I have moved beyond arguing over whether viruses exist. Whether the shots are creating pressure on the pathogens. Whether mRNA is in our food, water, dentistry. If we’re all guinea pigs for 5G radiation, transhumanism, uptick in casket sales, and lots, lots more.

I’m pretty sure I see the game now. All the aforementioned are emotional distractions from the pandemic’s true intent. Which is to make the WHO with their lieutenants at the CDC, AMA, FDA, et al, the defacto world governing body.

This is kind of a big deal.

Right under our perpetually distracted noses the American Congress will sign an updated “treaty” this Spring with the WHO abdicating their role in governance and handing it over to the WHO. Pretty much akin to what they did in 1913 when they illegally handed their monetary responsibilities to private bankers.

Our government is washing its hands of its duties. But it will stick around like the monarchy in England. Essentially useless. Pretending relevance. That’s it. Everything else is noise.

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Just say the name,' jew' private bankers!!! There is No other Eviler Entity on our world!

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Are the Khazarian Eshka'nazis the only ones that read the Talmud?

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GLK I am convinced with what you’re saying here, 100%! Primarily because, not a single person in power within any of the agencies and NGO, have taken any action against and or taken any responsibility for, this entire Covid scheme, certainly not here in America, certainly not anywhere around the world for that matter! Not that I’m aware of. Most concerning to me and to “The DAVOS THUGS” centers around information and the 3 new classification’s, so aptly titled, “MIS, DIS or SIS”! Which IMO, is another “sleight of hand”! All is Bullshit but when resistance is near zero, how can they lose?When lies become truth and the masses become overwhelmed, that’s when it’s time to implement their tyrannical takeover. The same way everything else has happened. The “SLOW BOIL FROG” approach, which works extremely well overwhelming the masses. A form of “Chinese Torture”! Or also known as “THE NUDGE”. This all started long, long ago and more recently with “ObamaCare” debacle of LIES! Once again a “NUDGE” towards one government healthcare!

Or one Government everything for everyone except, well except themselves! Get the masses use to it slowly and they will follow. Or “BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME”! In this case, they’ll force us using the same “SLOW BOIL”. All of this is happening for their “ULTIMATE AGENDA” which is a “ONE WORLD GOVERNMENTAL ORDER”! Covid was a test and the masses passed with flying colors! Look at how many sheep followed “

Judas Goat”! Millions and millions, which provided exactly the results necessary to make their “evil takeover transition” all the more likely and easier! May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Yep. That’s the game. What’s disheartening is I’ve been posting this resolve here and there for a while and it gets little to no “likes” and you are the only one to respond.

Chick in dark glasses touting 5G nanobots quoting the Bible is more compelling it seems.

“One government except for themselves” is spot-on. Anyone with eyes could see that during covid as our betters were not concerned.

They had us put up the tray tables and strap in while they moved freely about the cabin. Always works that way.

Unless people wake up and shift their focus our liberty is doomed.

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Exactly GLK, I have concluded it’s going to take more of us to wake up those who have already forgotten we were ever locked down. I am concerned as you GLK and I’m trying with some success nearly every day. People seem to be more open about, how and why, this so called covid debacle ever happened. Oddly enough and I believe because I’m on the road throughout MA, CT and RI, during the essential work timeline, the “WACKADOS” as I call them, would scream and yell and look at me as if I had leprosy. I know it was all theatre, they felt empowered by MSM and all the talking heads and then bam, they STFU! Almost overnight. I will say it’s taken nearly 4 years now for this to happen but I never gave in and I toyed with those who tried to shut me down. Never have I forced myself into any conversation, these are clients I have serviced for the past 6 years. It’s sad that people can’t be themselves and have to follow the leader. Each and every person can be or choose not to, be, their own person that nobody can control. Today, those same people haven’t a word to say to me. They’re not rude or anything, but they’ve become silent. I believe it’s because deep down they know or they’ve learned they were wrong. Not that I would ever judge anyone for anything right or wrong. Unlike the “KARENS” of the world. Some will never admit anything. And IMO, as long as they’re not shouting at me or shutting me down it’s Irrelevant. Between then and now, empathy told me there’s a lot of trouble people who thrive on controlling others. Covid gave them their chance to raise their fur or bark loudly and they got off on it. Silently I could hear them screaming for another lockdown. In the same offices like minded people would tell me to whisper, but today, they’re telling the control freaks to STFU! We’re not talking to you! LOL payback is a bitch but “TRUTH” will always prevail. So I now kill them with kindness and they’re lost. Maybe that’s why I never gave up at anything, maybe my intuition told me to persevere, whatever the reason, I would say 7-8 out of 10 office workers understand better today and are less fearful of the “WACKADOS”! If we all continue to persevere kindly, odds are, IMO, more people will do the same. It’s seems to be working in my little corner of America, hopefully all around the great country. All I can say is to keep persevering, keep learning and keep trying to help those who want help and kill the “WACKADOS” with kindness. They instantly become disenchanted only to slowly become less freaky! Only my observations and my thoughts about what “WE THE PEOPLE” can and should continue to do. May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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I like your approach. You sound like someone that’s a true American and patriot. I too, believe in God and the power of prayer. That said, David still had to face Goliath. Sometimes I think people forget that.

Unfortunately there’s a tick in human nature that attracts many people to doom. They secretly love it. They want to believe in a killer virus. Fauci & Co put humanity on a thrill ride. Whoo-hoo! Thar be spiky little monsters afoot!

How do I know people are that weird? Decades of experience dealing with people in management and retail businesses.

Too vague?

Here’s a true story told to me by my physician friend. He’s a family doc. This story predates Covid. Every year in the fall patients with stuffy noses would overwhelm his office convinced they had the flu.

Funny thing though. Most did not. He’d confirm this in minutes via nasal swab test. Now, logically you’d think a person scared they might have influenza would breathe a sigh of relief hearing they just have a bad cold.

But you’d be wrong.

Six out of ten would be disappointed. Some resorted to arguing with the doc insisting the test was wrong! A few storming out cursing.

Let that little slice of behavioral heaven sink in.

I have many other examples. Thus on Friday 13, March 2020 when America officially declared Covid a national emergency and the fear engine became turbocharged I knew the game.

I knew the neuroticism would be off the charts. That’s not to say some people weren’t getting sick. The “whatever you want to call it” caught up with your’s truly Nov 2021.

A flu-ish thing with some pretty bizzare inflammatory symptoms that cutoff my sense of smell and taste for over an entire year.

Still, my unvaxxed self wasn’t about to go to murder central, aka: the hospital, to line Fauci’s Remdesivir pocketbook and fulfill Ezekiel Emmanuel’s wet dream of my extinguishment by 75.

Nope. I like being a thorn in their sides too much.

But lots of my toilet paper hoarding, sanitizer bathing, convinced they gonna die! contemporaries seem to love the scamdemic thrill ride and to this day seem convinced they dodged a bullet Whew!

Besides they heard about that person who was the neighbor of that guy that was the relative of a coworker that heard from his cousin who heard it from his boss about that guy that died. Died! Of covid. Yikes! Whew! That was close.

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LOL, you make it difficult not to laugh GLK and in the face of truth of which you have spoken. There’s a huge following of “follow the leader” followers and they won’t stop until a doc tells them what they want to hear, right or wrong. Is it sympathy they’re looking for? Maybe attention? Whichever it may be, your post reminds me of a Seinfeld episode when “Can’tStandZa” otherwise known as George thought he had cancer on his lip, then he asked if it was lupus, “is it lupus”? His neuroticism mimics the people you’ve posted about and the client’s I call “WACKADOS” I meet everyday through work. All of them were so paranoid they literally made themselves sick. As you said in your post, these same people were blaming me for their lifelong hatred for anything “good and decent”! So when the fearful become the powerful because government encourages and incites them to “tear into the unvaccinated”, suddenly all their sicknesses dissipate and they magically become “vaccinated warriors” screaming and shouting at anyone within the doorway of their office. It’s so obviously pathetic how one week before lockdown they’d be in my face when I was speaking with one of their coworkers about the disastrous and destructive direction this illegitimate administration was driving America towards. Then the “holy grail” of their delusional neuroticism suddenly made them expert parrots of the MSM! The death charts hanging on the bulletin board, hand sanitizer bottles overflowing their waste baskets and intoxicating disinfectant spray clouds hovering over their heads! I’m not making fun at all of mental illness nor would I ever belittle anyone for their life’s struggles, but in the case of COVID, these people snapped! Like a “ticking time-bomb” they knew their hour was now and needed to switch gears and go into attack mode. Nothing made sense to be. I’ll keep to myself, you keep to yourself, was and will always be my motto. I don’t know if they were hypochondriacs or what, but they were encompassing exactly what I was witnessing. Maybe these people I speak of were control freaks or simply miserable and misguided throughout their lives, but something was seriously wrong with them. Today, they are once again silent unless their overhear me speaking about, CRT, DEI or ESG. Certain hot buttons trigger their rage and their short fuse ignites their brain ablaze! Yelling seems to be their primary weapon. It’s quite sad how so many people feel better when told something is wrong with them or can shout someone down for no apparent reason. I am not a psychologist but my daily interaction with these same people tells me, “they lost a nut” or a “screw is loose”. I hear exactly what you’re saying GLK and wanted to share my work experiences with similar people you’ve posted about. Thanks for the laugh.


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Without humor these events would be impossible to endure. My wife and I utilize lots of Seinfeld references too.

Something for everyone to consider upon reflection; No matter the crises to health whether it’s an individual in an accident or soldiers fired upon in a foxhole, someone in the throes of a heart attack, pick anything, the first line of defense in managing crises is to always tell the afflicted to stay calm.

Yelling fire! in a crowded theater even if it’s really on fire has always been regarded a bad idea.

Why? Because as humans panic their logic centers in their frontal lobes give way to the rear “reptilian” portion of the brain triggering the fight or flight reflex.

This reflex causes us to behave irrationally and illogically. Thus exacerbating an already bad situation. People in the theater get trampled.

Yet, at no time during the pandemic did our trusted institutions do anything to suggest we remain calm. Instead they hounded us with an ongoing barrage of dire statistics. And when social media was alight with fantastic tales of nonsense originating from China our institutions did not step in to quench their effects.

People were deliberately being terrorized. Made afraid. Because fearful people are easy to control. They led us by the nose to their predetermined exits. Manipulated.

Symbolically the shots were a deeply personal relinquishing of control to a higher order. Once penetrated they became a social contract.

This entire event was akin to a hazing or gang initiation. Fear-Risk-Obedience-Reward.

That’s why to this day even though it’s clear the shots do not stop spread or infection and covid had no effect on the young the injected either don’t want to talk about it or they still defend it.

The pandemic is a mind control experiment.

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What ever happened to the story she was being hunted or followed or threatened or whatever the hell was going on when she went missing?

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I truly believe she is covering for Malone and others.

She's not the only one.

More should be following Dr Daniel Nagase. He lost his job for saving patients in Alberta, Canada. Malone and others have tried to shut him down.




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Paul and all,

This should give all persons GREAT HOPE the 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY CROWD will be able to establish free, fair, lawful and transparent elections!

Lex Greene lays out our GREAT odds of winning…


Spread this piece all over our mostly RED, repeat RED country!

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P.S. 2024 IS OUR LAST OUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE OUR CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC ... THIS YEAR! No one politician will have the power to do it, and unless WE THE PEOPLE stand up together to secure free, fair, lawful and transparent elections, we won't even get that chance.

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I think we're being played by all of the "truthers."

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I found this website from a comment on another post, MYPLEDGE.ORG Incumbents or current politicians sign a pledge to never mandate medical procedures. It's headed by attorney Aaron Siri. Board Members include leadership from ICAN, FLCCC , Drs McCullough and Fareed, etc. You can view signatories by state. there are close to 400 now.

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On a related matter this sub stack is the clearest explanation as to why using great science will never ever defeat the criminals.

They have made the illegal, legal.

What is does then reinforce, in my view ,is that none of what we have seen is by accident.

It’s 100% intended so great science pointing out the huge problems is pointless.

The task therefore is to “simply” educate the public to never touch pharma products nor trust any element of the state.


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