The list you posted is exactly why no one is addressing these issues. There are too many. Imagine a politician speaking with such nuance when they can just blame "the gunzzzz!"

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Vaccine damaged brain (autism, ADHD, gender dysphoria), which needs drugs (legal/illegal), then withdrawal effects. Endless list + easy access to guns.

Cow's milk protein contaminated vaccines cause 75% of autism cases


Role of vaccine-induced juvenile autoimmune hypothyroidism in gender dysphoria


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I hope you are not suggesting that government deal with these issues. Their stupid policies and laws have created most of them in some way, shape or form. There is no politician who is gonna tackle anything like the above unless to pay lip service to them come election time.

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 The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he’s a victim. To him, the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free.

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Thank you, Dr. Alexander, for calling out the absurdity (indirectly) of the Dem/Repub divide. With rare exception, they're bought and paid for. They're statists who, like their constituents, worship at the altar of that organized crime syndicate we call "government". They're disloyal to the cause of liberty. I could go on...

As for the safety of the schools being in question, yes, of course...but for more reasons than simply the ability of loons to walk in and start shooting. Schools are unsafe 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 of teachers. They're unsafe 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 of administrators. This cohort (again, with rare individual exception) has bought into the lunacy of the current age -- transgenderism, white supremacy, racism, CRT, the inherent evil of America (but not is criminal political arm, the corporation/the crime syndicate called the "United States of America"), etc., etc.

This rot has been happening for decades -- this "slow march through the institutions" envisioned by the Bolshevik/Marxist psychos so many years ago. No accident. All part of the plan...

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We versus Them? - Caste System

Why are brown skin people called, black?

Just think, it's 2022, and they continue to brainwash people to call themselves and others, "black" and "white," when neither are actually those colors. It's all make believe to create divides and peg people against each other. It's NO coincidence that European American are so-called, "white" and African Americans have to pretend to be, so-called, "black." The wealthy rulers benefit from it. #CasteSystem #CriticalThinking

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There are over 370 "mental disorders" listed in the latest version of the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.) The list includes "Tobacco Addiction Disorder" among other equally mundane and ridiculous so-called "mental illnesses." If the DSM is the standard by which politicians wishes to remove our rights to own guns, then I'd guess 90% of the American people could probably be classified with a mental disorder of one kind or another. BEWARE.....

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I blame a lot of this on lyndon johnson president. He took the dignity of the Black man away. I was a little kid when I saw my first Black man on a sidewalk. As we walked towards each other, can't explain: I noticed his almost regal deportment, shoulders back, head up. That was in the early 50s. Then came the great society years later...

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Jun 2, 2022·edited Jun 2, 2022

You mention weed, opioids, and alcohol like they are problems which is nonsense because these substances are basic medicines that have been valued by billions of human beings throughout history. Further, they are all inanimate and therefore cannot harm anyone unless you believe in voodoo. The main problems are war, war, and more wars, including prohibition wars that authorize the use of violence, including deadly violence, against many millions of honest, decent human beings who have never harmed anyone. Waging wars against peaceful human beings is pure evil.

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Everything you listed as a solution, republicans and corporate Democrats voted against. They have insured the rich have gotten richer and now the poor are coming. They are getting the fruits they justly deserve.

We have a nation where people live in poverty and the rich just blame them and demand more.

You people are the sponge sucking up the water in the tank then blaming the fish for not being able to breathe.

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the mom also let her boyfriend live with them; that's a huge no-no in my book

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"as we yes, deal with the gun access..."

There will be no "dealing" with gun access: that horse has been out of the barn for a long time. We have two choices:

. Criminalize gun ownership. This won't stop criminals from easy access to the hundreds of millions of guns in America, but will disarm many honest, law-abiding citizens, rendering them easy victims to the worst elements of society.

. Stop fantasizing that any good can come from criminalizing gun ownership. Good guys with guns can and will deal with bad guys with guns.

And let's please stay away from the temptation to "red flag" our way to a less violent society. Such laws are an inevitable path to the Soviet practice of declaring any dissidents mentally ill, subject to involuntary commitment.

As painful as it is when crazy people commit murder, all of the proposed "solutions" just make things worse.

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Great points, sir. Linking this one today @Dr. Paul Alexander

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Jun 1, 2022·edited Jun 1, 2022

Mental health as a weapon against the people is communist in origin..the kid was pure evil (SECURITY IN SCHOOLS IS THE ANSWER)

Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

pharmaceutical drug use -

Psychotropic drugs are big business: in 2009, roughly 300,000,000 prescriptions were written for these agents. Psychotropic drugs are big business: in 2009, roughly 300,000,000 prescriptions were written for these agents. Duff Wilson of The New York Times recently reported that the newer generation of antipsychotics has become the country’s best selling medications. (would you disarm them all!)

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Thank you for a comprehensive list. We need more minds like yours in politics. Would you consider it or would it be a waste of your talent?

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Get rid of Lori Lightfoot, replace her with Louis Farrakhan and his followers. I think you might see a fairly quick turnaround in the state of the black gang community.

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