Does it seem to anyone else... that everything f they try or push.... does the opposite of what they say it does? Or is that just me?

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I have to admit that, for almost 30 years of practice I would not have believed this. But on seeing what happened during the Covid pandemic reactions by our so-called leaders, I now have an immediate reaction such as you’ve suggested. That is, if they say, do one thing, I know the opposite is probably likely be safer and more effective. This is just sad and also, of course, deeply evil and criminal.

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Sad yes, but also rational. A rational response to what your eyes, ears and senses and experiences are tell you that run direct counter to their 'narrative' of 'safe and effective'. A little like telling people in Ohio to shelter in place when a short distance away there is a train car(s) on fire with PV burning creating all sorts of toxins in the air (hydrochloric acid fumes and dixoins in the air) not to mention the soil and water that are getting contaminated. Yet, it is fine to shelter in place, no need to panic OR worry, no indeed. Where my eyes, ears and nose are telling me to RUN FAR AWAY and get out of the toxic zone.

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Doesn’t matter which evidence this CDC, NIH, FDA is faced with, they’ll continue and double down. And in leftist world, those who do double down, will fail upward.

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Here is the silliness of any vaccine. No matter how many are injected, people still experience sickness, illness and disease whether injected or not. The vaccination parade is the biggest con in the history of man. Except now they are doing it with the intended purpose of murder.

You are being conned into accepting your own demise at the hands of the medical terrorists. You have trusted these bozos and their toxic drugs for decades and now they have you right where they want you. Conned to death, literally.

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We pointed out to a friend who keeps getting infected, and who has had the vaccinations including boosters that the vaccines don’t seem to be helping very much, do they? And that members of our family are not vaccinated and have hardly been sick and maybe had COVID-19 mildly once or twice at most. This person then still stated that he felt that well, no, the vaccines are still working. How he came to this conclusion is a mystery. We’ve seen comments previously, which I believe are jokes, but might not have been where family members of those who died from Covid but who had been vaccinated still said it could’ve been worse have they not been vaccinated. And these people can vote.

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Wish I could like this post multiple times. Well, at some point it is us vs. The Eugenicists. It will be nice having the madding crowd out of the way.

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Whenever man tries to block the necessary transmission of genetic material with drugs or shots called vaccines, the intelligence within the bodies of man will mutate that genetic material so that it can continue its necessary transmission.

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Thanks very much for being on the watch and on guard, Paul!

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At some point you really have to wonder how those promoting products which are driving mutations to enable escape from <immunisation> were NOT aware of that trait.

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Past tense of “to lead” is “led”.

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I do like a person who corrects English errors.

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What's a few variants when profits are at stake? 🙄

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Hey, tin foil hat wearers, you know who you are. How can mutations accrue in a virus that doesn't exist? None of them ever take me up on my suggestion to have unprotected gay so called "sex" as the submissive partner with a HIV positive gay male with a high viral load of the non-existent virus. Try it with a covid positive jabtard on molnupiravir.

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Hey brother Tom, I mean ANW,

Hope you're doing well.

So the whole thing is BS and, within the BS, fucktard scientists write counter-stories to the official BS, that Paul and his followers say: "Look here, Sir, the holy grail to the ark of the covenant".

Perhaps the de facto reality is we're living in a black hole and the alleged HIV virus is its singularity that's simply unattainable for mankind.

Perhaps getting arse-fucked by an African HIV ridden queer will lead to a wormhole into a completely new universe of existential enlightenment?

In the meantime I need my 2xG&T mate.

Happy Valentine's day.

I hope she treats you well.


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IMHO, this is what happens when we focus on interfering directly with various virus specific components... it's ability to replicate its RNA by providing blocking or interfering nucleic acids, or blocking enzymes specific to that virus. This will push mutations. Alternatively with early use repurposed meds like HCQ, or IVM including doxy etc target and interfere with OUR cells' ability to be hijacked and play a role in viral replication. This will not favour mutations and even if it does, the viruses can mutate all they want (I believe), but we will still be able to block their replication and fortunately also the downstream cytokine storm by way of our host modulatory approaches.

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Almost like they planned it.

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My husband was! :( hang them up now!!

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My husband was given these drugs after blood clots and bleeding and never clear if he had pneumonia. His specific dod says coronary artery disease and covid infection and he did take two Pfizer vax? Do I have a case?

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The link to MedRxiv no longer works - not even the link right from Wikipedia to the official website - it says "this site can't be reached". ... Censored? I wonder.

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