We live with torture every day with our loved ones who were MURDERED and the ones who are still living but living in pure HELL!

Literally breaks my heart. I’m seeing horrible things happening to my family. These bastards may actually wipe out my whole family.

The anger I feel is rooted deep!

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I/we are very sorry for those impact and losses TexBritta, very sorry, and many are in you situation. We were badly damaged by this and they are coming with H5N1 vaccine...no one is to touch it! No one is to touch no COVID mRNA vaccine ever!

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I watched the whole scamdemic unfold right in front of my eyes.

Influenza positive and pneumonia patients became covid-19 positive patients over the weekend… Respirologists stopped trusting their experience and skills and turned to the RT_PCR test instead. Influenzas “vanished” as if on the same day mid-March 2020. For over a year a half nobody asked, or was allowed to ask, where influenza went.

Experts seemed to have forgotten that before RT-PCR kits for covid19 arrived up to 15% of all influenza infections were apparently caused by corona viruses… This was pure madness or what I referred to as Twilight Zone. I remember at least one Twilight Zone episode where a gay woke up in the morning one day and everything looked the same but everyone but him behaved differently; as if something was wrong but everyone but him pretended that nothing was wrong…

I couldn’t explain what was going on until it hit me like a bolt of lightning - Front page news story: “Israel Signs an Exclusive Vaccine Deal with Pfizer”: (enough doses to vaccinate every Israeli 8 times in exchange for excluding medical data.)

Then, I knew what it was all about…

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Who can blame you? There must be an accounting for this evil. I hope time will help you pull through.

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Thank you.

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I’m English. Yes I guess Aseem gets a pass, unlike Malone. Aseem is fully committed to killing off these clot shots. It’s just a pity that he was a vax pumper ( on to & adverts ) and it took his father to die to change him.

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yes, I agree, it is a pity and these people have to make good with their Gods. I know him personally so I can talk a bit more but his position initially was bad and wrong...he should have known better. I am saying I can hear and see h is trying to mea culpa but this is my opinion...we each can make up our own minds. but many out there still shilling and it is unforgiveable.

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A recent article, forget who wrote it, perhaps Sage Hana???? but it praised Malone to the heavens as being a magnificent human, etc. Knowing Dr. Paul's feelings toward Malone, made me wonder......

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I would not even bother with the characters you just named...you could

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Taken in by Big Pharma is a common theme, whether you came out of it or not is the key, God knows all, sees all, that is your salvation.

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Malhotra is still coming under attack daily from lightweights in his profession. Joel Smalley has just published a stack with some data analyses that indicate the shots didn't save any lives. Those analyses need to be reported in a peer reviewed article in a scientific journal ASAP. The propaganda that the shots saved 100 million lives is still being trumpeted daily.

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I have a stack in cue show casing Joel...has done good work prior. I like his work...we always knew the vaccine was a fraud, ineffective and harmful. they knew too.

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Joel was ahead of me. I knew from structural analysis that harms were intended, but nobody could predict magnitude.

Joel showed me the evidence early in 2021 and I believed it.

When the organisation to which we were loosely allied expressed unwillingness to go live with the news, we both left it.

We didn't blame them. Anyone expressing doubt about the SAFE and EFFECTIVE injections got dogpiled.

Joel is unquestionably and uncompromisingly a good man. I'll stand by him in any cat fight online.

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Yes..but where is data on how many have died? I have not found any data? 🙏🏽

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May 26·edited May 26

The "official" figure is something like 7,010, 681 deaths from 704,753,890 cases worldwide with 1,219,487 deaths from 111,820,082 cases in the US. Supposedly, if not for the shots, at least 100,000,000 - 200,000,000 people would have died, which is equivalent to roughly 1 in 3 to 2 in 3 Americans saved from death by the jabs. The US is Number 1 for deaths achieved. India and China have larger populations but didn't come close to the US for deaths achieved. The US is ranked 14th for deaths achieved per 1M. Canada is ranked 79th for deaths achieved per 1M. China is ranked 221st. China, with next to no mRNA jabs achieved 4 deaths per 1M. The US achieved 3,642 deaths per 1M.


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Thank for info..IMOO..don’t believe the ‘bite’ saved anyone at all..it was not made to do so..🙏🏽

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A lot of countries with much lower jab rates than the US achieved far superior outcomes.

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The ones we should praise are the ones that fought back from the beginning! Like Dr. Mike Yeadon and the man in the chair. The others just saw 💰💰💰

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Thank you. Like Dr Coleman, I don't want praise. I want people to spread the word, survive and push the crooks into the sea.

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How is it that so many people could tell way before the roll out that these shots were bad news and yet a cardiologist couldn’t?”

He’s no hero. He didn’t stand up and fight right from the start. He maybe wouldn’t be convicted of intentionally murdering anyone but I’m going to guess more than few people died by taking his advice.

Sorry not sorry. Maybe he’s a “nice guy”. It’s good that he’s fighting back now, but he’s no hero.

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I did not say he is a hero, I am saying he is trying to come clean now and his dad died...but you can not buy it, thats the magic, we are free to do so...I am talking about those who knew it was wrong and still shill for it...and playing on the fence...protecting their salaries. but all you say is right.

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I certainly appreciate you opening my eyes to those (Malone, in particular), continuing to collect ‘shillings’ and parading through a luxurious life, while generational suffering is at the heart of the matter!

I attempted to give him a pass. But realized, he knew. So did your friend. It just hit too close to home for him to continue his parade through life, ..I don’t know your friend, or anything about him, but the narrative remains the same for the highly educated, scientist who read and participate in research with cause and effect results. For Thee... not ME.

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I agree! It’s amazing to me that physicians did not do their own research before thinking about 💰💰💰

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I guess being a sought after “TV Expert” may be a big part of the problem. I have found from personal experience many docs have very big egos.

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Amongst the “freedom movement” as well 🤨

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"Joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth.”

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My sentiments exactly! NOT a "hero". Instead, a useful idiot. See my own post on this - Jorge Fernandez.

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Many were coerced because they needed the jab to stay employed.

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I cannot comprehend the money whores.—How much is enough?! I have a home and plenty of food. Friends and family. I want nothing more.

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I'm not a Dr and even I knew *BEFORE* the jabs went out that they were to be avoided at all costs. So this "Dr" had to have someone close to him DIE before he woke up and smelled the coffee? Really? Not a smart "Dr", certainly not that I would have as my personal physician.

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Logically speaking, you’re right on and over the targets, as you say, Dr, (plural)! Many and all targets!

Unfortunately, logic, the law, corruption and all these “money whores” will continue to live their lives, as freely as, well, all these “Border Invaders”!

The same way the invader’s walk right in, have everything paid for, a roof over their heads, money in their pockets, hospitals at their beckoned call, so too are these Covid “money whores”! I believe there’s 81 horsemen and counting, as you so aptly named them, Dr.

In what world will we see “justice”?

In what world, will logic, and law abiding citizens and Trump be set free? Where logic and the law are the “rules”?

At this time, this moment, there’s such determination for power and to avoid the law and control the rules. Change them both if need be! How insane? How corrupt? Avoid all the “rules of law” and “control honest people” with threats of arrest and prosecution! AYBlanking KM?

Welcome to, “The Twilight Zone”.

IMO, “Sodom and Gomorrah” 2024, is more like it. On every level and in every aspect of our lives. We’re at the precipice.

Looking up, no thank you, because the leaders of this world are so corrupt! Looking down, this is exactly what they’re doing to you and me and “good & decent” Americans!

We must look “UP” past the “Globalist Elites” and continue straight to “High Heaven”! For our words have been falling upon “deaf ears”!

Never should we look “DOWN” upon those, who know no better, instead, we must continue to instill moral values and principles, enforce our laws!

Otherwise those who “know no better”, will become just as corrupt, simply by looking “UP” and worshipping, our supposed leaders!

“Bad teachers produce bad students”! Parents must become their children’s teachers and professors.

We mustn’t allow the next generations, to learn the ways of the morally decayed! Corruptly Principled. Nor should we misguide those who follow, come after our generation, or we’ll surely have added to this “Societal Decay”! And so we’re seeing the radically corrupted, radiating throughout our society.

If ever a time in history warrants justice and a “Devine Intervention”, it’s certainly “NOW”! For all the elements of what I call,

”Societal GutRot” starts in the belly. Permeating every facet of our once “morally superior” society. Though not perfect, certainly ”morally superior” than we’re witnessing today.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Sorry, no "pass" from me. Other doctors, better doctors, more professional doctors, did a bit of due diligence before promoting the poison death shot. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, for example, researched NIH open source documents and found that HCQ was very effective against all coronaviruses. He then used HCQ to save about 10K patients. Mr. Aseem Malhotra has displayed no such professionalism, no such intellectual curiosity. The clues were all around us. Since when do governments give monetary incentives to doctors for achieving high vaccination rates amongst their patients? Since when do governments bribe people with debit cards, bribe children with pizza, to take the genocide jab? Put another way, if a simple man like me could see there was something wrong, how couldn't "Doctor" Malhotra? If you must feel sorry for someone, let it be the father, not the son. Feel sorrow for the murdered, not for the murderer. I might cut Mr. Malhotra some slack if he turns in his medical licenses and never practices medicine again. But, I trust that money still comes first to Mr. Malhotra.

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But Trump is the main warpspeed villain.

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In the Canadian context, we also have to deal with MAiD. This is another aspect of the depopulation agenda we're witnessing now. This exemplifies what Idi Amin Dada aptly called 'VIP treatment' in our hospitals. During his dictatorship, Dada would often tell his associates, "Give this man 'VIP treatment'!"

We can all imagine what would happen next.



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Well Justin Trudeau is a VIP.

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Yeah, well…I wonder how he would still be feeling about it if his father never died. That’s the big question. Being clueless and not doing his due diligence as a physician puts him in the category of being lazy and ignorant! There are more people I would give a pass to than him. He’s a damn doctor for God’s sake. 💰💰💰is what they think about first and you know it!

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The Canadian context also has to deal with MAiD. This is another aspect of the depopulation agenda we're witnessing now.



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Majority of Cnds do not even know about this atrocity taking place! Information censored/banned..🙏🏽 for beautiful Cnd..

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A very unfortunate situation.

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I guess so.

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I talk to my young ones at home (Cnd) and they tell me they do not get any news or sites are banned..Also they believe their phones are monitored.. Have to be careful sending info. I pray everyday for the once ‘best land in existence’..


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I get it.

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Yes we all have our personal journeys.

As brave vocal doctor are far and few between in the UK I’ve followed Dr Aseem Malhotra for many many years.

He has for decades fought against big pharma and the overuse of medication and fraudulent pharmaceutical trials.

He’s stood up for lifestyle interventions and foremost healthy eating (documentary: The Big Fat Fix and The Pioppi Protocol) in cardiology within our National Health Services.

Given speeches in the European Parliament teaching politicians and the public about medical metrics and more.

Engaged with UK politicians attempting to driving sensible policies.

And yes sadly, he trusted pharma and the government on the plandemic and did indeed pay a horrifically high personal price.

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This will exonerate them and the sheep will accept the new cancer ‘vaccine’ and damage TRUMP

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