My nurse wife was right NOT to take any Covid jab. Sure saved my life.

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Why all of a sudden are they exposing some truths? Something fishy must be going on here, as often happens.

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Attempting to cover their backsides with excuses about "mistakes."

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Exactly right! Certain facts and truths are trickling out as more information appears to suddenly become available; but there is certainly another agenda at play and I think the various nefarious actors are "circling the wagons" and taking on defensive postures, but only as temporary distractions from the main issues; they are working up to foment another crisis and how to get us to buy in to another plandemic; we are already hearing a lot about the " mistakes were made" fake apologetics and now we have versions of " I knew but was only following orders" or "I was sounding the warning but no one was listening".

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Paul and all,

THE GREATEST CRIME IN HISTORY are the doctors and scientists who refuse to unite with Janci Lindsay, PhD and work with strategic planners to…


Allowing 17 million continuing global vaccine deaths and tremendous global suffering!!!

What a shameful crime against ALL humanity Paul and colleagues!!!

You all obviously do not give a damn about humanity!!!

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Please help us Diane!

I have the perfect project for you if you really want to help and MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Please join us in the 2023 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT…giving at least 10 hours or more of your time for a VERY rewarding project for future generations!

Only those with motivation to win, mostly working brain cells and love of America need to apply! Information here…



Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

NEEDED…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties…really ALL lions!

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They've always known the risks: IT'S CALLED Amyloidosis


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Go watch dr. John’s latest on the composition of the weird clots found in the dead, A good chunk turns out to be amyloid proteins as well as some fibrin. Where did these proteins come from?

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Btw., N-acetylcysteine can dissolve these amyloid plaque formations:


Philadelphia, March 23, 2021 – Researchers from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have discovered that a widely used nutritional supplement may significantly reduce the risk of fatal strokes caused by a rare genetic disorder. Additionally, the findings suggest that the supplement could be used to both block precipitation of and break up the formation of amyloid plaque deposits, a common feature found in serious forms of dementia. The findings were published online today by the journal Nature Communications.

“Amyloids cannot precipitate without aggregating, so if we can prevent that aggregation with a drug that is already available, then we could make an incredible difference in the lives of these patients,” Hakonarson said.

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Yes, nanotechnology is bound to proteins. I will write more, but I have already written about it


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0021997513000480?via%3Dihub AA Amyloidosis in Vaccinated Growing Chickens - ScienceDirect

Outbreaks of fatal AA amyloidosis were observed in growing chickens in a large scale poultry farm within 3 weeks of vaccination with multiple co-administered vaccines.

This study documents the histopathological changes in tissues from these birds. Amyloid deposits were also observed at a high rate in the tissues of apparently healthy chickens.

Vaccination should therefore be considered as a potential risk factor for the development of AA amyloidosis in poultry.

Amyloidosis is a general term for diseases associated with the local or systemic deposition of amyloid fibrils in tissues (Merlini and Bellotti, 2003). Amyloid A (AA) amyloidosis is one of the most common systemic amyloidoses.

It is confirmed that the potential induction of avian AA amyloidosis by inoculation of Salmonella enteritidis (SE) vaccine or Mycoplasma gallisepticum vaccine can be induced by vaccinations, and may be transmitted among like species by oral administration.

The potential induction of avian AA amyloidosis can be induced by vaccinations, and may be transmitted among like species by ORAL administration !!!!!!!!!!


The mere presence of toxic graphene, and similar components, can cause amyloidosis.

Amyloidosis is also a common complication after Covid-19 injections, as also confirmed by Pfizer documents listing various types of amyloidosis as possible post-vaccination complications in a Postmarketing Experience document: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf

Amyloid arthropathy;Amyloidosis;Amyloidosis senile;Cardiac amyloidosis;Cerebral amyloid angiopathy;Cutaneous amyloidosis;Dialysis amyloidosis;Gastrointestinal amyloidosis;Hepatic amyloidosis;Primary amyloidosis;Pulmonary amyloidosis;Renal amyloidosis;Secondary amyloidosis;Tongue amyloidosis; (“Covid tongue”)

So, the presence of toxic graphene can cause amyloidosis. However, if the technology used in these injections is also (supposedly) based on peptides (as has been widely reported in the scientific literature: Personally, I think nanocarriers bind to peptides. Also, oxidative stress causes misfolding of the proteins...

Self-assembling peptide semiconductors | https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aam9756), the production of amyloid in the bone marrow can lead to severe amyloidosis and related complications and death, including the currently manifested so-called sudden death syndrome. The key question, therefore, is also what technology was used in these injections.

“Short peptides, specifically those containing aromatic amino acids, can self-assemble into a wide variety of supramolecular structures that are kinetically or thermodynamically stable; the representative models are diphenylalanine and phenylalanine-tryptophan. Different assembly strategies can be used to generate specific functional organizations and nanostructural arrays, resulting in finely tunable morphologies with controllable semiconducting characteristics. Such strategies include molecular modification, microfluidics, coassembly, physical or chemical vapor deposition, and introduction of an external electromagnetic field (EMF).

Self-assembling peptide nanomaterials may serve as an alternative source for the semiconductor industry because they are eco-friendly, morphologically and functionally flexible, and easy to prepare, modify, and dope. Moreover, the diverse bottom-up methodologies of peptide self-assembly facilitate easy and cost-effective device fabrication, with the ability to integrate external functional moieties. For example, the coassembly of peptides and electron donors or acceptors can be used to construct n-p junctions, and vapor deposition technology can be applied to manufacture custom-designed electronics and chips on various substrates.


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https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6363471 Nanotechnology And Asbestos: Informing Industry’s Approach To Carbon Nanotubes, Nanoscale Titanium Dioxide, And Nanosilver


Nanotechnology – including nanosilver, ultrafine TiO2 and CNTs – may be the most exciting and important technological development of the past century. But it is not without risk. The question of whether, and under what circumstances, these materials may cause disease in humans is still very much open; however, enough is known about the potential dangers that all stakeholders – and juries – will expect industry to mitigate risk and engage in product stewardship right now.

If a mass tort scenario comes to pass, companies that are not affirmatively acting to assess and limit risk today could face punitive damages claims in the future.

Furthermore, industry cannot assume that the Plaintiffs Bar will continue to wait for the science to develop further.

While some courts -- particularly in the federal system -- demand definitive proof of causation in humans, that is not true everywhere.

Personal injury cases involving scientifically-suspect causation evidence are not uncommon, and some courts will allow such cases to proceed to verdict.

Moreover, perceived risk alone may be sufficient to support certain claims.

Finally, industry should assess the risk of exposure for nanomaterial workers and take steps to protect them.

If nanomaterials cause diseases in humans, industry is likely to see it in unprotected worker populations first.

Once this happens, the floodgates will open.



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Well now! It’s about time. Let’s get on with it. “It” being the clearing of the SPIKE protein and the production method of the SPIKE. As far as I can tell, this is the starting line. This is a rabbit hole everyone should climb in. We know this……

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Moderna has many mRNA based drugs in the pipeline. As long as so many people love taking big pharma drugs, they risk elimination on a grand scale.

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Paul, you gotta watch this video by Jane Ruby, she's bashing you, Namoi Wolfe and others, this is from today. Maybe reach out to her and tell her to STFU. https://rumble.com/v4c7eix-beware-experts-are-everywhere.html

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Why should she shut up!? She makes perfectly good sense and explains her position very well; she wasn't "bashing" anyone personally only the unsubstantiated claims being made that weren't being supported by corroborating evidence; her comment about Malone was right on!

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Did you listen to it, she bashed Paul and Namoi, go listen to it.

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Is this the same lipid technology used in vitamins like LipoMicel quercetin marketed by Natural Factors?

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This Italian chemist pointed out danger(s) to European Medicines Agency, EMA, way back. In fact the ingriedients say "for research only - not to be used in humans or animals". Also not to be given parenterally - (by injection)! vimeo.com/807279310

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Now that I think about it, maybe there is an Eddie Haskell in the gov somewhere that thinks they have received instructions from extraterrestrial entities to bring this scourge to bear. Maybe Mork told them that this is a step towards intergalactic travel that humans can experience, but changes need to be made.

Oh….wait……maybe I stayed up too late last night. There is quite a bit of info to go over.

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