I argue likely life-long for the mRNA (synthetic) were engineered to hide from the immune system (evade) and to have a mechanism of action long-term e.g. translate spike protein, 24/7
As a registered nurse trained in the late 70s and we were taught to always aspirate to make sure that the needle is not in a vein or artery before we inject, I don’t see one single reason why from a positive perspective that you would stop taking that precaution.
I can see trying to tell everybody to minimize the shot time for the clinicians so they can inject more people in a day. They groom the clinicians that things that they were taught are no longer valid but they’re given no reason that they should now not aspirate, except , we’re told not to do it but they don’t give them a good reason why. So a good nurse or a good doctor should be saying just like I did when I saw the very first injection back in February 2020 I knew immediately something was wrong.
Yes we always aspirated prior IM injection.. appalled when heard that step now omitted because "the needle in the arm for longer time for aspiration scares people"🤌🙃
Marc girort? I forget now , has substack on exactly this
He believe those vax injected directly in bloodstream and as fast bolus is what's causing all these sicknesses. and deaths
Are more recently trained RNs still taught to always aspirate to make sure that the needle is not in a vein or artery before they inject? Maybe they are but I doubt it. Wouldn't it be culturally insensitive? Also, the similarity of a syringe to a phallus and the act of piercing or penetrating the skin could reinforce patriarchal dominace and legitimize white supremacy. The shorter the duration of an inherently sexist and racist action such as aspirating the better. And what if the patient does not have a support person present or a fafe space to go to and are traumatized by this needle rape? That's without even considering the impact on climate change, which couldbe horrendous and in last few years alone has led to an epidemic of sudden deaths.
In short, things have likely improved greatly in the training of nurses since when you were trained and there are far more important things for nurses to learn than to not inject vax directly into the bloodstream
We've been injecting this for 2 years. Not one scientist is going to properly study the propensity of mRNA to last over two weeks in the blood, not one scientist anywhere on earth, none? Ridiculous isn't even the right word. Take 100 people who got their second dose two years ago and test for the mRNA. How difficult a concept is that. I don't believe it's stable enough to last a lifetime but just the same I'm not having any 'relations' with any vaccinated people anytime soon. Nor getting a blood transfusion. I do believe though that the cells converted into spike protein manufacturing sites might just last for the life of the vaccinated and we can only imagine how well that's going to go for their long term health prognosis
An example being recently, UCSF, in California, has told their staff, doctors, nurses anyone who is writing down symptoms for the patients should not ever make any comment that makes it sound like the symptoms the person is having is a side effect from the vaccine they took.
That's so absolutely disgusting and terrible I can't even imagine how people that live there can trust any hospital or doctor's opinions and advice. If all of the Drs in the state would have stood strong and refused to go along with this maybe they would have put a stop to this craziness. Nobody can trust them now
My mother who was an RN and was near the front lines on occasion in the South Pacific WWII, taught me to NEVER TRUST the medical profession. She said YOU are responsible for your own health and treatment, NEVER take anybody's word for anything. The best you can do in some situations is to get second and even third opinions when in doubt.
Anyone now who doesn't realize the waxxxxxxines are killing large numbers of people is an idiot.
If you wrap a non-self entity..a mRNA...in a blanket of a glycinated product that the immune system thinks is self, then you trick the immune system. Simple non-scientific explanation. Isn't this what Dr. Malone discovered and had patented? The issue is we have to stop the injections now! Big Pharma is full steam ahead to exploit nano drug/rna injections for being the mother lode of profit for the 21st century. Save our Children NOW! https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/follow-the-science-to-where
“a primer”… was my conspiracy theory in 2021/22. Now knowing they will make millions more vaccines for everything… how else can new tech latch on to what it needs, or is specifically designed to latch to, the heart, brain, liver, kidneys, ovaries, It goes everywhere in the body. But for the greater good, right. Intentional, calculated and deliberate. Vaccine equity. Agendas. Surveillance. Smh.
P.S. My gloves came off 15 years ago, working with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group. I highly suggest if you want to unite with people actually working real solutions…contact Lex Greene!
https://gettr.com/post/p2cvhle5c9f buckyballs/Buckytubes from 1996. It took 10 years to figure out how to coat them with polymers to control the spin, and keep them from heating up.
As a registered nurse trained in the late 70s and we were taught to always aspirate to make sure that the needle is not in a vein or artery before we inject, I don’t see one single reason why from a positive perspective that you would stop taking that precaution.
I can see trying to tell everybody to minimize the shot time for the clinicians so they can inject more people in a day. They groom the clinicians that things that they were taught are no longer valid but they’re given no reason that they should now not aspirate, except , we’re told not to do it but they don’t give them a good reason why. So a good nurse or a good doctor should be saying just like I did when I saw the very first injection back in February 2020 I knew immediately something was wrong.
Yes we always aspirated prior IM injection.. appalled when heard that step now omitted because "the needle in the arm for longer time for aspiration scares people"🤌🙃
Marc girort? I forget now , has substack on exactly this
He believe those vax injected directly in bloodstream and as fast bolus is what's causing all these sicknesses. and deaths
Are more recently trained RNs still taught to always aspirate to make sure that the needle is not in a vein or artery before they inject? Maybe they are but I doubt it. Wouldn't it be culturally insensitive? Also, the similarity of a syringe to a phallus and the act of piercing or penetrating the skin could reinforce patriarchal dominace and legitimize white supremacy. The shorter the duration of an inherently sexist and racist action such as aspirating the better. And what if the patient does not have a support person present or a fafe space to go to and are traumatized by this needle rape? That's without even considering the impact on climate change, which couldbe horrendous and in last few years alone has led to an epidemic of sudden deaths.
In short, things have likely improved greatly in the training of nurses since when you were trained and there are far more important things for nurses to learn than to not inject vax directly into the bloodstream
The nurses are now trained to not aspirate 🤌🚩🚨🆘
Sorry kids, take a lollipop and endure some pain
Your life can depend on it!
Also seen pharmacists in media inject way too low and miss the deltoid muscle
Ask for aspiration
Even dentists should ..
We've been injecting this for 2 years. Not one scientist is going to properly study the propensity of mRNA to last over two weeks in the blood, not one scientist anywhere on earth, none? Ridiculous isn't even the right word. Take 100 people who got their second dose two years ago and test for the mRNA. How difficult a concept is that. I don't believe it's stable enough to last a lifetime but just the same I'm not having any 'relations' with any vaccinated people anytime soon. Nor getting a blood transfusion. I do believe though that the cells converted into spike protein manufacturing sites might just last for the life of the vaccinated and we can only imagine how well that's going to go for their long term health prognosis
Yes! Let’s test at least one year out and then follow up with two years.
An example being recently, UCSF, in California, has told their staff, doctors, nurses anyone who is writing down symptoms for the patients should not ever make any comment that makes it sound like the symptoms the person is having is a side effect from the vaccine they took.
That's so absolutely disgusting and terrible I can't even imagine how people that live there can trust any hospital or doctor's opinions and advice. If all of the Drs in the state would have stood strong and refused to go along with this maybe they would have put a stop to this craziness. Nobody can trust them now
My mother who was an RN and was near the front lines on occasion in the South Pacific WWII, taught me to NEVER TRUST the medical profession. She said YOU are responsible for your own health and treatment, NEVER take anybody's word for anything. The best you can do in some situations is to get second and even third opinions when in doubt.
Anyone now who doesn't realize the waxxxxxxines are killing large numbers of people is an idiot.
If you wrap a non-self entity..a mRNA...in a blanket of a glycinated product that the immune system thinks is self, then you trick the immune system. Simple non-scientific explanation. Isn't this what Dr. Malone discovered and had patented? The issue is we have to stop the injections now! Big Pharma is full steam ahead to exploit nano drug/rna injections for being the mother lode of profit for the 21st century. Save our Children NOW! https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/follow-the-science-to-where
“a primer”… was my conspiracy theory in 2021/22. Now knowing they will make millions more vaccines for everything… how else can new tech latch on to what it needs, or is specifically designed to latch to, the heart, brain, liver, kidneys, ovaries, It goes everywhere in the body. But for the greater good, right. Intentional, calculated and deliberate. Vaccine equity. Agendas. Surveillance. Smh.
PHARMACIA: Stay away from it if possible.
Again, I appreciate all your work, enthusiasm and serious evidence of the COVID19 treason, ALL great!
But, WHO is going to unify The People so this serious evidence of Treason can be addressed properly?
How about you contact Lex Greene to understand what a real Freedom Movement looks like…the sooner the better because the Treason is continuing!
Our strength rests in our numbers and unity, nowhere else. So, we either work together to put an end to the evil insanity, or we perish together!
UNITED, We can do anything we want!
DIVIDED, distracted, deceived, demoralized and/or defeated, there is nothing we can do!
Lex Greene, writer with a serious resume has another important piece out for those who value UNITY for Freedom and Liberty!
Click on Lex’s name to read his last 3 pieces so we all can get in the same lane!
P.S. My gloves came off 15 years ago, working with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group. I highly suggest if you want to unite with people actually working real solutions…contact Lex Greene!
https://gettr.com/post/p2cvhle5c9f buckyballs/Buckytubes from 1996. It took 10 years to figure out how to coat them with polymers to control the spin, and keep them from heating up.