There's low likelihood that this DNA changing effect is "accidental". If you actually look at the mRNA sequences of pfizer and moderna, they have tails suspiciously similar to the human line-1 retrotransposon. Which means it can theoretically integrate into any segment of line-1 already in the human genome.


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Yes Damn right we should ask! I'm just a 80 yr. Old "Old Fart" Basically a retired Bell Canada switching system trouble shooter..grade 12...an ADHD TYPE guy...my dad was a Surgeon, Obs & Gyn but right from the start when I heard 'Experimental ' I had my doubts and then I heard and saw Dr. Kary Mullis say his RT PCR test was never to be used as a diag. Tool ! I said no jab for me! Also vilification of Didier with HCQ,AZM and zinc and then

The same for Ivermectin I knew this was a scam on Humanity! I just watched your interview with Dr. JJ Couey.....WOW that blew me away....How to convince the world that

Humanity has been kidnapped for the betterment of the elites, the WEF, the WHO et al...

So many have died for nothing and the guilty are forging on with their lies and their indiscriminate murders....How can we ever make them pay and pay dearly! The WHO, the

WEF, the UN, DOD, CDC,FDA, NIH,Fauci, Dazek, the lot of them! New York wants quarantines every government around the world are still pushing these deadly jabs!

The future of humanity is at stake and the enemy is everywhere!

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Can someone with laboratory grade equipment please analyze these dipshit vaccines and tell us what exactly is in them? Gas chromatography, scanning electron microscopes, corporate spies?

I've read recent reports there is zero mRNA in Moderna (although Moderna has the letters M and rna in the logo) or Pfizer.

Rather carbon nanoparticles and similar exotica in order ti control and patent our bodies. Does 5G have an effect or turn on this crap once injected?

What the hell gives here?

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WOW Dr. Paul I sure hope you get an interview. I saw him today on WarRoom. I cannot help but get a not so good feeling about him. I will leave it at that. Still keeping an eye on him.

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Maryland HB699 - oral testimony- important information!

“I believe that mRNA vaccine technologies are spiraling mankind into the biggest scientific and health disasters anyone has ever seen!” https://youtu.be/kF2j5euvy74

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These are valid questions that deserve answers. Who better to provide those answers than the self-proclaimed "inventor" of the process?

Dr. Malone: Kindly respond to Dr. Alexander and to the American public who, through our tax dollars, funded much of your research.

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I thought I heard Dr Malone is Vax injured

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I have a mate in SF who's now in his 70s.

Back in the 1970s, his younger brother took one hit of bad acid and literally fried his brain. Nobody told him it was bad acid. He made a fully formed adult decision. As the saying goes: "you pays your money and you takes your choice".

I'm sorry Paul, but my haemorrhoids are all bled out for the brake fluid injured and dead who swore on the shit and denounced and shamed others for alleged "non-compliance".

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Does this apply also to the "unjabbed but vaxxed," i.e., almost all of us on this substack, who were inoculated with the poison gene shot indirectly, through contact with a jabbed person who was shedding this self-disseminating gene shot?

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US Congress Doesn’t have the will or desire to buck Big Pharma! Most have retained their status with the $ help of Big Pharma and with the caveat that if you oppose us you are not re-elected! Only answer is an International Tribunal to jail the mad medicine men and their accomplices!

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And that has implications for blood supply as well as marriage, kids, etc.

These people might indeed be judged in future as belonging to their patent holders.

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People get vaxxed with mRNA juice and then some die and many are sufficiently injured beyond repair because the clowns pretending to be doctors don't have a clue at to what is wrong as they are nearly shocked to death that a "vaccine" could actually injure a person. They can't believe that mRNA products are not vaccines.

If you don't die, you are left to navigate a medical system designed to murder you with drugs. You trusted the system, big pharma and the government and now where are you? Either in dire straits or worried sick that you will be in the future. Are you angry yet? Spitting out bullets? Hopefully you can find answers and a way to negate the tsunami of failing health.

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Yes questions should not just be asked but answered NOW! So many of us have loved ones and friends that succumbed, either by societal pressure, or in a desperate decision to keep a job, a roof over their head and food on the table. Thats what 1.1 Billion in our tax dollars can do to a society. Where is a Congressional Hearing on that. But I digress.

Every injured person that I know with the exception of one has not had their adverse reaction reported to VEARS. Most are on long term disability, a few have died.

That exception is a person, forced to get the experimental injection, who developed in 9 months a “ very rare” Auto-Immune disease called CIDP… where the protective coating of the nerves are attacked and destroyed by their immune system. This poor soul went from leading a vibrant active life to now being in a long term care facility and is lucky to be able to get into a wheel chair on most days. And has progressive wasting syndrome. 6’-2” and 98 pounds. So similar to what we saw with AZT a few decades back.

So yes I want answers! If you developed it, how can it be reversed… what can we do for these people, that is what I want to know. No doubt there are many on here that have sleepless nights worrying about the people they love. It’s been a a tough 3 years to stand brave and strong, but IMHO, this is the hardest slog of it all.

Just as an aside, Dr. Paul I knew you from the very beginning of all of this; along with others a voice of reason; heartfelt thanks & blessings to you and your family. If I may, would like to add that as a former educator, I have never seen dissertation quality post’s day after day like I see on some “other” peoples Stack. I unsubscribed some time ago.

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Unequivocally, YES!!! ASK!!!

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You need to go on Warroom and raise this issue with Bannon. Should be right in his wheelhouse.

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And what does this mean in terms of shedding? Very little has been revealed for the many of us who live and work with the vaccinated. I've seen nothing recently. My husband is vaccinated as are my adult children. I have been suffering from severe inflammation ( arthritus) extreme fatigue... For a year. Already tested negative for lyme. I use most items on protocols. I'm not a hypochondriac, I WAS very active. Can somebody tell me this may be the cause?

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