Monitor this, Cretins...Cram ALL your "vaccines" up your collective asses!! You can file that in the "Fuck Off" folder. One against.

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When do the hangings begin?

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I say we free the lab animals, and conduct the experiments on representatives of the appropriate species, instead.

Their product is safe and effective, I’m sure they won’t mind demonstrating that to the world and serving as living examples, right?

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Censor THIS, Moderna 🖕

We already know, can’t fool us again, we will NOT comply.

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We have all been had by those demons, we need to get off social media.

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Not all of us have been had. Just the majority.

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They can censor all they want. Their bullshit backfired big time. Many critical thinkers are aware of Big Pharma’s evils. If people are STILL dumb enough to take a vaccine then they are offering themselves to Satan. Warnings are everywhere including the Bible!

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They are doing a terrible job, too many awake now... Even the asleep know someone with an injury once you get talking to them... This is why "limited hangouts" are popping up even in mainstream media...

I watched paid trolls (armed with pharma disinformation) get destroyed in comments sections on YouTube and other places... Gee they didn't count on smart people joining in did they? They preyed upon those who weren't sure of the science, but were on the right track, it was hilarious to see pharma arguments and attacks sink like a lead balloon, when good science researchers kicked in on the comments.

I note they must have laid most of the pharma trolls off... as pharma can see uptake of boosters are super low, and there's just a few left... No science any more, just loads of laugh emojis and simpleton stuff, I think the games up for pharma...

That's why they're pushing forced medication via the tyrannical constitution bypassing WHO Pandemic treaty... and the government destroying "private public partnerships" have built big Moderna factories in Australia and UK (I'm sure there's others around the world) so with the failure of this vax, with known deadly side effects, it's full steam ahead with a factory? With government co-investment... What's going on there?

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Thank you for sharing!! Solo, this is awful....

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The pharmaceutical industry is a parasite on the back of humanity Came up with this as a slogan on the back of a t shirt. Feel free to use it to further the cause. Fraud is now spelled PHRAUD and big pharma is now pig pharma for the murderous bastards they are.

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The question we need to be asking is what’s at stake that warrants such extraordinary measures to protect a false narrative? This goes beyond profit. This is something else.

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Just like they made Alex Jones pay dearly, they should be ORDERED to pay every victim or their families dearly in civil proceedings...then in criminal proceedings sentenced to death for killing millions and millions of people! They know this is never going to stop unless you’re just a coward wimp! The only cowards I see are the ones in denial!

Get your damn records, stay on top of lawsuits all over the country and educate yourself and sue the FUCK out of these psychopaths!

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People are dying from the poison shots and no one wants anymore, we're awake!!!

Read this!

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Israel has a similar department that scours the internet looking for anything critical of Israeli policy, and then tries to get it removed claiming it is anti-Semitic.

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The Dr Mercola site is blocked unless one goes into their "release of info site" It's about the 2nd or 3rd one I've encountered.

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Fauchi gonna Mia Culpa

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Hopefully, I am their number one never-vaxxing customer.

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