I loved this conversation, which adds to what Dr. Christina Parks has been saying and has been trying to address. Luckily our African-American police chief in Detroit got covid and told everyone he was taking C and D and praying, and Rashida Tlaib (ignoring the complicated politics for a minute) sent out flyers telling everyone to up their vitamin D. But there is no doubt a lot of fear here as there was SO much death in 2020, and the pharma propaganda is thick and like a tsunami. It is not a time to be worried about whose faith is what or whose politics is what, as lives, especially the lives of little kids, are in the balance. Thankful for you Dr. Alexander!

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Thank you for mentioning Dr Christina Parks - one of my top favorite people on all this. And thank you for mentioning Rashida Tlaib because before the last 2 years I believed in her. I've done a 180 turn from 99% of all the public people I liked and trusted in the past 18 months and its good to know she did something good. Thank you Dr Alexander for interviewing Rizza, I love every interview I've ever seen him do and I've learned more from him in 10 minutes than most speakers in 2 hours. But I will never forget the first time I heard you, Dr Paul Alexander, interviewed explaining how our immune systems and children's immune systems work a year ago. I'd never heard of our mucosal immunity and it was brilliant. You've been my top expert ever since.

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The uptick in mortality rates during March/April 2020 in Michigan was primarily due to policies enacted by Whitmer not due to a unique viral event.

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Aug 8, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

I attended the DC rally in Jan. 2022. Of the speakers that stood out Rizza Islam was certainly one of them.

Christina Parks was another. They both get the bigger picture of the Covid con and understand it as part of a larger program.

They also know that while this particular biomedical fraud and slaughter is at an unprecedented scale this is not new.

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A wonderful leader? Ya mean the antisemetic, Holocaust deniar,"God is man" Nation of Islam 🚩🚨🆘🤌

Big deal he is antivax and fighting for some same rights.. He is a false prophet and to be avoided folks!

Nation of Islam and antisemitism -


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I was so horrified by the pope and the dalai lama and all major religious leaders last year, I went searching for ANY major religious leader who felt the call of God to save his people. The only one I found was Louis Farrakhan. And wikipedia is shite anyway. (I do know of several lone brave church leaders.)

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The pope and many religious leaders shouldn't be your go to source for help.. only Jesus! But how can you be so awake regarding Covid vax and so blind to antisemite , Hitler admirer n false prophet Farrakhan🚨🚨🚨 please research him well and his cult Nation of Islam .. I'm shocked actually y'all can't see the light here🤌

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Yes! Truth Wins. Jesus has been and IS my salvation.

That, and the love of his Father is all I truly know.

Please let me know if you've found another major religious leader who warned his people from these poisonous injections, I'd truly like to know if there is one.

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Glad to here your faith is in Jesus alone!. Man will fail us. Even ministers. There are quite a few Christian pastors in many denominations who have warned from the beginning, but more so cuz they thought it was the mark of the beast!🙃

many even in the charismatic camp have warned not to take but I won't suggest you follow them anywhere cuz they may spare your life now but send you to eternal hell following another gospel.

But my pastor and others said it best, you don't come to me for car advice or financial investment, so please don't expect me to give you medical advice either, I'm not a doctor. Many were writing him, telling him to speak out against vax and others were telling him to warn church they must get vaxxed . He said he won't do neither, but only asks that we love one another regardless of choice we make, and not divide over this. And this mega church has beautiful unity with vaxxed n unvaxxed ! Unlike some we hear that have split etc

Pastors are to preach the word of God and care for our souls not preach politics or Covid vax from pulpit! Go to Pierre khory for that! The vax is not the mark of the beast . Let people decide to inject gardasil or mRNA but please don't ask a minister of the word of God to do that in one hour Sunday. That's not his role .

Imagine if many deaths happen either way because he influenced church on what to do, and liability that would entail. Your body your choice. Also many in beginning did the right thing and listened to their doctors..who had time to search web for other opinions.

Why are we expecting ministers to waste time searching substacks and away from studying bible..

Since when do you go talk to minister over a doctor about what meds you take.. Mais voyons donc!

I don't follow a minister if he knows gardasil is good or bad but for rightly dividing the word of God. That's it!

We can all warn friends and fam but leave the minister outta this.

Shall he warn the church about dangers of taking statins and Tylenol too?🤌 warn to eat leas carbs and avoid sugar .. even us unvaxxed who got Covid have spike for 12-15 months and not outta woods either. I would not be rejoicing just yet .

But that should keep us all humble as we await more news .

The jab and Covid infection both suck, even if jab is worst, ok.

But I don't want reinfection n more spike from

natural ways either, and what that might do in us unjabbed.

Is COVID prematurely aging our immune systems?


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I understand your point about not expecting a clergy person to advise on a personal medical decision. And I wrote that I know of several brave pastors who did speak out to protect their people as they felt led. ******* There are heads of major religions that encouraged and ORDERED their people to take the experimental potentially lethal injection. That horrifies me. Only God knows the intent of the hearts of these heads of churches but a lot of them took money and the promise of power - just like the temptation of Christ on the mountain - and they did the opposite of Christ Jesus. By their fruits they are now known.

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I agree with you about those religious leaders who wrongly encouraged congregants to vax and then got rewarded for opening their churches as vax stations. It shouldn't be pastors telling us either way about medical decisions. I know a pastor that scared their congregants to not take vax and two ladies I knew there,older and comborbid both regretted not taking vax on deathbed( I thought those lines were fake) until their kids posted on fb. This was during harsher Delta and who knows if their lives would've been spared had they received it. The pastors scared the congregants but didn't give them any alternative. here in Canada , there was then no early Rx to use.. even the media ran the story about them in Montreal bringing shame

to Gods name as world mocked Christians and this caused division in the church. Still today .

We got to be careful and stay neutral as leaders on medical decisions. God isn't up there shaking His finger at the vaxxed and smiling upon us unvaxxed .

There is grace for those who believed in their doctors and the health agencies. Many just did what they knew best to do with limited knowledge they had at the time.

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I love Rizza Islam!!!!! I love the Nation of Islam. 🥰🥰🥰

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this guy is profound, very intelligent, I met him several times when I was giving speeches and we spoke and I was determined ti know him and interview him to showcase him. Genuine.

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we must talk to all people, be open to all lovers of freedom and America and he is stellar.

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Get the word out and arm the populace with real “science”, not scientific “dogma”. “Dogma” of any and all must be exposed and destroyed down to it roots.

If you are ready to awaken, read the naked Bible, by Mauro Biglino. Watch a video here to get your taste. He translates the Bible for many scholars:


I am not discounting faith, but I am exposing “dogma”. I do not require someone to change the facts to suit my faith. My faith stands with the facts.

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Yeah sorry, this Italian rejects this other false prophet Mauro Biglino..🚩🚨🆘🤌

Folks be weary of any man that has a "new , enlightened " interpretation of the bible

Stay away from the koolaid folks!

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so you could not focus on the content?

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But Doc, who cares if he does some good stuff too.. , he's got history of fraud... and false teachings... how do we overlook this?


At the time of the preliminary hearing, Hanan and Rizza, who were also involved in the Nation of Islam, tried out some “sovereign citizen” arguments, disrupting proceedings by claiming that the court had no jurisdiction over them. Both were arrested and led away from the courtroom in handcuffs for short stays in jail.According to the state investigators, the Islams were using unwitting high school students (supplied by the three educators), who had no idea that they were being counted as drug rehab patients. The Islams paid “ghost writers” to create narratives about the treatments of these students, which were submitted to the state as insurance claims. Between 2010 and 2013, the state alleged, the Islams had pocketed about $3.8 million in illegal claims. (We found evidence that the scam may have been going on considerably longer, at least as early as 2005, and may have involved much more money.)

Hanan Islam, 62: Faced felony counts for insurance scam run out of Scientology clinic | The Underground Bunker


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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022Author

remember, Jared Kushner's father, Trump's son in law's dad, was jailed for fraud. Do we hate Jared? Should Trump hate Jared? To me, unless he did wrong, we should not or cannot. Did Rizza do wrong?

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022Author

I have now read your sharings. My view is this. I have had dealings with Rizza that have been very positive, scientific, honorable, decent, all about helping minorities and not just black, all poor people etc. I did not know about any past yet I will not defame a man's mother, especially who has passed on. He is against these COVID vaccines and is a major help to us for look around, many who are same are silent, weak. Cowardly, he is not. What is his issues are his issues and I don't know what is truth and what is fiction and I will not pass judgement on another like this. 'Truth wins', you have a right to share information you think you should share. This is great. Thanks for sharing and leave it up to people to form their own opinions. But please do not use this forum to smear.

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Not smearing only stating facts of his crimes and his Scientology and Nation of Islam cults and warning others as we call out the wolves in sheep's clothing, like you tell us too:)

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Jared's dad, but not Jared.. and do keep eyes on Jared and his ( false) peace plan in Middle East..

But Rizzy was part of the $camming along with mom,

N sisters.

My main issue with him too is his Scientology and Nation of Islam and false God claims as being man etc etc🚨🚨🚨He is a false prophet And

He's part of a cult , and a hate group. ..why would I care if he holds the same stance on Covid jabs etc.. ok great, but no thanks on listening to him. And I wouldn't want yr followers to now follow him into cults.

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Rizza Islam’s sisters plead no contest, leaving him last facing trial in Medi-Cal fraud case


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