rat Juice... don't expect much from them when one of them dies

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I'm expecting a cull in the human population of around 30% in about the next 18 months. "May you live in interesting times" indeed..

Read this: "The Covid “vaccine” Is an Intentional Effort at World Genocide" - https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/01/08/the-covid-vaccine-is-an-intentional-effort-at-world-genocide/

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remember DEAGLE said the population of the USA would be 90 million by 2025...

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Yeah... I'm aware.. We can only pray I suppose, that The Law of Unintended Consequences is going to kick these monsters in their nuts, and bloody hard.. That's a population reduction of 73.14%.. What's going to happen to civilization with a death toll like that? The survivors will be a bunch of crazed lunatics eating their dogs and cats -- and each other...

PS Wonder how on EARTH, Deagle arrived at that figure.. 🤔😳

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There is one well known British doctor, Dr Aseem Malhotra and a well known male nurse on YouTube, I can’t think of his name right now. Both were very pro Vax & both are now anti. Dr. Malhotra is very vocal about it. His father died from the Vax.

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Hi Leslie, the English bloke is Dr John Campbell.

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I tend to think ot's more disgusting. Humanity seems to have a price. There have been reports of rx companies paying for funerals, etc. There's a lot of $ in the covid hoax. Seems like everyone has a price?

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You bring up a valid point. It's quite saddening and, disgusting, isn't it?

Since the earliest days of the scam-demic I've implored people, simply consider the massive amounts of $$$ it takes to push this psy-op, simultaneously I might add, on the unsuspecting global populace? In my own local sphere, far too few were/are suspicious of any-thing nefarious. Presently, where I reside, I'm even noticing a voluntary return of wearing the shaming muzzle. SMH!

In a quite recent interview Catherine Austin Fitts (of the SOLARI Report) touched on that exact same point saying, ".......the challenging problem in all this is everybody wants a paycheck......"

"Mr. Global" is most willing to oblige whilst simultaneously stabbing the recipients in the back, isn't he?

Be well

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You have to be careful. Sometimes young people take their lives and there's no way to tell from the obits. As with most "died suddenly", we won't know for sure how it happened. However, I've seen lately young athlete women dying suddenly while playing flag football (US) or while playing basketball (Bahamas), and these are okay to wonder.

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An actor was found dead & on the nightly news they mentioned his past struggles with addiction. Implying a cause. It made me so angry! (He was the youngest child on 8 is enough tv show, can’t remember his name. )

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I posted a link to an article here that states that she was given the death shots. It was policy in the league that she was in.

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Relatedly, possibly:

"When people die after the vaccine there is an astonishing lack of outrage by the surviving family members. This is very important."— Dr. Peter McCullough

Where Is the Outrage Over COVID Vaccine Deaths?


WeThePeopleUSA, May 2022

[TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This is a clip from an unidentified interview. If and when I can find the original source I will add that information.]

DR. PETER S. McCULLOUGH [sitting in car]: When people die after the vaccine there is an astonishing lack of outrage by the surviving family members. This is very important. Young person after young person has died tragically after the vaccine without any signs of concern or outrage by family members. This is a sign of what we call mass psychosis. This means that people are in the formation, it's almost like a zombie-like state where they are emotionally inert to the loss of a family member because it's happened at the end of a hypodermic needle with a covid 19 vaccine. There is a shroud of shame, of guilt, of remorse, and a distorted notion that this was done for someone else, for public safety, for the overall beneficence of society. I can tell you, Ted, this is disturbing. When a child dies of cancer, the family members start a funding campaign to help fund cancer research, when a child dies of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the families help spawn screening programs for these precipitants of sudden death. But here with covid 19 vaccination almost a uniform absence of family outrage over loss of their loved one, unnecessarily so with the covid 19 vaccine.



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I don't buy the hypnosis or formation excuse for what is ignorance, stupidity and control by egos and mis-education to the point where personal responsibility and empathy no longer exist; in essence it is the ultimate sin against the gift of life and selling our souls to the very demons who control the narrative; the lack of outrage is also rooted in cowardice and fear and to the degree that love of the truth and love of family become expendable ; and no these deaths should not be considered sacrifices for the greater good of humanity which is the ultimate deception that Satan has always used; "I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life."(Deuteronomy 30:19)

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Hello Tony, I'm just the transcriber, I do not necessarily agree with all that is said in a given transcription. I would agree with you that hypnosis does not explain everything, and I also think many people (not all, but many) have been led to get jabbed by their sins of pride and/ or sloth. Again, I don't mean to say that is true of everyone who took the jabs. All the same, something very strange is going on, and I think Dr. McCullough makes an important point, that families are not reacting to deaths in a normal way.

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IMPORTANT, Please see how the DOD was in charge of the Covid Operation. This is why it hasn't been stopped!

"BOMBSHELL docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top DOD | Redacted with Clayton Morris" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERvURcpg3JE

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https://welovetrump.com/2023/01/08/mma-standout-victoria-lee-dies-suddenly-at-18/ It says in the article that she was given the death shots.

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Hi Leslie,

Are you referring to this quote in the article:

"Although Lee’s cause of death remains undisclosed, this tragedy adds to the increasingly high number of athletes to die suddenly since the COVID-19 jab rollout.

ONE Championship CEO Chatri Sityodtong previously said all fighters must be vaccinated to compete in Singapore".

I'm interested in the issue of the family's response.

Why are they all keeping schtum about the vaxx?

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Yes. It says the CEO said all fighters must be jabbed to complete in Singapore. Doesn’t that lead you to believe that she was jabbed & probably boosted.

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Read this, even if I gave you the link elsewhere: "The Covid “vaccine” Is an Intentional Effort at World Genocide" https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/01/08/the-covid-vaccine-is-an-intentional-effort-at-world-genocide/

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If you really want to get upset read this. Nobody asked me if I wanted my food ‘vaccinated!’ I wish someone would remove Bill Gates from the living. ASAP

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Young American basketball player died the same day.

If every kid in America died the health authoriities, politicians and media would not give a damn.

Lets pray every last one of them roast in the hell they shilled for.

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As my Dad was fond of saying about The Sweet Hereafter: "I'd prefer something a little more tangible" -- how about.. oh.. "Burning at the Stake"?

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“The entire C19 operation was a Pentagon run show planned by a secretive Cabal since 2013. The trials and FDA approval was smoke in mirrors.”

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In the "matter of sound responsible public health," Biden gave control over our health over to the WHO, which is far from being responsible to the public.

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Where is a Mannlicher-Carcano, with a defective bolt, and a non-functioning toy scope mounted on it, when you need one?

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LOL - in an Italian museum?

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Think (miraculously) the FBI still has it... they've lost so much other important stuff.. 🙄💩

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From Dr. Ana's Newsletter:

BREAKING: DOD CONTROLLED COVID ‘VACCINES’ FROM THE START UNDER NATIONAL SECURITY PROGRAM – LIED THE ENTIRE TIME – Were NEVER ‘Safe and Effective’ https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/breaking-dod-controlled-covid-vaccines

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Most places in the world, the medical industry is focused on illness and medicines/procedures rather than wellness. Some of those medicines and many of those procedures are spectacularly sophisticated; however, much more good could be done by teaching people that the best way to avoid avoid disease is:

1) Eat real food, including plenty of animal-based products and natural oils (like ghee and olive oil).

2) Avoid sugar, corn syrup, honey, and most other natural and artificial sweeteners.

3) Avoid processed foods, especially processed carbs and seed/vegetable oils.

4) Stop snacking and investigate intermittent fasting.

5) Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine, while avoiding sunburn.

6) Exercise moderately.

7) Sleep long enough each night.

8) Find non-drug and non-alcohol stress coping mechanisms that work for you.

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Quite right and what you describe is exactly what you do to build a strong natural immune system! And this has been known at least 200 years ago but so-called medical science discovered very early on that money was to be made and power attained through the use of pharmaceuticals and vaccines; it was no longer about the health and well-being of humanity which, in today's reality, has reached the point where we have all become expendable and victims to greed and profit; the world was given the gifts of the genius of Antoine Bechamp and Florence Nightingale among many others but chose the path that was a direct and inevitable route to the hell that surrounds all of us.

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The world is being colonized, by the most pathological 2%. The more we type or use their systems for emancipation, without actual actions, the tighter the noose will be pulled.

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