CDC and FDA are captive agencies doing the dirty work for Big Pharma! Save our children NOW! No injections!

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“…Especially in young males...” May I add “white and christian” males to complete the mass media slogan? Anyway, white for sure, because Black ppl are not stupid to take the vax. I don’t know of one who did, and I know a lot (A LOT) of Black ppl. Smart! Not trusting evildoers.

As far as Christian is concerned, I would vouch for it too. Christianity bothers them the most of all religions.

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Kudos to Dr. Alexander also for his recent interview by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. Very revealing, informative, and hard-hitting:


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Well, I hope this time John Hopkins hospital stays on our side! They had put out a study on the N95 masks specifically and stated that prolonged use of N95 masks can cause neurologic problems, and then they pulled it!!

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Anyone accused of being an anti-vaxxer should tell the Pharma establishment/ medical mafia that being "anti-vaxx" is a safer humane place to stand rather than to embrace what appears as psycho-vaxxers hellbent on pushing toxic experimental drugs. One either cares about Pharma's profit schedule or cares about human beings.

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Massive crowds 1/2 Million still protesting ZOG in Israel, Zionists want to abolish courts in Israel, allowing them to have Chinese style GOV.

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'mRNA technology based COVID injections are deadly & mRNA technology should have never been allowed:'

We must always remember; they are allowed because if the aim is to kill then anything goes. Easy to understand the rejection of exemptions; abortion, transgender sex change , same sex marriage. No procreation. It all equals fewer people on this planet

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Apparently, sudden deaths, heart attacks & medical emergencies first reported by airline Pilots are now happening to bus and truck drivers .....


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These mRNA jabs need to be taken off the market yesterday. Scratch that, they need to be taken off the market over two years ago! There is NOTHING redeeming about these novel experimental gene therapies, as any supposed NET benefits for anyone (if they exist) can be had from 1) other, non-mRNA vaccines (even those are looking dubious too though) or 2) natural immunity and early treatment and prophylaxis with known generic medications and nutritional supplements.

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Lovely. Just lovely. By that I mean, absolutely horrifying!

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Paul and all,

How about this for a great Sunday message…one of Truth/Light?

Truth/Light will set you free!


Paul and all…Ready to finally unite with serious strategic planners to stop the continuing destruction? See Lex below…

P.S. Personally…I have worked with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years and can tell you they are America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!

Please help spread Lex’s pieces…important information ALL Americans need!

Reach out to Lex at his email found at the end of all his pieces to find out how to receive his information!

Come join with the best!


A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting

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It's the almost perfect murder machine as most people have been indoctrinated to blindly trust vaccines. They gladly accepted mRNA injections labeled as vaccines when the truth is that they are not even close.

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Paul and all,

Do we agree ALL this Genocide was completely planned and executed by our illegal, unconstitutional government and their friends? BIOTERRORISM 101?

How do we know? Mountains of evidence provable beyond any reasonable doubt?

Says all you need to know today…


P.S. Personally…I have worked with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years and can tell you they are America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!

Please help spread Lex’s pieces…important information ALL Americans need!

Reach out to Lex at his email found at the end of all his pieces to find out how to receive his information!

Come join with the best!


A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting

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Although the post COVID-19 gene injection increase in cardiac-related deaths in young males is lamentable, itis not males as a group who are most harmed by these jabs.

The Pfizer report of April 15 2022 showed that 68.5 % of people reporting Adverse Effects Following Immunization (AEFIs) were women. 923,194 out of Total Number of Cases: 1,348,079

Overseas, the West Australian government's recently released its 2021 vaccine safety surveillance report found: "The AEFIs disproportionately affected women, with the majority (64%) of reported AEFI cases being female."

What the Pfizer data and the WA government's data demonstrate clearly and unequivocally is that although coerced mass vaccination with these COVID-19 gene injections has harmed both women and men, it has not done so equally.

Approximately 2/3 of those harmed by the COVID-19 gene injection have been women.

Coerced vaccination clearly and unequivocally constitutes discrimination against women. It's indirect discrimination but discrimination nonetheless.

How is this legal?

Where are the women's human rights advocates? Where are the feminarcissists such as "JonesySmart" and "margie" who are quick to fault find and condemn others on these stacks but who make little contribution of any substance?

Those who have mandated the gene injection shots should hang their heads in shame.

Men should be outraged as much as women because females are our fellow human beings and citizens, mothers, daughters, sisters, spouses and friends and they are being disproportionately and unfairly and possibly unlawfully adversely impacted in terms of their health.

I hope this argument is made to every anti-discrimination body in the country and around the world.

Is the US not a party to an international convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women?

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