Don't forget to factor in gain-of-Fauci manipulations.

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Exactly. Did they have this "in the can" ("ready to go"). From the NTI website on the conference: "This was illustrated in the exercise scenario: a localized bioweapons attack with a genetically engineered monkeypox virus begins in the fictional country of Brinia." (Genetically engineered) https://www.nti.org/news/nti-bio-munich-security-conference-convene-global-leaders-annual-tabletop-exercise-reducing-high-consequence-biological-threats/

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"gain-of-Fauci " - noice!

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May 21, 2022
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It was my husband who first coined the term (he gave me Dr. Mengelfauci, too, when I was having trouble coming up with a fluid portmanteau: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dr-mengelfauci-pinocchio-puppeteer), but I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to use it and was planning to plant the seed in a future article if I can ever get through the few thousand other articles ahead of it in the queue!

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May 21, 2022
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Its diabolical what Pfizzzzer and Mud-on-ya.. have created with These Leaky experimental non-sterilizing fake vaccine Biologicals.. just a trail of devastation in their wake... turning people into Biological time bombs... while simultaneously debilitating their immune systems... a Congressional Investigation is being launched now into the NIH, FDA, and CDC and 350 M secretly paid by Big Pharma to Fuccccchi, Collins and 1600 other NIH scientists... we must contact all of our Representatives and demand Nuremberg trials pt 2 till these Murderous Drug dealers are behind bars...

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Latest theory is the Monkeypox circulating now is a deliberate release of the Israel 2018 strain. Who knows what inserts were added...

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Oh, so accidental, yeah right.

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How many ways can you say MONEY - threats/bullying, lockdowns, loss of job or else, covid, monkey, flu, tetanus, Hepatitis A, B, C, ...

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Biowarfare against the people. If it's more virulent then you'll find a Moderna patent genome

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Don't forget, In Europe, and Australia, they've used the AstraZeneca "vaccine". It's made using a Chimpanzee adenovirus that has "been inactivated to make it harmless to humans" to carry the SARS-COV2 spike protein into your body. Maybe it's just a coincidence that the outbreaks are in countries that use that jab? https://www.healthline.com/health/adult-vaccines/astrazeneca-vaccine

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Oh, there you go. Well done.

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Dr. P, I saw a theory this morning that I pasted below. What are your thoughts?

The monkeypox outbreak could potentially be an autoimmune blister disease which is an >>>ADVERTISED SIDE EFFECT<<< of Pfizer mRNA vaxx...


Autoimmune mucocutaneous blistering diseases after SARS-Cov-2 vaccination: A Case report of Pemphigus Vulgaris and a literature review


Bullous pemphigoid triggered by COVID‐19 vaccine: Rapid resolution with corticosteroid therapy


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Well Fuck me. The people who comment on Substack are BRILLIANT. Love you all.

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has anyone seen any statistics on how many of the monkeypox cases had previously been inoculated with the novel 'vaccines?'

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The one confirmed case in the US was fully jabbed. It hasn't been reported as such, but what has been reported is that he'd returned from a visit to Canada. Canada doesn't even let their own citizens in if they aren't fully jabbed, so it's doubtful they'd allow a US citizen to enter without all of the required papers and probably even a test.

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How soon before a miraculous mRNA-based injection for monkey pox is announced?

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Gotta kill off a few people first, panic sets in, where's my shot, and back to square 1 and repeat

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Biden has already placed a $119 Billion order for Monkeypox vaccine.

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Wow, gets more disgusting every day. Guess mitch mc commie gets his cut too, Hasn't made enough money after 40 senate years. Remember the monkey? See no evil, hear no evil, say no evil, and cover your privates? That's what we've got for representatives.

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What a "perfect" scenario! First, the mythical covid (that has never been isolated) and mass hysteria to create a ground for the inoculations. Second, the vax itself to disable the immune system and prepare for the real infection (as well as cancer, miocarditis, liver damage, blood clots, etc., etc.). Now, the real virus, well prepared, comes into play to finish the weakened immune system. We have to admit that the depopulation process has really been well-planned.

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That was a perfect summing up of their modus operandi.

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All I can say is those monkeys better have feckin' wings or somebody gonna get a swift kick up the gonads!

There's no place like home. There's no place like home.

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At this point, and if this idea is true. I am at: "I don't care any longer, they get 100 percent of what they did to their lives". I feel for the children though. I know it is cold but most of these people, not all, would have us pure-bloods living in interment camps. This whole nonsense has turned me into a agnostic for human life, they should take their Darwin awards then leave the planet as quickly as possible so the rest of us can continue with out own life and enjoy the fruit of our labors, not fighting daily against absolute stupidity.

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For this one we to get ahead of the curve in order to flatten it! We cannot afford to wait two weeks.

They are now treating us like monkeys.

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same reason hepatitis is showing up in young kids...the injections. End of story

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Sucharit Bhakdi warned about this type of down regulation of the immune system by the “vaccine” some time ago and was concerned about latent viruses like tuberculosis and a few others.

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Yup. But could we get the so called scientific establishment to listen? Yup they listen about as much as our politicians.

You know tho, I have a sneaky suspicion that these - the hepatitis and the monkeypox...are directly caused/related to the shots....the MNRA (hep) and the J & J (Monkeypox). And in a way that is not evident as first glance....the hep is spreading to unvaxxed kids who have vaxxed caregivers...and I think it is either through contact or breast milk....and the monkeypox I think is the Adenovirus taking advantage of its jabbed environment to combine and grow back into its full pox complement....But I am not a scientist, so what do I know?

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May 21, 2022
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The Nortorious GVB...love that.

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