Gag order for what.......from telling the truth?

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yes, exactly that

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Are you serious....this is not Canada...we have been taken over....by who is debatable, at this point.....

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Any idea when the court case will be heard so we can know the truth? This is just disgusting. How do we get The FASCISTS out of our govt long before 2025? We can't wait till then for our freedom, they could do far too much damage that will be irreversible.

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Well, just listened to Brian Peckford and his constitutional challenge court case was scheduled for Sept19/20 and has know being moved to Oct 31st AFTER the govt' wanted to throw it out because the mandates were suspended...he argued that suspended is not over and they can be brought back at any time so the court case stayed.....but they are trying everything......now Tamara Lich, James, Topp...they want to send messages loud and clear that this is a dictatorship and if we don't like it we can shove up..... https://peckford42.wordpress.com/2022/06/24/federal-justice-lawyers-trying-to-delay-my-lawsuit/


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Brian Peckford should stop BSing...the Charter was never assented to, has no power over human beings and was attached to a fictitious Constitution that was strictly a corporate document, never signed by the corporate provinces and that died when the corporation went bankrupt in 1933. If anyone can show me a single reference to men or women, or to authority over land in that fictitious Constitution, then I will apologize profusely.

Until then, I hope people will stop looking for a politicial 'savior', get off your behinds and start doing some meaninful research. Oh, and turn off the TV for starters.

Gee folks...do your research or people like Brian will keep playing you like a yo-yo.

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Well, at least he is trying......he was there when the Charter was being developed...he is the last signatory left.....I am certain he knows more about the intent of the Charter then most do as he was there...not sure what he has to gain other than wanting to restore some semblance of a Canada that he had hoped would be protected with this document....it seems like he has more to lose such as reputation..... as far as the watching TV comment, I don't think the people here watch a lot of MSM or are persuaded by it..... we are here because we are critical thinkers and have found a supportive community....we know what is going on out there....thank you for your insights, as well... Mr.Peckford's fight is an honourable fight and I hope he wins because that would benefit Canada more than him, at this point.... here is a good interview if anyone is interested.......https://rumble.com/v1abt6d-brian-peckford-and-the-new-magna-carta..html

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When I look at the picture of you Dr Alexander, I see a man who knows himself. Most admirable in these times.

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We have reached a low point in our lives historically. It is now normal to arrest and charge pastors of churches, elected MP's and vilify or disbar doctors from speaking out against covid policies. And lets not forget the people who were fired from their jobs without even the benefit of unemployment insurance That's all it is. No one is allowed to criticize covid policies and it seems in most first world countries, increasingly, we can't critize our governments without fearing reprisals. Most of the temporary pandemic emergency rules are being extended worldwide and in some countries they are becoming permanent. Within weeks after these temporary measures were put in I was worried they would become permanent. It seems my fears were well founded. Over the last few years I have read the extent of the scope and powers that these emergency powers have. I never believed for a minute that they would be rescinded. Why would any government give them up? If we plan to continue the fight against covid policies and future " pandemics" we better be aware that these very same policies and powers that we are questioning are rapidly becoming law in many countries. Historically I can't think of many governing bodies relinquishing new gotten powers when it benefits them.

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The worst of the present situation is all these anti-constitutional powers have been given by the citizens to their governments through elections.

The citizens have only themselves to blame. Not only they voted for the wrong people once but twice or more.

Either these elections are stolen or not, no one dares to file a complaint for a total review.

With the help of the MSM and their total financial dependency to the governments and by means of fraudulent polls the sheeple have become the storm troopers of these dictatorial regimes.

The propaganda is very insidious and distilled every day of the year by local newspapers, national newspapers (which own the local newspapers) and the audio-visual means of communications… and it works very well as long as sheeple’s basic means are satisfied whatever the cost to all of us.

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Have you seen 2000 mules movie? Documented proof.

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Not yet.

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They want a 1 world order. Which means that those of us who are not killed off by different nefarious means, can put up and shut up. No alternative. No guns left, too many fearful people willing to turn on their families and loved ones. And as we see now, toooooo many brain ded just like the brain ded so called leader.

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The gag order and these pictures remind me of an eternal bond of brothers.

Words will matter. Because ideas matter. And our thoughts and words carry meaning as we carry ourselves into the fray.

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers."

If you learn to understand this speech, you wil be stirred.

The great grandeur that governs our soul.

Turn despair into hope.

Turn a resignation of defeat into the conviction of victory.


This day is called the feast of Crispian:

He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,

Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named,

And rouse him at the name of Crispian.

He that shall live this day, and see old age,

Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,

And say ‘To-morrow is Saint Crispian:’

Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars.

And say ‘These wounds I had on Crispin’s day.’

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Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,

But he’ll remember with advantages

What feats he did that day: then shall our names.

This story shall the good man teach his son;

And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,

From this day to the ending of the world,

But we in it shall be remember’d;

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;

For he to-day that sheds his blood with me

Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,

This day shall gentle his condition:

And gentlemen in England now a-bed

Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,

And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks

That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.

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Democide - death by government - is by far the biggest killer of innocents in the last 150 years at about 1/4 billion people.

All for bankers.

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And big business, klaus Schaub, with his tyranny courses. Add in bill gates(of hell) with his evil "vaccines" to help kill, maim others. Unless the status has changed recently, these covid shots are still considered experimental.

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The gag order tells you everything that you need to know about about Federal and Provincial Governments. Freedom of Speech is only tolerated, if it is in-line with the State's group think. That sounds very autocratic and communist, which Trudeau is

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We, Canadians, gave theses governments all the autocratic powers used against us. We have forgotten that we hold these powers through our electoral system but abstention and lack of political motivation have been the cancer of our democracies and we lost control over our institutions… until we decide to wake up and take back what we own.

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'Through our electoral system...' is a false belief. There is no legitimate government (as confirmed by MP Kuhl in Parliament in 1945), no legimate election because the Election Act was written by a fictitous corporation masquerading as a government, and it has been changed to ensure that the Canadian vote is cancelled out ten-fold by immigrant, illegal alient, foreign student and all sorts of other votes.

In addition, all nominees are appointed and lined up for you to vote for...it's called manufactured consent. Elected officials do not work for the electorate in a corporate government, they work for the corporate government, usually showing their public faces as 'parties'.

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Ever the optomist, We wait for the courts to do the right thing!

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Yes, I think it’s Dr.A’s expectation, hope and polite nature that makes him phrase it like that.

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Great photos. Thanks for documenting things out east (from our perch in Vancouver).

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Wonderful relaxed happy photos. Isn’t it ridiculous that Canadian courts SEEM to have so much power over truthful people. Sad indeed.

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This situation is insane!

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Thank you for sharing this. I have wondered how Randy is doing. It's great to see 3 remarkable individuals together knowing that you are all focused on getting the truth out and standing for freedom.

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All good patriots!!

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People who fight against evil free the rest of us to do the same.

Read Giorgio Agamben “Where AreWeNow? The Epidemic As Politics”

He offers a vital answer “we are collectively and individually in a very dangerous place that….has little to do with a virus or pandemic.” T. Allan Hillman, University of South Alabama.

He moves back through history to similar phenomenon of fear and forward to the possible future.

Agamben writes “We have agreed, without making to much fuss and, again, purely in the name of an indeterminate risk, to limit our freedom of moment…Because our neighbour has become a potential source of contagion, we are effectively agreed to suspend our friendships and relationships.”

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And so man sheep just baahing down the road. The mask mandates have been lifted. I see so many out on the street, walking, bright sun, with masks on. Where are the environmentalists?

How will little 3 years old children be undoctrinated as they grow up? Standing at the altar with their soon to be spouse, both wearing masks?? You sure it's the right partner?

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Jul 4, 2022·edited Jul 4, 2022

Dear Dr. Alexander, it is best that you stick to what you know, medicine.

What you are proposing as a solution is the wishful thinking of an individual who actually knows nothing about the corporate government system Canada has. You are proposing what can only be achieved in a Constitutional Republic. You are putting the cart before the horse.

Just the fact that you are calling for a public inquiry and then prosecution of the criminals is proof that you don't know what inquiries are about and that you cannot prosecute anyone once they are compelled to testify at an inquiry, no matter how guilty they are. Inquiries are get-out-of-jail free cards.

In addition, all legislation and the criminal code ensure that any politician or bureaucrat who acts in good faith, even if doing illegal things, are immune from prosecution. The term 'good faith' is in the eye of the beholder.

Before anything can change, you need to understand the root problem and replace the root.

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Wonderful! Good going fellows!

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what a special group meeting with all Canadian heroes. Wish Randy a speedy fair trial.

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