The last time I gave blood the obese technician asked about my vax status. (Someone's weight is none of my business - but it angered me here.) When inserting the needle, the pain was excruciating and I told her. She blamed it on the anesthetic wipe. I asked if it had been changed as I had never experienced such pain before. She said no. The whole time it hurt. She never checked on me and hovered, along with co-workers, in a corner. After a while, she came back and said I was done. I was completely perplexed by the process. When I got to my car I realized that it was my vax status. I ended up with nerve damage that took months to rehabilitate. I complained numerous times to Red Cross and never received a response. When I would get calls asking for further donations I would tell them of the experience and why I was refusing another donation. They were always sympathetic and promised to elevate my concerns to superiors.

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Don’t think the malfeasants who concocted these venomous jabs were not aware of the long term percussions that would follow…

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Easy peasy-the jabbed donate and their blood is marked for jabbed only recipients. The unjabbed blood automatically goes to the unjabbed. Aka lots of blood for everybody. As always, the naysayers will state this cannot be done instead of doing it and navigating the jabbed whiners bs concerns. Here ya go- u want our pure blood-open your wallet, put your big girl pants on and start taking responsibility for your decisions by paying extra for our pure blood; otherwise you get jabbed blood. Quite tired of being forced to pay or held hostage with no good alternatives for easily researched/informed/correct information.

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If you receive vaxed blood and are likely to get anything on the 9 pages of the Pfizer Cumulative Analysis Report dated February 28, 2021 you will become very sick and or die unless you received placebo vaccines. According to the WHO 30% of the world is not vaccinated with this kill shot. There’s medical surgeries showing a baby needing a regular blood transfusion died after receiving a vac from a spiked patient. This is a no brainer unless the government wants to continue the depopulation agenda now that the cat is out of the bag!

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I suspect the horror show is only beginning. They have created a caste system: organics vs gen-mods. Yes, we need separate blood supplies. Will we find we need to separate organic children due to contamination risk? Intermarriage is problematic. Will there be apartheid? This is as scary as the shot itself.

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I agree it would decimate blood donations. How could it not unless every unvaxxed is going to donate a pint every month for the rest of their life. And how do you verify that they are unvaxxed? Anyone genuinely concerned should enroll in a program to donate strictly for you and your family and store that blood for that situation. Or advertise and sell it. If a pint of blood is going for $150, offer you SafeBlood™ for $3,000. Hey, if Bill Gates can make a 20 fold profit on the killer vaxxines, don't feel guilty about making a little chump change on every pint you sell. He's killing; you're saving lives. Make that $5,000 (you can only donate whole blood 6 times a year). $30,000 income ranks below the poverty line. Make that $10,000! You can always negotiate if someone tries to undercut you.

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WOW! - Just.. wow!

This is really something. Difficult to believe. Difficult to believe this Bill gains enough traction to actually come to fruition.

A frightening, but necessary, step !

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I am willing to let the market determine the value of unvaccinated blood. I am not willing to donate. I used to, before the attempted takeover of everything by Branch Covidians and the Globalists. The PTB all profited directly or indirectly from the Big Pharm. So they obviously believe in some market principles. Let them pay the market value price for blood. By their own logic and by their own example, so should they be treated.

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The blood supply is already decimated as it’s now all contaminated by the compromised idiots who keep donating after their clot shot.

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and what about the complete evil of some hospitals mandating those in need of an organ transplant to be vaxxed with the toxic mrna. What about the organ being donated? Is it free from LNP’s & spike?

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It would decimate a highly dangerous blood supply that is already ruined. Pass the bill.

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Blood supply is contaminated beyond repair.

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It seems the right is at war against idiots. How can idiots win the war. Seems unlikely.

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Oh my lordy - I had not even thought of this, but they are correct, perhaps. One reason is that you can't give blood if you have had certain illnesses (Herpes and hepatitis, to name two that I know of). Now that we have a vaccine that is basically changing our DNA, making those who take it a GMO (genetically modified organism), I would be horrified and terrified to think of the consequences to me if I had to have a transfusion. As we have to be notified about GMO food, why not blood?

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I have had no vaccines and should I need blood I would not want from someone who has had vaccines

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