Every part of this Covid schrade is criminal. A reckoning approaches. There must be no amnesty.

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Amnesty or Justice?


The science was there pretty early to show their LETHAL PRIMARY intended effects, with exactly those same words:


What do they want from us?


I'll post more there about that.

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Thank you. I now have a much broader resource base.

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They are appearing to be moving along unscathed and will implement first phase of CBDC in July I just heard but don’t know if true. I wouldn’t doubt it though bc too many are possibly catching on to this criminal Genocide.

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First they crush the financial system and that's in progress than the magical savior CBDC shows up. Won't make any difference how many wake up, this is just something else for the sheep to realize after the facts. We told them about the kill shot and we told them about the digital hell thats coming. They won't listen till its too late !

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If it had been safe they wouldn’t have used it.

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Amnesty or Justice?


The science was there pretty early to show their LETHAL PRIMARY intended effects, with exactly those same words:


What do they want from us?


I'll post more there about that.

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There were no safety trials ordered by the Pentagon to Pfizer or Moderna .

Pfizer's declaration in court: "We did not defraud the government. We delivered the fraud that the government ordered”.

I think we should stop wasting out time looking to blame the FDA , CDC and Heath Canada. They don’t even have standing in the contracts.🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦😊🇨🇦

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Wow, Pfizer being honest for once. Can you give a link for this statement in court? Thanks.

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it’s from the lawsuit brought about by Brooks Jackson … info is available on line. Karen Kingston has also done invaluable work in that area, worth knowing what she has to say as well

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Operation Warped Speed was never a good idea.

We did not need it, and it was impossible to execute in months instead of years.

Also new technologies require even longer to vet, and airborne viruses have never been effectively blocked by injected vaccines.

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Worldwide population reduction and Control? The number 500 Million has been mentioned after the Culling, ruled by the NWO and WEF?

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It's a shame that more people don't have the gumption to challenge authority who of most are cowards even if they knew the covid was not a threat to healthy people and the covid shot was a threat both immediately and long term but were required to give it to keep their job,they would do it and justify it in their mind these people have no integrity, no conscience.

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The commies in the city of Beijing announced on 07/07/22 that there would be a vaccine mandate for the traditional non-gene injection covid vaccine they have there starting on 07/11/22 for people to go to gyms, cinemas, libraries etc.

The people of Beijing rebelled and by 07/08/22 the commie Beijing city goverment had scapped the mandate.

The Chinese commies decided nobody should be coerced into ingesting the vax.

The Chinese refused to die for their government and their government declined to force them to.

The Chinese people refused to believe the propaganda of their government that the jabs were a good thing and refused to cravenly submit to the tyranny of vaccine mandates.

Not even the history of the. tanks in Tiananmen Square and the massacre cowered them into sumission.

Their government bowed to the will of the people.

What did the American people do?

What did the American government do?

What does this tell you?

Who is more brainwashed?

The Chinese people or the American people?

Who is braver?

Which government behaved more democratically?

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I despair that anything can be achieved in a police state like the US to achieve justice for those coerced or misled into taking these dangerous jabs.

Updated boosters will be rolled out and then the initial jabs will be declared to have been superseded by the new jabs and the initial jabs will be quiely withdrawn and then the new jabs will be declared to have been superseded due to the "discovery" of a "cure" for covid or effective early treatment and they will be quietly withdrawn.

The US Ministry of Truth will rewrite history and the MSM will pretend that there never were mandates and the jabs never existed. The jab era will be memory holed. Meanwhile the jabbed billions of the world will contine to.experience cancer progression, autoimmune diseases and death.

Helter Skelter. It's coming down fast.

The only hope of achieving anthing will be in a democracy like Japan but there is no hope in a totalitarian police state such as the US.

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I hate to say it, but I think you are correct.

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Well, well, the science was there pretty early to show their LETHAL PRIMARY intended effects, with exactly those same words:


What do they want from us?


I'll post more there about that.

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Of course there were NO relevant studies because the manufacturer of the shots, the DOD is in the business of killing people and blowing things up…NOT health!

All the Treason cannot be addressed nor anyone be held accountable until The People decide defending Freedom is a high enough priority to UNITE to do things that matter. Are you ready to unite?

HOW come the serious enormous elephant in the room is NOT being addressed YET after 3 VERY long destructive years of Treason everywhere?

Where is THE Freedom Movement to unite The People in 1 place, moving in 1 direction with 1 voice with SERIOUS strategic planners who can help with UNITED actions to shut down ALL Treason…absolutely NECESSARY to restore our Republic?

Our government regime is a complete reflection of the people in this country, ruining our lives and that of ALL humanity!

Lex Greene@ news with views.com writes to UNITE ALL who value Freedom and want to do something that matters. Lex Greene contact information at the end of his pieces…

UNITY 101 - E PLURIBUS UNUM by Lex Greene @ newswithviews.com


Mother/Grandmother Lion (of 6 and counting)

P.S. Divided our house is falling!

Is it because of lack of unity and serious strategic planning leadership, NO money (Freedom is NOT free), too busy complaining and whining, arguing, defending, praying AND doing nothing, attacking, etc, engaging in actions that CANNOT restore Freedom and Liberty?

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someone asked me if anyone from Cleveland clinic or mayo have come out against the Vaxx...if someone has seen that I'd love to tell my friend...before it's too late.

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Paul, could you take a look at this? If true, it's kind of huge. And if you know anyone home speaks Japanese, that'd be really helpful.


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From a bioweapons point of view gene therapy is indeed safe and effective - it will do the job it is intended to do, safely and effectively.

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But people took it anyway...Safe and Effective, dontcha know?

In fairness, since they blocked early treatment with HCQ/IVM and antibiotics...people

had a right to be scared.

They killed thousands.

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Do you think they are pumping kool aid into humans? It takes at least 7-12 years to make a PRESUMED safe vaccine. And you could argue that NO vaccines have ever been proven safe and really effective. It's all been faked.

The safe and effective scientific evidence is found wanting. What these horrid mRNA based substances really are is still unknown. Even after more than 2 years we cannot say with any certainty what is going to happen to the injected billions.

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this was known for some time from the UK’s NHS papers where lots of admissions were made about the lack of genotoxicity and teratogenicity studies and the lack of drive to do any anytime/ever. they also revealed that reproductive studies in rats were ongoing … as the shots were being promoted to pregnant women and women of child bearing age (benefit of vaccine induced immunity outweighs the unknown risks posed by a vaccine developed in record time and used for the first time on a mass human scale after the 4 months into a phase 3 trial).

the Pfizer biodystribution trial done in japan revealed mrna dispersion among various body tissues … kindeys, liver, heart, brain, … whaaaaat?

that might look insane, incompetent at best.

but i believe it was deliberate … you don’t run repeated scenarios of emerging pandemics over and over … and then make the worst mockery of a pandemic response program in modern human history by saying “next time we’ll just have to lock down sooner and administer vaccines faster ok? … just keep wearing masks”

Sanofi pediatric dengue vaccine disaster in the Philippines in 2017 … remember that one? 700 kids died AFTER taking the promised vaccine.

Pfizer’s Trovan disaster in Nigeria preceded Sanofi’s … that one went all the way to the Supreme Court there. … lack of informed consent to a trial drug … 75 million to the government settled the debt! and a couple 100k+ settlements kept the families quiet. 6 children died after being given an experimental drug instead of the common treatment antibiotic used for meningitis.

not their first go at the merry go round

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Great share. Thanks.

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