Nothing like wiping out future generations. We will be living in this vax hell for centuries to come.

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Oh, my effing God! It’s nothing but the in vivo use of 40 year old cell transfection reagents. Enough with stupid “mRNA technology” bullshit used only to hide its true nature and the degree to which it has been abused by the criminals of Covid Inc.

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As soon as I saw what the covid injections were going to do to the cells of our body which was to interfere with their normal workings I knew not to take them. This wasn't just presenting an antigen to the immune system and letting it do its job but it was going into our cells with a synthetic material and making them produce a part of the antigen. All of it screams danger, my survival instincts kicked in and I knew to avoid. All I see are two realities, my lived experience and what I see and hear around me which is not good and the reality pushed on me by my government. According to them all is rosy, we have a wonderful technology that has saved millions with no downside. The theatre and play acting continues from the government and their idiot enablers where they instruct us on what our reality should be.

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Time for these fkers to hang!

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My husbands daughter would not let him see his grand daughter because he was not vaxed!!!!! The girl was born in 2019 so she did not get vaxed milk but both her parents and caretaker grandma were vaxed in 2020 or 2021. So this child has to have the hydra gel that Dr. Anna Mihalcea talks of.

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These mothers that take that $@&t into their bodies are stupid. They are destroying the human genome, and those babies aren't human anymore. Babies are dying from drinking that breast milk. I hate to say it but...what the he'll is wrong with those doctors, giving covid 19 injections to pregnant women? Remember the thalidomide generation? WHO? Is going to pay for this total evil and corruption? I'm pretty sure that if some people were invisible, the baddies would ALL be gone!

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How does mRNA enter the body to get into the breast milk besides the mother taking the "vaccine?"

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Murder for depopulation.

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