Ah, Monkey Pox it is now!

In Australia over 300,000 people have died in the past 2 years. A few thousand of those have died after returning a positive PCR test.

The vast majority of our politicians, media, health institutions and population generally are totally distraught over those that died after returning the positive PCR. Somewhat ironically though, they don't seem to give a crap about the other 300,000 people.

Now they're all going to worry sick about a few hundred people with Monkey Pox whilst diabetes, cancer, heart disease, road deaths, and worst of all, SARSCov2 vaccine deaths occur all around them. Go figure...

I hate to say it, but sometimes I think the global elites are right. These brain numb zombies do need some elitist assholes to rule their lives. It's just a shame the zombies are determined to take the rest of us with them.

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Excellent assessment of Life in the Time of Monkey Pox, TSMe!!

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Monkey Pox. We'll all have to wait until they develop a vaccine. I'm sure it won't be far off.

In the meantime, keep yourself safe by not eating too many bananas, throwing your poop at passers by, and resisting the temptation to pick fleas off strangers.

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Excellent advice (even if dished out with a VERY large dose of sarcasm!!). But I don't know about the bananas; lately, in fact, I've had a very unusual craving for those tasty fruits.....

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Uh Oh! You'd better go see your doctor...

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Oopsie, I forgot to add, "sarc/off" at the end of my last comment....

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This is what my research found, link below:

Mon key pox is bioengineered to be vaccine resistant. It won't kill you, so do not take the vaccine! The vaccine will cause smallpox in those who have low immunity and could cause death. It will start a worldwide pandemic of smallpox. Perfectly timed for an era when nobody in the world has immunity to smallpox. This is a depopulation event planned very much as the corona virus pandemic was in a simulation. Plan is for 1.3 million deaths by January/23. They are using something similar to smallpox for vaccine.

Details: (see the chart on page 12)


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Sharon, I'll take your word on this new "plan-demic/scam-demic," 'cause I have been reading A LOT about it recently, and it all seems to fit in a VERY evil and possibly deadly scheme! I still can't wrap my mind around the INTENTIONAL killing of millions of innocent folks (all God's souls!!), but evidence seems to be mounting in that direction every day!! Meantime, keep posting relevant info about all of this, 'cause people like me are learning more & more about the "schemes" and the "scams" with each passing day!

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Thank you so much, Sharon! That's a terrific article! I just started to read it, but will finish it later this evening (when I get home).

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Thank you Joy, your encouragement means a lot to me. Together we can win! There are many sites available to learn more, but you can rarely find them by search engines, so it helps to join several and people sharing on each site gives us the momentum we need!

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Couldn't agree with you more, Sharon! Between Drs. Malone & Alexander & Steve Kirsch, etc. etc., we are ALL getting a crash course in this new health "hazard" (for want of a better word, eh?). They DO say that "knowledge is power," so let's hope that is so NOW!!

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Us old farts were vaccinated for smallpox. I got it again when I was in the Army. I can still see the faded scars.

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The quackcinne has already been purchased in the 10s of millions of doses.

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That is scary news indeed, Island Girl!! Parents of very young children now have to be more vigilant than ever!! The Evil Ones are coming for everyone's children!! I always regretted not having any children (or, in fact, grandchildren), but maybe the Lord was just looking out for me and trying to save me from any unnecessary heartache! But, as I've always said, God's plans are not always man's plans, so we just have to be grateful for what we have!

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I am getting sick & tired of the "fear porn" of Monkeypox, so I appreciate all the relevant info you have presented, Dr. A, regarding this latest "new & important thing" on Fauci's agenda! I hope that, in retrospect, we will learn just how much hype has been involved!!

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ZERO Smallpox Deaths or Injuries in 40 Years but 5,755 Injuries and Deaths from Smallpox Quackcines. The new Bull Gates Moneypox is no different.


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I LOVE that term for the jabs: Namely, (Smallpox) QUACKCINES!! Good one!!

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How did I miss that other great term you used (namely, "Moneypox!"). Yes, indeed, and the only true justice in all of this is if one of Bill & Melinda's kids contracted "Money Pox!!"

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The new monkeypox test: watch out, they'll push a peeled banana way up your nose! LOL!!

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Just wait until the pride events start and dudes fly in to party.

While I cannot fly anywhere. Perfectly healthy with no risk to anyone.

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Whoever said that Life was "fair," MikeyB?!?

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Have recently taken on the habit of scratching myself under the left armpit with my left arm at an odd angle...

OMG, monkeypox is real! ARRRRRRGH!

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TOO funny!! And do you now seem to have a craving for bananas?

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Now that you mention it...

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WHO Director Tedros Says There are Now 1,000+ cases of Monkeypox Across 29 Countries , Warns of ‘Community Transmission’


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Hmmm. The mass murderer is worried about moneypox. 🤮

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Can we see the number of PCR tests for monkeypox per country? Same ole song and dance.

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Seems like the Mon(k)ey Pox doesn't occur in pure blood populations. It would make one consider that the Mon(k)ey Pox and the experimental liquid injected into the first world nations are related.

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"Nigeria & Congo w[h]ere endemic, no cases"...

where Nigeria = 215M, Congo = 95M people, i.e., = 2x... *featherweights* moreover, eh?

Now, as Tancredi said, "If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change," let's ponder:

Japan, February 2020, Epidemiology of COVID-19 Outbreak on Cruise Ship Quarantined at Yokohama, essentially a Petri dish created [kindly for plausible deniability]

The Canary Islands, May 2022, Maspalomas Gay Pride, Petri dish reloaded [for plausible deniability again, in the sense of *supporting evidence* as in plausible deniability and storytelling at a higher degree].

This is for all those misguided people who thought they did it on purpose, in the sense of reporter bites dog as news.


The Canary Islands, May 2022, Maspalomas Gay Pride

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I felt bisexual a few days ago on a bank holiday - so I went cottaging in the local aartvark male public toilets down the road from my house. What an aartvark biological male orgy it was.

Sadly, I landed up not only with a broken heart, but with aardvark pox as well, from what seemed like a Bill Gates aartvark behind a glory hole. The reason I say Bill Gates aartvark is not because I could see the aartvark, because I couldn't in the darkroom aartvark toilet, but he definitely sounded like he was from Sesame Street when he hit the high notes.

My wife says not to worry about having to quarantine, because xmas for her only comes twice a year, and I'll be cured before then, so she can then safely get her non-mRNA-hot-beef-injection.

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Barry, you are HYSTERICAL!! What a funny take on this whole insanity!! And I certainly hope that you don't feel "Bi" again, after what you went thru at the local aartvark orgy! And, of course, be careful when you "inject" your wife again.....

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