"The thought of a full three-week quarantine is pretty scary,” said John, 32...who believes he contracted monkeypox from a guy he hooked up with"; but John, we were COVID locked down for 2 eff in yrs
You actually believe this monkeypox horseshit? This latest spew out of the mouths of this cabal of appalling avaricious liars, who have conned us nonstop for nearly 3 years with their "Covid" Fraudemic, lethal and useless drugs and procedures, (lockdowns, quarantines of healthy people) banning of effective medications like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and finally these deadly bioweapon so-called "vaccines"..?!
you are on the right track too. yes, liars. and to an extent could be made up shit. but you have to put them on the hot seat to show the malfeasants they are. I am saying what they should be saying. and in a way, I am helping the Gay community too with proper guidance, in life my friend, we help each other each time we can. we use the opportunity, someone has to gain...but you are maybe 99.9% bang on.
Thank you, Dr. Paul, and forgive me if what I read seems overwrought... But I've had enough, as I suspect as have you, of this orchestrated hoax. But even now, after all this, all this time? Only 10-12% of us.. ? "Get it"?
This is the real and only reason we are in this mess....... In 1993 a book was published by a former spy of the MI6 named Dr John Coleman. In that book, Dr Coleman wrote the following –
“At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races.
I was an Expose fan - the article source you quote from - but now I'm tired of their BS.
I wrote to them yesterday about an article they plugged about Africa and migration from Africa to Europe. Just like the mainstream media, they are just as full of crap. Plus they keep begging for money, which just debases them ever more.
Here's my note to them.
“Slavery” as such, has only gotten worse in Africa. It’s no longer the simple trafficking of black slaves for the new world – where Africa too must take a certain amount of responsibility for African chieftains and African tribal leaders having been complicit in selling out their own people 500 years ago – but now the real “slavery” is the modern corrupt African leadership doing deals with the EU/US/UK/Chinese corporations by them granting concessions to mine/drill and exploit African resources, but never ever employing local African expertise to be part of the operation.
The only value which goes back to Africa is the bribe paid to the corrupt leaders/govt ministers themselves, which gets banked – not in said local African country’s banking system – but in places like Switzerland, the Channel Islands and the Caribbean.
So, a zero net gain for Africa, and only really a net loss, which is the loss of African resources which proceeds of sale are banked in the EU/US/UK/China. Nor are there any technical jobs supplied for qualified local Africans.
This is the real tragedy.
The rest is just woke BS conversation by first world people in the EU/US/UK in both the mainstream and alternative media waxing lyrical about the “sad state of the world” who really know less than nothing about what is really going on on the ground in Africa.
Just like they know nothing about what’s really going on on the ground in Syria or Israel or Brazil or Russia or China or India or Argentina.
As much as the alternative media alleges the mainstream speaks rubbish, they likewise do the very same, just on the extreme opposite pole and they use and embrace the very same technology supplied by big tech and media to perform half-baited hack “research” – the very same resources and sources they apparently reject and despise.
Yes, I don't agree with everything they print...as anything else out there, these days....you have to be choosy, skeptical and do your research, for sure...that is why I was only interested in the Dr Coleman part of the article to share...I always like to site my sources which is why I included the link...the story existed and it is still quite disturbing...... https://www.amazon.ca/Conspirators-Hierarchy-Story-Committee-300/dp/0922356572
however, thank you for taking the time to reach out...I appreciate your comments....I am glad you reached out to them, too...that is important.....good luck...hope you hear back... :)
Plus the Expose's main contributing author named "Rhoda Wilson" is just a fake name for the main single content provider behind the site - whomever that might be.
I've written to "her" before, but never get a reply.
Never underestimate the frauds out there who've appeared from the woodwork since covid landed - to peddle their door to door defective wares under the guise of "in the interests of makind".
Too many nutters and freaks, and since my mate died recently in a tragic house fire, I've decided to live in the real world and switch off all the time-wasting, life-wasting BS stories and Aesop's Fables.
You go well Stella. Enjoy life. Row your own boat. There's still so much beauty in the world.
Barry, I am so sorry for your loss.....that is heartbreaking........please, stay strong and do no lose faith........ thanks again for the info and for reaching out......sending you blessings......
SO many gems in that article..... "Lucky breaks however don’t last; things do go south, and your luck eventually runs out. I’ve had my fair share of fallouts and unforced errors, experienced personal and professional blunders, tragedy, and sadness. " Hope others check it out, too ........so happy you are here with us...... stay safe but free.....
If you are STUPID enough to have sex with others who have blisters and sores on them- well it’s on them IMO. You can lead a horse to water….but you cannot make them drink.
Not much to proud about really, with too many gay and bi guys acting just as irresponsibly as they did in the run up to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. MSM remains by far the the biggest driver of new HIV infections, which are often passed on by bi men to their female partners and sex workers. Seems some people never learn.
missing data, I keep hearing these BS stories about Monkeepox as the next newest plague on mankind but I never hear of any confirmed DEATHS from it. How many people have actually DIED or is this another inconvenient truth
This advice has been and is is so practical and so common sense but I'm afraid the public health officials will never ever do this. Such an easy fix. Similar to fix for covid if only anyone would have listened. Put everybody on prophylaxis with easily available repurposed drugs for 6 weeks for as long as necessary. Quickly Institute early treatment protocols if anyone should get sick . The pandemic would have died out quickly. But instead people continue to die and the covid variants continue to evolve and the monkey poxs spreads unnecessarily.
i said this during the AIDS epidemic. everybody stop having gay sex for a year. anyone who had AIDS would die and there'd be no further spread. i guess if they can't manage a couple of weeks, my idea of a year was never gonna fly.
my business partner was tired all the time and his doctor said he had mono. we had just opened our costume shop and i was working round the clock while he spent entire days in bed. they tested our cat, the water in our loft, everything.
finally the doctor asked to see me and after a cursory examination, pronounced that i was the cause of my partner's woes!!! a heterosexual woman with whom he had no sexual contact and not the hundreds of anonymous strangers he hooked up with at the clubs!
the doctor actually tried to prescribe me an antibiotic but not under my name because officially my visit was "off the record" (i'm not sure why since i filled out paperwork in my name when i got there).
one night in extreme frustration, i read through my partner's calendar. he saw some kind of doctor more times in a month then i saw in 2 years! the purpose seemed to be only to keep the rashes, viruses and blisters picked up at these orgies under control so that he was clear to party.
i realized then that i did not have a serious partner; i bought him out and continued the business alone.
eventually, they gave his condition a name: AIDS and in a short time he died.
The implication of this seems to be that homosexuals are so weak that they can’t even control their sex impulse. I don’t believe that for a minute, and I didn’t even when that was being used by some as rationale for banning homosexual teachers and Boy Scout leaders.
You actually believe this monkeypox horseshit? This latest spew out of the mouths of this cabal of appalling avaricious liars, who have conned us nonstop for nearly 3 years with their "Covid" Fraudemic, lethal and useless drugs and procedures, (lockdowns, quarantines of healthy people) banning of effective medications like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and finally these deadly bioweapon so-called "vaccines"..?!
you are on the right track too. yes, liars. and to an extent could be made up shit. but you have to put them on the hot seat to show the malfeasants they are. I am saying what they should be saying. and in a way, I am helping the Gay community too with proper guidance, in life my friend, we help each other each time we can. we use the opportunity, someone has to gain...but you are maybe 99.9% bang on.
Thank you, Dr. Paul, and forgive me if what I read seems overwrought... But I've had enough, as I suspect as have you, of this orchestrated hoax. But even now, after all this, all this time? Only 10-12% of us.. ? "Get it"?
This is the real and only reason we are in this mess....... In 1993 a book was published by a former spy of the MI6 named Dr John Coleman. In that book, Dr Coleman wrote the following –
“At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races.
Hi Stella,
I was an Expose fan - the article source you quote from - but now I'm tired of their BS.
I wrote to them yesterday about an article they plugged about Africa and migration from Africa to Europe. Just like the mainstream media, they are just as full of crap. Plus they keep begging for money, which just debases them ever more.
Here's my note to them.
“Slavery” as such, has only gotten worse in Africa. It’s no longer the simple trafficking of black slaves for the new world – where Africa too must take a certain amount of responsibility for African chieftains and African tribal leaders having been complicit in selling out their own people 500 years ago – but now the real “slavery” is the modern corrupt African leadership doing deals with the EU/US/UK/Chinese corporations by them granting concessions to mine/drill and exploit African resources, but never ever employing local African expertise to be part of the operation.
The only value which goes back to Africa is the bribe paid to the corrupt leaders/govt ministers themselves, which gets banked – not in said local African country’s banking system – but in places like Switzerland, the Channel Islands and the Caribbean.
So, a zero net gain for Africa, and only really a net loss, which is the loss of African resources which proceeds of sale are banked in the EU/US/UK/China. Nor are there any technical jobs supplied for qualified local Africans.
This is the real tragedy.
The rest is just woke BS conversation by first world people in the EU/US/UK in both the mainstream and alternative media waxing lyrical about the “sad state of the world” who really know less than nothing about what is really going on on the ground in Africa.
Just like they know nothing about what’s really going on on the ground in Syria or Israel or Brazil or Russia or China or India or Argentina.
As much as the alternative media alleges the mainstream speaks rubbish, they likewise do the very same, just on the extreme opposite pole and they use and embrace the very same technology supplied by big tech and media to perform half-baited hack “research” – the very same resources and sources they apparently reject and despise.
I believe nothing. It’s all BS.
Barry Varkel
An African lawyer from South Africa.
Yes, I don't agree with everything they print...as anything else out there, these days....you have to be choosy, skeptical and do your research, for sure...that is why I was only interested in the Dr Coleman part of the article to share...I always like to site my sources which is why I included the link...the story existed and it is still quite disturbing...... https://www.amazon.ca/Conspirators-Hierarchy-Story-Committee-300/dp/0922356572
however, thank you for taking the time to reach out...I appreciate your comments....I am glad you reached out to them, too...that is important.....good luck...hope you hear back... :)
Plus the Expose's main contributing author named "Rhoda Wilson" is just a fake name for the main single content provider behind the site - whomever that might be.
I've written to "her" before, but never get a reply.
Never underestimate the frauds out there who've appeared from the woodwork since covid landed - to peddle their door to door defective wares under the guise of "in the interests of makind".
Too many nutters and freaks, and since my mate died recently in a tragic house fire, I've decided to live in the real world and switch off all the time-wasting, life-wasting BS stories and Aesop's Fables.
You go well Stella. Enjoy life. Row your own boat. There's still so much beauty in the world.
Barry, I am so sorry for your loss.....that is heartbreaking........please, stay strong and do no lose faith........ thanks again for the info and for reaching out......sending you blessings......
Thank you for your kind words, Stella. Well appreciated.
I write black comedy articles for a legal website.
Perhaps you'd like to read my latest piece.
Here is the link if you'd like to give it a go:
Nice chatting with you.
SO many gems in that article..... "Lucky breaks however don’t last; things do go south, and your luck eventually runs out. I’ve had my fair share of fallouts and unforced errors, experienced personal and professional blunders, tragedy, and sadness. " Hope others check it out, too ........so happy you are here with us...... stay safe but free.....
Holy !
If you are STUPID enough to have sex with others who have blisters and sores on them- well it’s on them IMO. You can lead a horse to water….but you cannot make them drink.
or in this case, he can't stop drinking from the well!
I'm not Christian, but play with the devil and you're going to get burned. Life is full of consequences.
but not enough consequences anymore.
Not much to proud about really, with too many gay and bi guys acting just as irresponsibly as they did in the run up to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. MSM remains by far the the biggest driver of new HIV infections, which are often passed on by bi men to their female partners and sex workers. Seems some people never learn.
Same fauxchi playbook, same target group. He could not resist.
They’re fast and efficient.
missing data, I keep hearing these BS stories about Monkeepox as the next newest plague on mankind but I never hear of any confirmed DEATHS from it. How many people have actually DIED or is this another inconvenient truth
This advice has been and is is so practical and so common sense but I'm afraid the public health officials will never ever do this. Such an easy fix. Similar to fix for covid if only anyone would have listened. Put everybody on prophylaxis with easily available repurposed drugs for 6 weeks for as long as necessary. Quickly Institute early treatment protocols if anyone should get sick . The pandemic would have died out quickly. But instead people continue to die and the covid variants continue to evolve and the monkey poxs spreads unnecessarily.
i said this during the AIDS epidemic. everybody stop having gay sex for a year. anyone who had AIDS would die and there'd be no further spread. i guess if they can't manage a couple of weeks, my idea of a year was never gonna fly.
my business partner was tired all the time and his doctor said he had mono. we had just opened our costume shop and i was working round the clock while he spent entire days in bed. they tested our cat, the water in our loft, everything.
finally the doctor asked to see me and after a cursory examination, pronounced that i was the cause of my partner's woes!!! a heterosexual woman with whom he had no sexual contact and not the hundreds of anonymous strangers he hooked up with at the clubs!
the doctor actually tried to prescribe me an antibiotic but not under my name because officially my visit was "off the record" (i'm not sure why since i filled out paperwork in my name when i got there).
one night in extreme frustration, i read through my partner's calendar. he saw some kind of doctor more times in a month then i saw in 2 years! the purpose seemed to be only to keep the rashes, viruses and blisters picked up at these orgies under control so that he was clear to party.
i realized then that i did not have a serious partner; i bought him out and continued the business alone.
eventually, they gave his condition a name: AIDS and in a short time he died.
I wrote out a lengthy response. Then I had second thoughts. To "keep it pithy", what a loser.
Time to show some restraint! Lacking God’s common sense!
The implication of this seems to be that homosexuals are so weak that they can’t even control their sex impulse. I don’t believe that for a minute, and I didn’t even when that was being used by some as rationale for banning homosexual teachers and Boy Scout leaders.
But now, I guess it’s common knowledge?