More Than 50% of globe obese by 2035; pandemic made this far worse & the increase is worse in kids & teens; get MOVING, throw away the phone, don' do the fraud weight watcher, designed to fail
Energy (food) in must = energy out if weight is to be controlled moreover, its about cardiovascular health, not weight so much; More Than Half of the World Will Be Overweight or Obese by 2035 - Report
So much metabolic disorder now. It is very serious.
All those weight watchers, Jenny Craig diets are designed to fail and they know it, it will always fail, you must have physical activity in your life, daily. Do not diet, no restriction of food, just normal meals. Moderation and commonsense. When you diet, you disturb your basal metabolism and downregulate it. It resets to the new basal metabolism and then when you end the diet and resume normal food intake, you then put back on the weight. You body will store anything you take in as energy if you diet. Always its about moderation and commonsense. Energy in = energy out.
I have never been fat in my life but my daughter lost weight thru the Keto diet, she did really well on it and has kept the weight off.
This is apparently a bit outside of your wheelhouse it appears. Metabolism is not only about thermodynamics. Energy in = energy out has been proven to be only partially correct. The type of foods you eat matters as much or more than the calorie count. You cannot outrun a bad diet. Our food system is designed to addict us and make us sick. Sort of a joint venture between Big Food and Big Pharma. The same quantity of calories from High Fructose Corn Syrup, refined grains and seed oils metabolize and effect weight gain in dramatically fashion than from eggs and meat or butter for example. You may want to take a deeper dive into the science behind it. Not "the science" but actual research in this area. Maybe start with the "Low Carb Denver" lecture videos. So many brilliant physicians have a limited knowledge of latest research in this area and really need to get educated quickly if we are going to fight this fight. Our food pyramid is upside down on purpose I'm sad to say.