In regards to my last statement… maybe I’m just a simpleton, but what are the odds that a chimp adenovirus is inserted into DNA, then injected into human cell nuclei, and now there’s a monkeypox outbreak..

“But it doesn’t work that way.”

Yeah, well, the CDC also said viral vector vaccines don’t go into the cell nucleus, contradicting other research, up until December 15th, when they quietly changed their data to say that it does indeed go into the cell nucleus, and told everyone to take something other than J&J viral vector vaccines….

Regardless. I wouldn’t be the least surprised to find out more than half of what they’re calling “monkeypox” is some disease or cluster of other diseases brought on by these nonsense vaccines.

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It has to do with the vibrancy of the immune system! Managers their vitamin D blood value levels and you’ll see there is a relationship!

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Compare basic STD rates between races.

Compare out of wedlock birth rates while you’re at it.

There’s a difference.

It’s cultural.

It wasn’t always that way, but you aren’t allowed to state basic facts anymore, because truth is “racist” or some iteration of “phobic”…

Our “public health” policy has been for some time now, to sweep anything under the rug that offends delicate sensibilities, instead of stating cold hard truths.

That’s great if you’re teaching cultural Marxism to freshmen, it not so good if you actually want to help certain communities.

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Start with Vitamin D deficiency effects as Thomas Braun also pointed out. Same as for COVID severity.

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In US, the reason is white privilege.

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Let's see a studied correlation with age and vaxx status.

No, I thought not.

It's being concealed for obvious reasons.

Just how stupid do these hubris laden Davos driven numpties take us for?

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However stupid they believe us to be?...with a certainty they have unequivocally demonstrated themselves to be 80% correct.

That is a very reasonable % for most people...certainly a passing grade.

Our battle...on balance...is as much a battle against the dumbed down masses as it is with those who hold the marionette strings.

If their ascertion is we are stupid...generally speaking...they get my vote on a correct presumption.

So called "higher education" does not seem to factor into the equation.

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You may just have redefined 'herd immunity'.

Absolutely. "Higher educashon" too often merely sharpens the talons of the stupid.

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it would be interesting, instead of black and white, they investigated jabbed vs. unjabbed.

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Perhaps we could get all the people who the evil controllers fired stripped of their licenses to be doctors and nurses, genealogists' etcetera, etcetera, together and start a proper medical system that makes medicines that work. Bring back the natural cures that the Rockefellers and big pharma destroyed the information for. There are those who still remember the natural cures. Bring back the natural paths. I read here was time they put natural paths in prison for what they knew. Rockefeller said to cure is bad for business. What kind evil could do this and sleep at night?

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Until the medical system can be purged of the evil greedy people who only care about money we will always have to wonder if what they are saying is the truth about anything. I always think about the Rockefeller big pharma and government collusion where the Rockefeller's discovered they could make concoctions they could patten and call medicine from oil. These so-called medicines did some of what they said but they also do harm to the patient. Hey there is always a pill to combat the side effects of the last pill. In light of what they have done to us lately, should we start a moral ethical medical institution?

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Dr. Alexander,

In this article’s comment thread, there is discussion of a serious Ebola outbreak in capital city of Uganda. Will you please enlighten on veracity?

Thank you

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Has to be Racism right?

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Could we soon see a worldwide Ebola pandemic - it’s made it to the Ugandan capital https://twitter.com/enemyinastate/status/1581070802912305154?s=46&t=_Pv3KO4bEZ40zyJ73YcyOQ

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