As a retired scientist, I do not believe in coincidence. AND, this seems so blatantly obvious !!!!

As, always, thanks for all your followup and postings.

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Kinda’ explains Russia’s interest in “Ukraine’s” “bio labs.” If nothing else, it gives Russia an excuse.

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The most viral outbreak of Monkeypox seems to be festering within Washington's beltway. See no evil, hear no evil, say no evil. Twelve dollars per gallon of gasoline, here we come!

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"is it that coincidental that they can game this out just a few months before cases emerge"

It wasn't gamed a few months ago, it was gamed a year and a half ago. The report for the gaming/gamage/game/whatever was released a few months ago.

To predict a monkey pox epidemic/pandemic a year and a half ago, almost to the day, is obvious criminality at this point.

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I think Mon(k)eypox is being tossed out there as a scapegoat to take the blame off of the toxic spike producing COVID jabs that are causing many adverse reactions and deaths.

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Thanks for covering this. I half wonder if these people want to get smallpox started up again, as I learned in my recent research that the original smallpox vaccines shed can virus...also...Moderna is working on an mRNA monkeypox vaccine... https://wholistic.substack.com/p/here-come-the-monkeypox-vaccines

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It would be comical if they could really tickle our funny bone, however, it is ludicrous more so. They continue to use the same playbook, and even change the narrative to suit their agenda. Remember the hospitals filled with patients and the dead bodies piling up, and the mass graves during the CV1984 scamdemic, well here we go again.

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If you acquired Covid and/or got the mRNA injections, has your immune system been compromised, and if you carry the herpes zoster virus from chicken pox, is the monkey virus really a weakened expression of the herpes zoster virus and not on the same level as shingles. Any thoughts out there?

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