What a horrible accounting of what I would consider a horrible life.

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Yup. So disgusting it got pretty tough to keep reading. As someone who has researched HIV/AIDS, I am aware of how promiscuous some gay men are, but I think most people have no idea that this type of lifestyle exists.

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M, the yuk part of it was when he said that's how he earns his living. What a waste & how sad. Basically, he's a prostitute & doesn't seem to realize it. Wonder what plan, if any, he has when he gets too old to do that "job"?

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His immune-suppression may take care of that problem for him.

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I guess I was clueless. It seems so empty.

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I read it. Doctor my eyes!

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Well, yes, I couldn't get past the part where he is consuming piss.

But there is a bright side. These people will not be reproducing. The gene pool will be stronger.

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The problem is that homosexual men "recruit" by manipulating younger guys, including even children sometimes.

A large percentage of homosexual men report that their first sexual experience was with a much older male.

This is how they reproduce.

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Great point! 🙏

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Is this disease a consequence or a vengeance? There are particular mortal sins that are so evil that they are said to be sins that cry to heaven for vengeance: murder (Gn 4:10), sodomy (Gn 18:20-21), oppression of the poor (Ex 2:23), and defrauding workers of their just wages (Jas 5:4). Free will to make bad choices and be dismissive of the consequences is self destructive. It will take members of this population to speak out to all to change their habits.

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The First Six Bowls of Wrath - Revelation 16

1Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go, pour out on the earth the seven bowls of God’s wrath.”

2So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth, and loathsome, malignant sores broke out on those who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image…

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Yeah, again I do not think the like button covers this. Wow. I like being a hermit in this insane mess.

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And this folks is what they want for your child, the sodomite groups pushing their agenda in elementary schools...and they really don't care what you think.

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end times poster boy

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A percentage of humanity have taken a revolting left turn into a dark and repulsive abyss.

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No words. Demented, Godless freaks enjoying their endless orgies in a demented, Godless nation careening into Hell.

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I’m shocked that this depravity still goes on. What a vile, filthy life

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From Sun, 9th of July till Fri, 15th of July he had approx. 35-40 partners (that he can remember of) and tons of piss and we should normalize it....

I mean it's his choice, but we have ours

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The govt is going to try to make us have a vaccine for this too.

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I bet. For degenerate, disgusting depravity.

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Dr. Paul,

This beast, this abomination, deserves no help. Any human being (not sure if he falls into any definition of human) behaving in a manner that even an animal would not sink into deserves only contempt. To add insult to injury, he has the gall to graphically publicize his sin. He deserves whatever happens to him (self-caused). I have no empathy, no pity for the likes of him.

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"For just as man is the best of the animals when completed, when separated from law and adjudication he is the worst of all. For injustice is harshest when it is furnished with arms; and man is born naturally possessing arms for [the use of] prudence and virtue which are nevertheless very susceptible to being used for their opposites. This is why, without virtue, he is the most unholy and the most savage of the animals, and the worst with regard to sex and food." -- Aristotle

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He knew what he was doing when he went to that orgy. Selfish and disgusting.

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Slippery slope for sure! Maybe it all could be curtailed if they went back into the closet. Stop the Shame parades…absolutely nothing to be proud of in that sorry scenario of depravity.

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Piss pigs? These degenerates need to be stopped. Exposing this doesn't matter. The progressive women think they're cool.

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What the h is piss pigs? Do they actually drink urine?

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I shudder to think. Probably.

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My goodness!!!

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I made the mistake of looking it up to verify. Your suspicion is confirmed.

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Thanks. This man doesn't like himself very much.....

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It's like a combination of extraordinary narcissism and self-hatred. It's vile.

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I would suggest that the source is almost undoubtedly a sexually transmitted disease clinic spiking a vaccine for hepatitis or something similar as they have been documented as having done before with AIDS in San Francisco, and then let a deliberately infected carrier transmit this biolab-created synthetic biowarfare agent that way.

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Whoa. That was highly disturbing. I don't really think of myself as "square", but apparently, I am octagonal. I had no idea the things this man described were happening in my world.

I feel a need to shower now...with bleach.

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Same! I went to reading Ann of Green Gables with my daughter last night to this tonight. Wow! How much the world has changed!! In many ways for the better, but currently we are being shown so much bad😢

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Ha, I love that. I have been collecting older children's books for years, because I want my future grandchildren to have books to read that are sweet and fun and not filled with gender confusion, strange family situations, purple hair, and nose rings!

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I have no sympathy left for these people...purposely spreading an infectious disease AND having no self respect or morals.

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The penalty for not being able to "handle the truth" could very well be death. I'm sick to death of those woke folk who want nothing but fantasyland! Maybe they will learn lessons the hard way. Their choice.

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