Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

the following made me laugh:

The Wellness Company does list studies on its website, but when I showed them to Joe Schwarcz, a science communication researcher and the director of McGill University’s Office for Science and Society, he was not impressed. Many of the studies, he explained, were about how the substances and compounds contained in the supplements behaved in lab experiments, not in randomized controlled trials, the gold standard study design that shows whether a drug does what it’s supposed to. A lab experiment, says Schwarcz, “does not prove that there’s any kind of clinical efficacy here.”


i seem to remember a vaccine that was recommended on the bases of a few mice or something.

NOT on random trials.

any time the formulation is changed... new random trials should be done to be very sure of what is going on.

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I really hope one day that the bulk of people who are pro-vax....but anti covid vax, spend a bit of time thinking about how and why big pharma...all of a sudden...went rogue? Overnight.

Until 2021 they were angelic...and the hordes of jabs pushed into children from birth are all about health and wellness.

Autism and allergies and debilitating illness are on an exponential rise...as is the pushing of lifelong medication starting in grade school. But it is all good.

Putting children on antidepressants and puberty blockers is good medical practice. Ignoring diet and excercise...but pushing safe jabs is for our best health.

Big pharma is our friend...they love us...they just made a small error with the covid vaccine. Once that is fixed we can, and should all look forward to many more vaccines...for our health.

500 are in the WHO lineup. That is so awesome.

What the hell is wrong with our thinking?

The FDA, CDC, GAVI, WHO, WEF, DoD, CIA etc....were all really good, solid outfits until 2021.?

Then something bad happened to all of them at once?

Once we fix the very small covid 19 error...all will be well again.

Thank God our troubles are so managable.

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Paul re “it is never that we are and were anti-vaccine, it is anti- this PARTICULAR mRNA technology gene injection that has never worked and is deadly”.

Are you suggesting that other vaccine products are beyond question, only “this PARTICULAR mRNA technology gene injection” can be challenged?

What do you and your colleagues know about the other vaccine products and revaccinations on the schedule, are you ‘experts’ in this area?

Please do be very mindful that there are people who are not impressed with ‘dr’ and ‘professor’ titles, and these being used to confer an aura of authority which is not justified, e.g. people pontificating on vaccination when they have no idea about the specific vaccine products, and controversies about these ever-increasing medical interventions.

The entire vaccination schedule must be subjected to critical review, this is an area which is steeped in conflicts of interest, as should be obvious now after the Covid debacle.

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Largely the problem the alt-covid people have is they let the woke run them around on a leash;

I think that when they call you anti-vax you say "I support traditional VAX", remind the world that CHINA&RUSSIA got sino-vac and sputnik traditional vax; But in the west they were forced to be guinea pigs for an untested bill-gates bio-weapon called mRNA; I don't hear any of you educating the public;

To this day 99% of the public thinks the entire world got trumps beautiful vax, aka mRNA

The fact is that only morons in the west were forced to be jabbed with the bill-gates bio-weapon;

Even today Russia via TASS reported that recent Pfizer documents show that as of 2017 the Gates mRNA was doing 'directed evolution', which is a nice way of saying 'reversing the evolution' process, currently the effort is not just death with mRNA but its to reverse the evolution process and return some people to the 'primate level' of intellectual development;

Now if alt-covid had any brains at all they would reframe the debate and say "I'm not anti-vax", I'm against forced injections of bio-weapons designed to create populations of docile sheep

Sheesh only USSA and USSA occupied colonys got the clot-shot, 80% of the earths populations got NO VAX like Africa, or got a traditional vax like all of ASIA; Sure Japan, Taiwan, South-Korea post WW2 USA colonys sure they got the clot-shot, but we now know why, to turn those into nations of dumb sheep;

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“...it is a new company that says it is part of the right-wing “medical freedom” movement—which sees government interference in health care as dangerous. “

Sounds rather like an endorsement to me.

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

You're right, that is a GREAT advertisement for TWC.

Seeing the term "anti vax" usually influences me to check out whatever is supposed to be being insulted.

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No one with an ounce of information will trust even traditional vaccines again until the criminals are locked up and gone. It's not that traditional vaccination concepts aren't scientific- its that NOTHING IS REGULATED and that UNSAFE DANGEROUS PRODUCTS THAT KILL ARE MANDATED.


Look for instance at the LEGAL CONSTRUCTS in this Agreement.


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I believe now that every vaccine ever made was to make us ill so Big Pharma could keep us on medication for life which would keep them rich for life. Make a shot then "save" us with this pills they sell

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

I suspect, Dr. Alexander, that you wrote this in jest, yet, Mother Jones’ hit piece is a great FREE advertisement. You should hope for more. As “a former Trump official,” you should know full well the value of the FREE advertisement.

There is a great opportunity, to write a letter to the Editor and even pay for advertisement thanking Mother in every left leaning publication offering their patrons a sizable discount at least for their first visit(s). I would also notify friendly to The Wellness Company publications about your hit piece honors and responses.

Btw, this comment does not follow your piece in style. I am dead serious. Why not gain customers among readership of unfriendly publications?

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Mother Jones belongs that worthless rump of once-left, sortta working class lot. These outfits turned traitor by hopping on the state's Covid and lockdown hysteria. So, we are looking at leftie-talking groups that are fully signed onto the programme of the police state. Flat against whatever is left of the working class and any rights or interests they might have. There is no organic connection between the state liberals who run Mother Jones and actual working people.

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Well having read all articles both Paul's response and the MJ article it seems that we have made zero progress in 3 years about educating anybody;

The MJ attack on Paul Alexander is rather 'minor' its just attack by association, that is associating by attending dinner, with which TWC as well attended at 'home of trump'

The crimes are well enumerated

1.) In company of trump

2.) Having associated with known anti-vaxxers

I would have just ignored it but you seem to like people printing your name; Problem is of course you really don't want to make them the enemy;

I doubt MJ was ever the good guys its just back in they were 'anti-war' for that short window where the demoRat party was anti-war, traditionally in about 90% of their history DNC has always been the party of war, even in the time of FDR;

MJ like all these rags are just CIA msm rags and should be seen as such.

Regarding Naomi, that's a totally different target; COVID & Nord-stream while on same planet are distant issues, very distant;

While I see some points that MJ makes about TWC it has nothing to do with you,

The basic fact is here we are +3 years into COVID and the demoRat DNC lemmings are still 100% pro vax, without even remotely admitting that mRNA "FUCKED SOME PEOPLE"

My guess is that having spent $2 Trillion USD on buying hearts&minds that mRNA lobby still essentially has 99% of the USSA MSM on a short-leash;

Until we see some serious claw-backs on the money that BIG-PHARMA & MS got post March2020, you can only assume that 'freedom fighters' are outgunned 100000 to 1 in the realm of exposure;

Like I generally say, at no time in history has the little guy won, an never has the DOD or Dept-of-War been incriminated for murder & spread of pandemics;

Yes, we need to see some liberal like Naomi come out against mRNA.

The only liberal that I see that calls out mRNA is Kunstler but he tells the truth so by now most "WOKE" Hate him;

Largely the problem the alt-covid people have is they let the woke run them around on a leash; I think that when they call you anti-vax you say "I support traditional VAX", remind the world that CHINA&RUSSIA got sino-vac and sputnik traditional vax; But in the west they were forced to be guinea pigs for an untested bill-gates bio-weapon called mRNA; I don't hear any of you educating

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We know who McCullough, Risch, Coulson, Alexander, Ladapo are and they represent the truth and Medcial Freedom.

And now we know who the writers for Mother are too, on the payroll of Big Pharma and evil.

How are the liberals fine with letting the chemicals harm people? How much longer can they live with their lack of ethics? People are injured, dying and dead, but the liberal left marches on to the same tune.

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If it makes you feel any better, Jordan Peterson was eviscerated as "far right wing" and compared to some death skull cartoon character. He made fun of them, finally, with memes https://www.theguardian.com/books/2021/apr/07/jordan-peterson-shocked-by-captain-america-villain-espousing-10-rules-for-life (this from the Guardian, the total full on brainwashing rag that might as well just call itself the Compliant CIA Chronicle)

If you are grieving and you are injured, you might be helped by a functional medicine chiropractor and or an acupuncturist. Medicine should not be a faux version of a religion. All the world's healing traditions and the vestigial good parts of Western medicine can be brought to bear on the possibilities for healing and human flourishing. I went to a fifth generation acupuncturist in the deep Mission in San Francisco for a gall bladder problem, long ago, and she was not timid about the depth of the needles. I burst into hysterical tears, which didn't surprise her in the least as my sorrow, in Chinese Medicine, was naturally connected to the way my body was functioning. It is thought that the ancient Chinese developed their medicine by working on living people and in the West, what was learned, which was a lot, derived from working on cadavers. Often body-snatched for the medical schools.

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Congratulations on this monumental achievement Paul you worked hard for it

it's all downhill from here now...

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So you and your fellow doctors are now joining the Trump derangement syndrome infecting media and their obsessions. Take it was a huge compliment!

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Mother Jones has always been a piece of shit. Go follow the David Korns twitter feed and blast him with truth everytime you can. His followers and fans will get a dose of us

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